Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

hey @Jpsy, were you able to sort this out? I’m also in shadow-root hell trying to resize the picture on the person card

Nope, unfortunately not. I finally gave up. Not sure if it is possible at all.

I have a wierd problem with Mushroom. I’m not able to update it or uninstall it. I’ve installed it through HACS, but when I try to uninstall it, it doesn’t go away and in the log I’ve got
<Theme piitaya/lovelace-mushroom> Path /config/themes/ is blocked from removal.
I’ve tried to manually remove it without sucess and when I try to reinstall it, it will do it but in the folder config/themes

Can anyone please help me.


Is it possible to have a spinning icon in a template card(I know the fan-card has this function)?

My card:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
layout: vertical
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: luftfukter
multiline_secondary: false
icon_color: light-blue
entity: fan.xiaomi_humidifier
  action: none
  action: none
icon: |-
  {% if is_state(entity, 'on') and is_state('fan.eva_luftfukter', 'on') %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

Hello. Excellent progress. I would like to know if it can be customized a little more. For example, font size, card height or that cards that are set to on appear with a different background color? Thank you very much


Is there a way to bold information in the title card ? as does not work ?

Below is a image of a title card, which I would like the Thermostat State and temperatures to stand out.

Any update on the thermostat card as this may even mean I dont need anything like this too ?


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Might you be better off using the regular Markdown Card? You could use card-mod to remove the border and it’ll look the same as the title card, but allow you to put in highlighting.

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Does anyone else run into problems when using ‘mushroom-title-card’ with a grid layout?
I’m using the ‘layout-card’ - Grid option for my dashboard, any everything seems to work as expected until I apply the placement yaml to the title card, then it vanishes from my dashboard… the same placement yaml seems to work OK with other mushroom cards :thinking:

My title card yaml is simply:

      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
          grid-area: main2
        title: Office

Hi all, how can I call a service from a chip card using a template? This is my attempt

  - type: entity
    entity: person.archie
    use_entity_picture: true
      action: call-service
      service: device_tracker.see
        dev_id: archie_manual_tracker
        location_name: |-
          {% if is_state('input_boolean.archie_s_location_toggle', 'on') -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif %}
      target: {}

but it just renders the code

Just tried the markdown card and that worked a treat. Thank you.

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I’ve trying to figure out a simple solution to this as well and pulling my hair out!

Any luck here? I’d love to add some card mod code to change the slider color and make gradient against the brightness value, and have the icon simply change color with state (on/off). I can’t find the right variables in themes nor actions for card mod.

is it possible to change the font color in the template card?
I mean in the primary or secondary info.
And in dependence.

for example:

if (states["luxtronik.id_web_temperatur_ta"].state < 0) return '#008eff';


is a slider planned for inpu_number?
That would be great.

You can change the color with card_mod but it’s not possible to change it from the mushroom editor. And I don’t think we will add this feature to keep the design consistent.

For the input slider, we already had feedback about that something that can be added in a future update :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you need to use a template card to be able to do that

This may help. You can change the color using the theme and change the color of: mush-rgb-orange

Comment # 1. Fan and Light Card Colors not working

It’s probably just me but the icons on the Alarm card seem small and similar. I would prefer to just show the words: Home Away and Night

I really like these cards. Does anyone know how to change the icon colors based on state using the template card to match the light card. I can use a template to change the icon color based on state, but i can’t get the off state to match (grey background, teal icon color). I attempted to do this with custom-button card, but that will take a long time to get right.

The off state is well, off compared to the others.

The on state looks good!

Hey all,

Obligatory “I’m new, please be gentle”

I’d like to use a chip to start a scene (pre-sets for some LEDs), and use the same chip to turn those lights off if they’re already playing that scene.

To start, I’m just trying to have a togglable chip, but I haven’t been very successful in getting that to happen, and I’m hoping for some guidance.

I have successfully changed the color and icon of other chips and used that as a framework.
Changing the function of a tap is still giving me trouble though.

My latest attempt looks like this:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    entity: scene.low_light
    icon: mdi:brightness-4
    icon_color: white
    tap_action: |-
      {% set state=states('light.office_moulding') %}
      {% if state=='off' %}
      action: call-service
      service: scene.turn_on
        transition: 3
        entity_id: scene.low_light
      {% elif state=='on' %}
      action: call-service
      service: light.turn_off
        transition: 3
        entity_id: light.office_moulding
      {% endif %}
    content: Low
      action: none
      action: none

You can disable the top bar by installing the “Kiosk Mode” repository via HACS and adding it to your Mushroom dashboard per the repo’s instructions.

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