Multiple Xaiomi Roborock Vacuums - NAME error

Hass .93.2 running in hassbian.

2x Roborock S5 vacuums. using the ‘name’ configuration entity throws error.

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    host:  10.x.x.x
    name: basement vacuum
    token: xxxx
  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    name: main_vacuum
    host: 10.xxxx
    token: xxx

^^ this configuration throws the following error


If i comment out the ‘name’ line, there are no errors and hass will start, but I can’t clearly tell which vacuum is which.

Xaiomi Docs here - Xiaomi Miio - Home Assistant
show this:


(string)(Required)The IP address of your robot.


(string)(Required)The API token of your robot.


(string)(Optional)The name of your robot.

Default value: Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner

What am I missing? Thanks!

Either put quotes around basement vacuum or replace the space with an underscore.

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Tried that already. Same result.

Not sure what the heck was wrong with me yesterday — but…

Tried your suggestion again just now, and it works!
thanks so much!

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Hi mattvirus,

sry for bumping, but i have a (silly) question. are you using the same token for the two vacums or is it the same one?

i just got an extra s5 and i cannot get a second token (I tried for days now).

br peter

I continued my search and came across this guide: Guide to retrieve Xiaomi Roborock (and other) tokens!
Started from scrach and this time it worked. (sometimes sleep and a restart can be a viable solution)

now i can see all my xiaomi tokens - one for each vac and sensor (i have a lot)

sry for the inconvenience.
