Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

How would I go about switching the button control position on the cover card? I want up on the left, but it is currently on the right.

I’m looking for a way to have the cover card vertical (like lovelace-vertical-slider-cover-card, any hints on that?

Try this (not tested, but I’ve had to use similar in other cards)…

  - sensor:
      - name: "woonkamer_total_covers_closed"
        state: >
          ‍{{ expand('cover.woonkamer_covers') | selectattr('attributes.current_position', 'eq', 0) | list | count | int }}

It forces a non-printable character to prepend the 0 meaning that it’s not seen as a “falsely” value. In this case the character used is the “zero width joiner”.

I recommend everyone to not use stack-in-card as it’s not maintained as of a few years ago(2020)… use ‘vertical-stack-in-card’ instead, that even has a UI editor so it’s easier to do changes etc


Try this.

                ha-card {
                  --control-height: 16px;
                  --control-top: 16px;
                  --control-border-radius: 5px;

I have tried it but it shows the zero but also the non-printable character.

Also in the developer tools I get the same wrong text:


OK. I’ve tested now with a template chip. It appears that it doesn’t process the html entities.

However, you can paster the character in.

Use the following link: ‍ Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ) Emoji and it will allow to copy the character.

I would put this character in the output of the card rather than the template sensor itself. That way you’re only controlling the output, allowing automations to still use the 0 if needed.

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:home
    content: '{{ ''‍0'' }}'

That was the test I did. Whilst it looks like it’s just a 0, I pasted the character I copied from that link just before the 0.


Thanks that works. But isn’t it a bug? So I think I have to create it? (Because in other controls there are no problems).

It seems to be that there is another bug:

                    icon_color: >
                      {% if states('sensor.woonkamer_total_covers_closed') == 0 %}
                      {% else %}
                      {% endif %}

This doesn’t work. My sensor gives zero as value and in the UI the icon_color is blue.

When I change the code to:

                    icon_color: >
                      {% if states('sensor.woonkamer_total_covers_closed') | int == 0 %}
                      {% else %}
                      {% endif %}

So I have added the ‘| int’ part and then it works. But that is already in the template sensor.

You could try and raise again but this was already raised and closed here: [Bug]: Template chips card cannot return 0 when Jinja templating ¡ Issue #515 ¡ piitaya/lovelace-mushroom ¡ GitHub

RE: your colour. I’m pretty sure states are strings so you would need to cast to int as you did in your working example or compare against '0' in your first example.

Okay I didn’t know that it already was reported. For now I will do the hidden character. Everything works now.



could you please share how you did House, Lights, Raptor,… cards?


Good day;
could anyone point me into a way to center the card in the space.
I am using Mushroom template card and want to put multiple cards side-by-side in horizontal stack. But this way each card is aligned to the left.

I use following Card mod adjustments:

      style: |
        ha-card {
          border-radius: 30px;
          width: 70px;
          --card-primary-font-size: 10px;

as it’s my first post in this topic I wouuld like to thank you all for creating this amazing project and sharing your ideas. @rhysb I’m really grateful for what you posted - thanks to your work my dashboard looks very modern. Unfortunetly I occured some problem. I hope that someone will manage to help me dealing with them.

  1. In the mobile app every card after being touched is being surrounded by a huge rectangle for a while (recording attached below). How could I prevent this? What am I doing wrong? There is no shuch problem in the desktop browser (but it occurs in the mobile one).

  2. I would like to edit rhys’ room card, so that I could switch specific light entities by pressing an icon displayed at the bottom of the card. I am able to add an interactive icon to that card, but it is being displayed at its right side and I would like it to be positioned on the left. When I add “toogle chip” after alignment: end it interferes with those conditional ones, made by the author. @rhysb could you please tell me how could I add such icon? I’m sending an example in the attachment. I would like the toogle icon to be placed in the place of red dot.

Best regards,

PS. In the first GIF the mouse is visible only because it was easier for me to stream my phone’s screen to computer than record it locally - but still: it is a smartphone app.

1 Like

Hello everyone!
I’m trying to remove this outline in this card but havent succeed. Anyone that can help me?
Thanks!! :smiley:

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: sensor.opensprinkler_last_run
        secondary_info: last-changed
        name: Última activación riego
        icon: mdi:sprinkler-variant
  - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
    horizontal: true
      - square: false
        columns: 2
        type: grid
          - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
            entity: script.activar_riego_10min
            icon: mdi:sprinkler-variant
            name: Activar
            layout: vertical
            secondary_info: none
          - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
            entity: script.parar_riego
            name: Parar
            icon: mdi:stop-circle-outline
            layout: vertical
            secondary_info: none
  - type: custom:timer-bar-card
      - timer.riego

EDIT: Found the solution. Added this to the end of the custom vertical stack in card:

      style: |
        ha-card {
        border: solid 0px ;
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I’m not sure, but it seems like you’re using the wrong theme. You should use minimalist-desktop or minimalist-mobile.

This is mine climate card:


My problem was:

In studio i`m having 2 climates, radiator and AC. I wanted join both into one card and i did it.

The big issue is:

  1. im having problem with changing colours of status from AC. When im starting radiator status is changing to red, but when im srtarting AC its not changing to blue:( - Any ideas?

  2. I want give names for chips (for example “Humidity” i want to change for other name and i don`t know how i can do this:/ Same thing woth other chips (fire chip and snowflake chip)

  3. This is the biggest problem and i dont know if its possible, at right top corner im having values of my climate radiator. I wish to create that thing, when im starting AC then it should appear values of AC, when i`m starting radiator, then should appear radiators values…

Do You have any ideas Guys?:confused:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  margin: false
  box_shadow: false
  background: false
  - type: grid
    square: false
    columns: 2
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        style: |
          ha-card {
            padding-bottom: 1px !important;
        primary: Studio
        secondary: |
          Status: {{ state_attr('climate.studio_kaloryfer', 'hvac_action') }}
        icon: |-
          {% set mode = states('climate.studio_kaloryfer') %}
          {% if mode == 'off' %}
          {% elif mode == 'heat' %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        icon_color: >-
          {% set status = state_attr('climate.studio_kaloryfer','hvac_action')

          {% if status == 'off' %}


          {% elif status == 'heating' %}


          {% endif %}
        tap_action: none
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: custom:simple-thermostat
            style: |
              ha-card {
                --st-spacing: px;
              ha-card .current--value {
                color: #ffffff;
              header {
                margin-bottom: 12px !important;
                padding-bottom: 0px !important;
              ha-card .thermostat-trigger { 
                color: #9e9e9e;
            entity: climate.studio_kaloryfer
              name: false
              icon: false
            decimals: '1'
            fallback: 'Off'
              temperature: true
              state: true
                names: false
                icons: false
                headings: false
              step: row
            step_size: '0.5'
                'off': false
                heat: false
                cool: false
                heat_cool: false
                auto: false
    chips: null
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
    style: |
      ha-card {
        --chip-box-shadow: none;
        --chip-background: none;
    alignment: justify
      - type: template
        content: '{{state_attr(entity, ''temperature'')}} °C'
        entity: climate.studio_kaloryfer
        icon: mdi:fire
          action: more-info
        icon_color: >-
          {% set status = state_attr('climate.studio_kaloryfer','hvac_action')

          {% if status == 'off' %}


          {% elif status == 'heating' %}


          {% endif %}
      - type: template
        content: '{{state_attr(entity, ''temperature'')}} °C'
        entity: climate.midea_ac
        icon: mdi:snowflake
          action: more-info
        icon_color: |-
          {% set status = state_attr('climate.midea_ac','hvac_modes') 

          {% if status == 'off' %}


          {% elif status == 'cool' %}


          {% endif %}
      - type: template
          action: none
        content: '{{ states(entity) }}% Humidity'
        entity: sensor.studio_czujnik_temperatury_humidity
        icon: mdi:water
        icon_color: blue
          action: none
          action: none
  - type: custom:simple-thermostat
    style: |
      ha-card {
        --st-font-size-toggle-label: 6px
        --st-spacing: 0px;
        --st-default-spacing: 0px;
        --st-mode-background: #262626;
        margin-left: 12px;
        margin-right: 12px;
      ha-card { 
        background: #363636;
        color: #9e9e9e;
      ha-card { 
        background: #1d3447;
        color: #2196f3;
      ha-card { 
        background: #472421;
        color: #f44336;
      ha-card { 
        background: #493516;
        color: #ff9800;
      ha-card { 
        background: #263926;
        color: #4caf50;
      ha-card { 
        background: #363636;
        color: #9e9e9e;
      ha-card .mode-item:hover { 
        background: #363636;
        color: #9e9e9e;
      ha-card .mode-item {
        --st-spacing: 10px;
        border-radius: 10px;
      ha-card .modes {
        grid-gap: 12px
    entity: climate.studio_kaloryfer
    header: false
    setpoints: false
      temperature: true
      state: true
        headings: false
        icons: true
        names: false
      step: row
          name: Power
          name: Heat
        auto: false
  - type: grid
    square: false
    columns: 3
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: sensor.studio_czujnik_temperatury_temperature
        primary_info: state
        secondary_info: name
        name: W studiu
        icon_color: green
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: sensor.temperatura_na_zewnatrz_temperature
        primary_info: state
        secondary_info: name
        name: Na zewnątrz
        icon_color: blue
        icon: mdi:home-thermometer
      - type: custom:simple-thermostat
        style: |
          ha-card {
            --st-font-size-toggle-label: 6px
            --st-spacing: 0px;
            --st-default-spacing: 1.3px;
            --st-mode-background: #262626;
            margin-right: 12px;
          ha-card { 
            background: #363636;
            color: #9e9e9e;
          ha-card { 
            background: #363636;
            color: #9e9e9e;
          ha-card .mode-item:hover { 
            background: #363636;
            color: #9e9e9e;
          ha-card .mode-item {
            --st-spacing: 6px;
            border-radius: 10px;
          ha-card .modes {
            grid-gap: 12px
        entity: climate.midea_ac
        header: false
        setpoints: false
          temperature: true
          state: true
            headings: false
            icons: true
            names: false
          step: row
            'off': true
            heat: false
            cool: true
            heat_cool: false
            fan_only: false
            dry: false

1 Like

Hi team,
at first, amazing what you are doing in this thread - I love how everybody helps out :slight_smile:

Now I need your help - I want to create a responsive 3 column dashboard, where:

  • Full width is used
  • iPad landscape all 3 columns beside each other are used
  • iPhone view the columns got stacked - c1, c2, c3 - all below each other

What is the best way to do that? Thanks team :slight_smile:

Id say:
New dashboard → ‘Panel type’ (this way it expands for the whole page) → horizontal stack with 3 vertical stacks ( c1, 2, 3) inside?

Edit: didn’t see your 3rd point, so this wouldn’t work …

I know my else statement is wrong, but how do I make it right? I want the color to change based on if the state is reading over 200.0 or under 200.0


  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Watts
        secondary: '{{ states(''sensor.outlet_garage_heater_watts'') }}'
        icon: mdi:electron-framework
        entity: sensor.outlet_garage_heater_watts
        picture: ''
        icon_color: |-
          {% if is_state("sensor.outlet_garage_heater_watts", < 200.0) %}
          {% elif is_state("sensor.outlet_garage_heater_watts", > 200.0) %}

          {% endif %}

try the following please

{% set watts = states("sensor.outlet_garage_heater_watts") | float %}    
{% if watts > 200 %} green    
{% else %} red    
{% endif %}