RFXtrx 433MHz unit type identification

What can the RFXtrx code tell about the sending unit?
Does the HEX string contain information about vendor, unit type, etc?
Example of units that show up with automatic_add enabled, that I don’t know what is:

The 1st message is a TEMP10 sensor, the 2nd is most probably due to RF noise but could be a RM174RF smoke detector, the 3rd is an AC unit 2 ON command.
With RFXmngr you would see:

Packettype = TEMP
subtype = TEMP10 - TFA 30.3133, 30.3056, 30.3160
Sequence nbr = 152
ID = 4B01 decimal:19201
Temperature = 16,8 °C
Signal level = 5 -80dBm
Battery = OK
Packettype = Security1
subtype = RM174RF smoke detector
Sequence nbr = 125
id1-3 = B55D7B decimal:11885947
status = Panic
Signal level = 5 -80dBm
Packettype = Lighting2
subtype = AC
Sequence nbr = 122
ID = 08E9B2E decimal:9345838
Unit = 2
Command = On
Signal level = 6 -72dBm

I was now able to identify most of all unknown devices that are automatically added.
Could you look up this one for me in RFXmngr?
(I don’t have access to a Windows computer right now.)

Packettype = TEMP_HUM
subtype = TH1 - THGN122/123/132,THGR122/228/238/268
channel 1
Sequence nbr = 0
ID = 9401 decimal:37889
Temperature = 20,3 °C
Humidity = 62
Status = Comfortable
Signal level = 7 -64dBm
Battery = OK

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