Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily šŸ„ (Part 1)

Did anyone else have their Mushroom Cardsā€™ borders hidden by using this line

                    style: |
                      ha-card {--chip-box-shadow: none;}

throughout their .yaml until the borders started re-appearing recently?

Whatā€™s the fix?


Truly above and beyond! Thank you!

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Did a lot of searching and still not have it solved 100% however below already is a great improvement. If Anyone could tell me how to get the background of the popup and/or the ā€œlights onā€ header less transparent this would be great.

                        style: |
                          :host([dark-mode]) {
                            background: rgba(var(--rgb-primary-background-color), 0.6);
                          :host {
                            background: rgba(var(--rgb-primary-text-color), 0.2);
                            --mush-icon-size: 43px;
                            height: 60px;
                            margin-left: -5px !important;
                          ha-card {
                            padding: 1px;
                            background: rgba(var(--rgb-primary-background-color), 0.8);

Were you ever able to figure this out?
Iā€™d like to use the original entity icon in a template chip and then use templates to change that iconā€™s color based on state.

Really amazing, thank you for your time youā€™ve invested in making a manual for it Ć”nd sharing it!
Looks awesome, I will share the result once Iā€™ve made it to my needs.

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Just started looking into the mushroom cards and when I added the repo in HACS it gave me a side bar entry with allllllllllllll of my entities.

In the middle of these is a set of presence cards for the people I have defined in home assistant.
They donā€™t look like anything else Iā€™ve seen though.
Iā€™ve been scrolling through this thread and canā€™t find anything similar. Any way to tell what the code used for these pre-made cards would be?
Card is a (large for most of the mushroom stuff) square with the status of the person overlaid on the bottom.


i just upgraded my HA from 2022.09.0 to 2022.11.2.
however, my whole window looks completely different after updating.

I just donā€™t see how this is possible, and what I need to adjust for this.
does anyone know what has changed?

Before the HA upgrade:

After the HA upgrade:


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got this aswell unfortunately, just now after updating. Im wondering how i can fix this.

How can I change the default icon size of mushroom cards? i.e. to make it 32px instead of 24px on the whole theme.

mushroom icon-size1


There are posts in this thread and several others. Just look for them, lots of ways to fix.

Iā€™m curious about any solutions.
Checked some posts above, unfortunately it doesnā€™t solve anything yet.

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Found it. Set your lovelace tab to theme: mushroom shadow.


I can get the Alarmo chip to show arm home and arm away. I donā€™t use arm home, so is there a way to use arm night?

That is great, and works great!

Any idea on how to ignore users, specific entities or device trackers? Would like to not see the phone of a certain person in the house which is always low on battery šŸ„²

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hi @esr2 , in tuhe automation, what trigger do you use? can you share a code for an automation please?

You need to exclude the entity in two places. First in the template used to count the low batteries, like this:

{% set ignore_entities = ['sensor.elijahs_phone_battery_level', 'sensor.spare_sensor_battery'] %}

Second in the auto-entities, like this:

    - entity_id: sensor.elijahs_phone_battery_level
    - entity_id: sensor.spare_sensor_battery

You can change the default Mushroom Icon size to 32px by adding mush-icon-size: 64px to your theme.


Iā€™m using the Mushroom Template card for devices with power monitoring smart switches. Iā€™m trying to set 3 x states for the icon colour; on + using power, on, off. The second two settings work but I donā€™t know how to correctly construct the top setting to set the icon to red when it is using above x watts of power - any tips?!

{% if is_state('sensor.tasmota_energy_power_6', above '1') %}
{% elif is_state('switch.tasmota_6', 'on') %}
{% elif is_state('switch.tasmota_6', 'off') %}
{% endif %}

Is there a way to replicate the ā€œentitiesā€ card, that stacks multiple lights vertically with a toggle for all in the header using the better mushroom lights UI?
