Multiple mystery sensors with "Panic" status when using automatic_add

I’ve been using Hassio for a few weeks now to collect temperature and humidity status from all over my house, and it works great for that.

I’m using the Rfxtrx component and 433mhz sensors, with automatic_add enabled. I have a problem with multiple ghost sensors showing up, having the status “panic”. Right now there are 17 sensors showing up, and I’ve hidden quite a few already via config. They all have unique IDs, starting with 08200…

This post indicates that they may be smoke detectors, but who has 20+ smoke detectors in my vicinity?

Any tips on how to mitigate this (other than turning off automatic_add)?

A block of flats :wink: Couldn’t resist :slight_smile: But to be serious it could be the case :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway I don’t have automatic add enabled for any of my components after first discovering them and manually entering them into the config.

No flats nearby. I guess it’s down to turning of automatic add then, thanks.