Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily šŸ„ (Part 1)

Hi, can you share your code for this ?
thank you.


One sample:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Front Door Lock
secondary: |-
  {% set state=states(entity) %}
  {% if state=='locked' %}
  {% elif state=='unlocked' %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
icon: |-
  {% set state=states(entity) %}
  {% if state=='locked' %}
  {% elif state=='unlocked' %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
layout: vertical
entity: lock.front_door_lock
  action: toggle
icon_color: |-
  {% set state=states(entity) %}
  {% if state=='locked' %}
  {% elif state=='unlocked' %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

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What about animation? Is it possible to do it at some state of the binary sensor?

Hi, is there any way to customize font size in mushroom-title-card? iā€™d like to increase both title and subtitle font size. Thanks!

Yes, you can set a unique icon and animation in each state. You just have to substitute the right icon and animation in the right place. Scroll up in the topic and you will see plenty of examples.

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animation examples

Have a look here:

Iā€™m adapting @rhysb 's great media card and am struggling to align a grid layout-card with the Mushroom media card, all within a stack-in-card.

I could avoid the issue if I were able to reduce the space around the volume slider and buttons in a Mushroom media card. Iā€™ve tried everything my limited CSS skills allow to do that. But, Iā€™m also open to any other suggestions.

Basically, Iā€™ve split things into two separate media cards, because I need volume controls on the same row as a chip card that calls a volume-related script.

What Iā€™m trying to achieve:

Relevant part of the card config:

...more before; cards are inside a stack-in-card...

  - type: custom:mushroom-media-player-card
    entity: media_player.sonos_all_inside
    icon: mdi:play
    use_media_info: true
    use_media_artwork: false
    show_volume_level: false
      - play_pause_stop
      - previous
      - next
      style: |
        ha-card {
          margin: 0px 0px 0px;
          border-width: 0;
  - type: custom:layout-card
    layout_type: custom:grid-layout
      - type: custom:mushroom-media-player-card
        entity: media_player.sonos_all_inside
          - volume_mute
          - volume_set
          - volume_buttons
        media_controls: []
        show_volume_level: true
        use_media_info: false
        icon_type: none
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
          style: |
            ha-card {
              --mush-rgb-disabled: 189,189,189;
              --mush-rgb-indigo: 63, 81, 181;
              border-color: rgb(0,0,0,0);
              background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0);
              box-shadow: none
      - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: action
            icon: mdi:volume-equal
            alignment: end
            name: SYNC
              action: call-service
              service: script.sonos_whole_house_volume
              data: {}
              target: {}
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  margin-top: 13px;  #To align button with volume slider
                  margin-right: 0px;
                  margin-left: 0px;
                  --chip-background: rgba(var(--rgb-disabled), 0.1);
                  --chip-box-shadow: none;
                  --chip-border-radius: 12px;
                  --chip-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
                  --chip-height: 40px;
                  --chip-padding: 10px;
              box-shadow: none
      grid-template-columns: 85% 15%

...more after...

Hope this is clear. Thanks very much in advance!

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Thanks for the excellent media card, @rhysb . Hereā€™s an addition that you might find useful. I modified the logic for the animated icon so that it only animates if media is currenlty playing.


      style: |
        mushroom-shape-icon {
          display: flex;
          {% set media_type = state_attr(config.entity, 'media_content_type') %}
          {% if media_type == 'tvshow' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:television-classic;
            {% if not is_state('media_player.sonos_all_inside', 'paused') %}
              animation: flicker 1s linear infinite alternate;
            {% endif %}    
          {% elif media_type == 'movie' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:movie-roll;
            {% if not is_state('media_player.sonos_all_inside', 'paused') %}
              animation: spin 2s linear infinite reverse;
            {% endif %}    
          {% elif media_type == 'music' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:music;
            {% if not is_state('media_player.sonos_all_inside', 'paused') %}
              animation: beat 1.3s ease-out infinite both;
            {% endif %}    
          {% elif media_type == 'playlist' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:music;
            {% if not is_state('media_player.sonos_all_inside', 'paused') %}
              animation: beat 1.3s ease-out infinite both;
            {% endif %}    
          {% else %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:play;
          {% endif %}



not sure if you ever got an answer. I have tivimate and implayer working using the android tv integration and running service calls. Let me know if you want to see how i did it.

Playing around with the Team Tracker HACS Integration and Iā€™m wondering if I can wrap it in a Mushroom Template card or utilize Mushroom in any way for more customization? Still figuring out also how Iā€™d like to display a dedicated sports page as well. All Idea and layout suggestions welcome.

Sample Team Tracker Code
type: custom:teamtracker-card
entity: sensor.sp_dallas_cowboys
card_title: Dallas Cowboys Football
home_side: right
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Great idea :grin:. Can be done with a single line if like this:

        mushroom-shape-icon {
          display: flex;
          {% set media_type = state_attr(config.entity, 'media_content_type') %}
          {% if media_type == 'tvshow' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:television-classic;
            animation: flicker 1s linear infinite alternate;
          {% elif media_type == 'movie' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:movie-roll;
            animation: spin 2s linear infinite reverse;
          {% elif media_type == 'music' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:music;
            animation: beat 1.3s ease-out infinite both;
          {% elif media_type == 'playlist' %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:music;
            animation: beat 1.3s ease-out infinite both;
          {% else %}
            --card-mod-icon: mdi:play;
          {% endif %}

          {{ 'animation: none;' if not is_state(config.entity, 'playing') }}


Iā€™ll add it to the Media Playerā€¦ here & here


where did you place this code?

Yes, please :wink:

One of my template cards shows lines with an extra empty line between lines and indentation before each line as you can see in the picture below.



type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Garbage Collection
secondary: >-
  {% set garbage_types = [

  {'name':'Gelber Sack','date':state_attr('sensor.garbage_collection',
  'Gelber Sack'),'message':states('sensor.gelber_sack_garbage_collection')},


  ] | sort(attribute='date') %}

  {% for garbage_type in garbage_types -%}
	{% if as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.garbage_collection', < as_timestamp(now()) + 604800 -%}
	{% if == 'Biotonne' -%} Bio: {{ garbage_type.message }}
	{% elif == 'Gelber Sack' -%} Gelber: {{ garbage_type.message }}
	{% elif == 'Papiertonne' -%} Papier: {{ garbage_type.message }} 
	{% elif == 'RestmĆ¼ll' -%} RestmĆ¼ll: {{ garbage_type.message }}
	{% endif %}
	{% endif -%}
  {% endfor -%}
icon: mdi:trash-can
badge_icon: ''
icon_color: black
fill_container: true
multiline_secondary: true
  action: none
  action: none
  action: none

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You absolutely rock! Awesome work and thank you so much!

Iā€™ve made some changes in order to disable the animation when my Christmas lights are off (Itā€™s a switch).

- type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
                      - type: template
                        icon: mdi:pine-tree
                        icon_color: green
                        entity: switch.christmas_lights
                          action: toggle
                      - type: template
                        icon: mdi:star
                        icon_color: yellow
                          action: none
                      - type: template
                        icon: mdi:grain
                        icon_color: red
                          action: none
                      - type: template
                        icon: mdi:gift
                        icon_color: red
                          action: none
                        mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(2)$: |
                          mushroom-chip {
                            cursor: default !important;
                          ha-icon {
                            position: absolute;
                            left: -35px;
                            {% if is_state('switch.christmas_lights','on') %}
                            animation: star 8s ease infinite alternate; 
                            {% else %}
                            display: none;
                            {% endif %}
                          @keyframes star {
                            0%, 100% { transform: translateY(-9px) rotate(0deg) scale(0.4); }
                            50% { transform: translateY(-9px) rotate(360deg) scale(0.6); }
                        mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(3)$: |
                          mushroom-chip {
                            cursor: default !important;
                          ha-icon {
                            position: absolute;
                            left: -79px;
                            {% if is_state('switch.christmas_lights','on') %}
                            animation: flash 2s steps(1) infinite, lights 2s infinite;
                            clip-path: polygon(51% 15%, 24% 74%, 74% 74%);
                            {% else %}
                            display: none;
                            {% endif %}
                          @keyframes flash {
                            50% { transform: rotateY(180deg); }
                          @keyframes lights {
                            0%, 100% {--color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); }
                            6.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); }
                            12.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-orange)); }
                            18.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-amber)); }
                            25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-yellow)); }
                            31.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-lime)); }
                            37.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-light-green)); }
                            43.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-green)); }
                            50% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-teal)); }
                            56.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-cyan)); }
                            62.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-light-blue)); }
                            68.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-blue)); }
                            75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-indigo)); }
                            81.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-purple)); }
                            87.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-purple)); }
                            93.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-pink)); }
                        mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(4)$: |
                          mushroom-chip {
                            cursor: default !important;
                          ha-icon {
                            position: absolute;
                            left: -114px;
                            bottom: 8px;
                            {% if is_state('switch.christmas_lights','on') %}
                            animation: surprise 4s ease infinite;
                            {% endif %}
                            --chip-icon-size: 8px;
                          @keyframes surprise {
                            0%, 20%, 100% { transform: translateY(0); }
                            2.5% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-27deg); }
                            5% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(21deg); }
                            7.5% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-15deg); }
                            10% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(9deg); }
                            12.5% { transform: translateY(0); }
                            15% { transform: translateY(-1.2px) }
                        .: |
                          mushroom-template-chip:not(:first-child) {
                            --chip-background: none;
                            --chip-box-shadow: none;
                            --chip-border-width: 0px;
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Iā€™m trying to optimize my Mushroom Climate Card :slight_smile:
Would love to have something like this:

Scenerio 1:
Hvac_action: heating (icon color is orange)
Actual temperature: 21,5Ā°C (shown in white in the icon)
Valve percentage opening: 18% (shown in the badge)

Scenerio 2:
Hvac_action: idle (icon color is grey)
Actual temperature: 19,3Ā°C (shown in white in the icon)
Valve percentage opening: 0% (shown in the badge or not active icon)

Scenerio 3:
Hvac_action: cooling (icon color is blue)
Actual temperature: 19,3Ā°C (shown in white in the icon)
Valve percentage opening: 25% (shown in the badge)

I think this can be achieved by using a horizontal stack with:

  • a chips card for the icon and badge
  • the standard climate card for the rest

However I donā€™t succeed in getting the result.
I tried to putt together all @rhysb pieces, but the result is not that good :slight_smile:

Here is the code:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
        icon: none
        content: >-
          {{state_attr('', 'current_temperature')|replace('.',
          ',')}} Ā°
        icon_color: none
          action: none
          style: |
            ha-card {
              padding: 0px; 
              {{ '--chip-background: rgba(var(--rgb-orange));' if is_state(config.entity, 'heat') }}
              {{ '--chip-background: rgba(var(--rgb-blue));' if is_state(config.entity, 'cool') }}
              {{ '--chip-background: rgba(var(--rgb-grey));' if is_state(config.entity, 'idle') }}
              ha-card:after {
              content: "{{ states('sensor.alpha2_heat_control_ezr012b5_glv_1_valve_opening') }}";
              position: absolute;
              display: flex;
              justify-content: center;
              align-items: center;
              background: rgb(var(--rgb-blue-grey));
              color: var(--card-background-color);
              font-weight: bolder;
              border-radius: 50%;
              top: -5px;
              right: -5px;
              width: 16px;
              height: 16px;
              font-size: 11px; 
            .content {
              white-space: pre-wrap;
  - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
    icon: none
    icon_type: none
    layout: horizontal
    fill_container: true
    show_temperature_control: true
      action: more-info

Any idea to get the initial requested result? :slight_smile:

hallo nice man

Iā€™ve also been working on this wow also set it up for the world cup but nothing comes in to me how did you get this spin thanks in advance!

Nicely simplified, Thanks! Iā€™ve updated my own configuration accordingly.

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Hi! Could you do this? I canā€™t do it with the instructions provided by @WebPower
Maybe @rhysb can help us with the animations in Chips according to their state. Thank you