What can the RFXtrx code tell about the sending unit?
Does the HEX string contain information about vendor, unit type, etc?
Example of units that show up with automatic_add
enabled, that I don’t know what is:
The 1st message is a TEMP10 sensor, the 2nd is most probably due to RF noise but could be a RM174RF smoke detector, the 3rd is an AC unit 2 ON command.
With RFXmngr you would see:
Packettype = TEMP
subtype = TEMP10 - TFA 30.3133, 30.3056, 30.3160
Sequence nbr = 152
ID = 4B01 decimal:19201
Temperature = 16,8 °C
Signal level = 5 -80dBm
Battery = OK
Packettype = Security1
subtype = RM174RF smoke detector
Sequence nbr = 125
id1-3 = B55D7B decimal:11885947
status = Panic
Signal level = 5 -80dBm
Packettype = Lighting2
subtype = AC
Sequence nbr = 122
ID = 08E9B2E decimal:9345838
Unit = 2
Command = On
Signal level = 6 -72dBm
I was now able to identify most of all unknown devices that are automatically added.
Could you look up this one for me in RFXmngr?
(I don’t have access to a Windows computer right now.)
Packettype = TEMP_HUM
subtype = TH1 - THGN122/123/132,THGR122/228/238/268
channel 1
Sequence nbr = 0
ID = 9401 decimal:37889
Temperature = 20,3 °C
Humidity = 62
Status = Comfortable
Signal level = 7 -64dBm
Battery = OK