Multiple-entity-row card: local number formatting update broke view

Hi there,

starting with I think v4.3.0 gorgeous multiple-entity-row card broke the look of entities.

Number format setting is AUTO

Therefore everything is shown right e. g. monetary or power attributes/entities:

BUT I have a lot of Version information entities/attributes, which now are shown wrong:

In the above example both entities (the ones presented right and the wrong ones marked in red) have the exact same configuration. No customization.

So it’s completely random. I don’t know if it’s a bug or if we need to configure the format of entities/attributes shown in multiple-entity-row since the v4.3.0 update.

Happy for every hint - help appreciated.

That card has had a lot of updates in the past few days. This might be a new issue that has crept in while that was happening.

Ask here:

Then create an issue here if it really is a bug:

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I suspect this bug may happen if:

  • there is a round(...) filter in value_template for template sensor;
  • no unit is displayed for this sensor in the row (unit: false).

See this:


Interesting. For first few affected entities/attributes I checked I could NOT confirm this:

as shown in the screenshot of my original post both numbers - the ones shown right and the ones shown wrong - are created exactly the same way. So unfortunately the pattern you suspect does not match. It‘s completely random.

I hope the maintainer will start digging into this.

The GitHub issue you linked is CLOSED. So I don’t think the maintainer will respond to answers there…

Strange, I changed my global settings several times, then restored it to “1 123,00” - now ALL my values are displayed as “1123.00”.
Seems this is not as predictable as I suspected…

He may respond, actually. He responded is similar cases.

After 2-3 minutes the situation repeated:
Values w/o units on the 2nd line are displayed wrong.