Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

What do you have behind script.office_fan_set_speed ? If you test the exact value in your script, that why it’s doesn’t work.

Can we use conditional statements in just template cards or any other cards?

I use:

        icon_color: >-
          {% set robot = states('vacuum.robot') %}{% if robot == 'cleaning'
          %}amber{% else %}grey{% endif %}

Templatable parameters are accepted for template card, template chip and title card (as I’m aware of).

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Somehow funny that now most of the discussions in this thread is about yaml. :joy:


Will there be GUI to setup confirmation messages? I did not see it at all in docs :slight_smile: But nice feature to avoid false pushes (children love to play and touch everyting :stuck_out_tongue: )

I think most can set it up without any yaml, at least 90% works great for me. The custom user specific stuff still needs some yaml, but it’s done in de ui here.

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Mushroom used the home assistant action input for the GUI and it’s seems that it doesn’t support confirmation messages. You can add it in the yaml config if you need it :slightly_smiling_face: (I think most of users don’t need it)
If someone add it to home assistant, it will be visible to mushroom GUI as well.

@arganto, yes it’s funny :joy:. A lot of people want to do very custom things. These things can be done using template card/chip and title but Home Assistant templates can be complicated :sweat_smile:.
We will try to keep Mushroom as simple as possible. The biggest challenge is to find the best balance between customization and ease of use.


Tap action not working with template cards or chips

Do you have any information, configuration to share ? Nobody has reported something like this before.

If you’re trying to toggle an entity, set the Tap Action to Toggle instead of Default Action.

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Yousaf Presence
        entity_id: binary_sensor.yousaf_presence
        secondary: |
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.yousaf_presence', 'on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %} 
        icon: mdi:home
        icon_color: |
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.yousaf_presence', 'on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        vertical: true
          action: more-info

If i press the entity nothing comes up


It’s because more-info is not supported for template cards/chips.

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Came across the Mushroom cards and loving my new dashboard. Looks like a thermostat card is in the works? Checked out 7ahang’s work on Behanve I think it would be awesome if you had the thermostat and media cards similar to 7ahang. Any idea as to when these would be coming out? I’ve never been fond of the thermostat cards thus far in home assistant.

Thermostat card and climate are in the work. I just prefer to fix the first feedback from the community.

For those who are interested, I just added a conditional chip in the v1.0.5. It just works like the official conditional card but for chips.


This is fantastic! Very excited to dig into it this weekend.

Thank you for this! I was just doing a ground up redo of my HA and just so happened to find this. I was previously doing custom button cards with a heavily customized theme. I was able to reproduce everything in minutes using this theme and with a much better user experience.

+1 to finally having touch friendly sliders.

My setup is mostly mushroom cards and some built-in cards put into vertical stacks and grids. One mobile the vertical stacks fall into a really nice single column experience.


Really nice! Keep up the good work :grinning:

Great work @OptimalHome. I have a similar setup. Do you mind sharing your yaml?

Maybe an idea to hide the “light sliders” when the light is off :bulb: