Multiple "is taking over 10 seconds" warnings after upgrading to 2022.6.7

I’m fully aware of the Terminal & SSH addon, (I use SSH extensively on other non-HA devices), but what makes me think that I don’t suffer from you scenario, is that my Processor use idles almost constantly at 2-3%. Yes at boot-up it can get up to 60% (maximum, and limited to ONE such reading!).
I think if I had more than one HA instance, things would look different.


It adds another 1-2% cpu usage. Anyway - it was just a suggestion as it’s what causes those problems on mine.

Don’t misunderstand me, I enjoy your input, and many thanks for that. I also wish I could help you. See this open issue on Github (

Thank you, that command was helpful. I’ve never used docker and so far I’ve managed to avoid digging into it, but this will be a great starting point for learning.

Meanwhile, I also get a lot of “is taking over 10 seconds” warnings. My top command output looks very similar to what @w35l3y posted. If I’m reading this correctly, there’s only one process which launched python to run homeassistant. I’m on core 2022.6.7 and OS 8.2.

At this point it’s not a show-stopper for me, but it does seem that HA is very chatty with the logs. Given the limited writes an SD card can tolerate, this seems counter-productive. If you were to run HA for a long period without restarting, the growing log files might also become an issue.

I wouldn’t worry as the limiting factor is typically loading yaml configurations and related to your hardware. In the next version, the yaml loading has been optimized by @bdraco, so it should be faster. He can correct me if I’m missing the mark. But that’s the take away I’ve gathered from his recent PRs.


If the problem is because the system is cpu or I/o bound there is a good chance it will be much better in 2022.7. If connecting to the device/service is slow it won’t help

How come I NEVER had this before 2022.6.7, as others have also noted?


If you could get a py-spy during startup we might be able to get an idea why, but since there weren’t any core changes between 2022.6.6 and 2022.6.7 (Comparing 2022.6.6...2022.6.7 · home-assistant/core · GitHub) its not obvious why.

fwiw, running the latest dev, and all of the improvements Nick did, I still see several of those too.

And I did already upgrade the hardware to a mini pc, with a now super fast restart time of 1 minute…52 sec even. wow, never seen before

but, its way less than before and intermittent. `for testing purposes just did another restart, an now only see:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/ 
First occurred: 16:52:28 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 16:52:28

Setup of rest is taking over 10 seconds.

to illustrate, the one before did:

2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_select is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_datetime is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of rest is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_boolean is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_number is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of zone is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of python_script is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'Philips Hue 1' for hue integration not ready yet: Error connecting to the Hue bridge at; Retrying in background
2022-06-29 16:20:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Setup of binary_sensor platform mqtt is taking over 10 seconds.

I have same problem in latest stable version 2022.8.

2022-08-10 11:37:48.419 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_number is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-08-10 11:37:48.436 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_select is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-08-10 11:37:48.440 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_text is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-08-10 11:37:48.444 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_button is taking over 10 seconds.

Home Assistant 2022.9.7
Supervisor 2022.09.1
Operating System 9.0
Frontend 20220907.2 - latest

Raspberry Pi 4 4GB + SSD + Conbee2

2022-09-28 05:13:53.437 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of automation is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.444 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] Setup of binary_sensor platform deconz is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.445 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setup of light platform deconz is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.447 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of sensor platform deconz is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.448 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of sensor platform forecast_solar is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.450 WARNING (MainThread) [] Setup of weather platform met is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.452 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setup of climate platform deconz is taking over 10 seconds.
2022-09-28 05:13:53.453 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setup of switch platform deconz is taking over 10 seconds.

Varies a bit each time, but at least some timeouts with every boot.

Same here with my snmp sensors. Outside of HA SNMP polling takes less than a sec.

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 22:07:27 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:09:27

Update of sensor.iot_vlan_interface_down_throughput is taking over 10 seconds
Update of sensor.home_vlan_interface_down_throughput is taking over 10 seconds

The “Update of … is taking over 10 seconds” occurrences have increases between 2023.4 and 2023.5. In my case it’s three specific entities with fan.levoit_air_cleaner being the worst

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 11:26:21 am (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 0:18:31 pm

  • Update of binary_sensor.bedroom_occupancy is taking over 10 seconds
  • Update of fan.levoit_air_cleaner is taking over 10 second
1 Like

Same issue on my Raspberry Pi3B (not on my ODROID-N2+)

2024-02-25 11:45:27.259 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of hassio is taking over 10 seconds.
2024-02-25 11:45:27.260 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of bluetooth is taking over 10 seconds.

Read over your thread, did you happen to see anything for sensor platform snmp or zone on your testing?
My setup is a HA on a yellow, and seeing consistent time delays for various items on startup.

The affected platforms would be different on every install depending on load order and which integration were configured because the loop was blocked and whatever else was being loaded would lose the race and get blocked.

Same issue here on startup:

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity
Quelle: helpers/
Erstmals aufgetreten: 19. Juni 2024 um 19:24:40 (11 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 06:47:05

* Update of binary_sensor.sz_nas_on is taking over 10 seconds
* Update of switch.magicmirror_monitor is taking over 10 seconds
* Update of fan.ventilator is taking over 10 seconds

Please see 2024.5+: Tracking down instability issues caused by integrations