Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily šŸ„ (Part 1)

Itā€™s interesting, but even a simple template return just a house #
I know itā€™s not a right place to ask ,but why?

Thank you for help

Yes you are correct. There is specific set of variables that can be changed and those variables are specifically defined in the JavaScript. The rest of the variables cannot be adjusted via the theme settings.

The way I read the code, these are the only variables adjustable via a theme.

I moved away from a theme a while back so I may not be the best person to answer your question.

    # HA variables
    ha-card-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)
    ha-card-border-radius: 12px
    # Mushroom layout
    mush-spacing: 12px
    # Title
    mush-title-padding: 24px 12px 16px
    mush-title-spacing: 12px
    mush-title-font-size: 24px
    mush-title-font-weight: normal
    mush-title-line-height: 1.2
    # Subtitle
    mush-subtitle-font-size: 16px
    mush-subtitle-font-weight: normal
    mush-subtitle-line-height: 1.2
    # Card
    mush-card-primary-font-size: 14px
    mush-card-secondary-font-size: 12px
    mush-card-primary-font-weight: bold
    mush-card-secondary-font-weight: bolder
    mush-card-primary-line-height: 1.5
    mush-card-secondary-line-height: 1.5
    # Chip
    mush-chip-spacing: 8px
    mush-chip-padding: 0 0.25em
    mush-chip-height: 36px
    mush-chip-border-radius: 18px
    mush-chip-font-size: 0.3em
    mush-chip-font-weight: bold
    mush-chip-icon-size: 0.5em
    mush-chip-avatar-padding: 0.1em
    mush-chip-avatar-border-radius: 50%
    mush-chip-background: var(--ha-card-background)
    # Control
    mush-control-border-radius: 12px
    mush-control-height: 42px
    mush-control-button-ratio: 1
    mush-control-icon-size: 0.5em
    # Slider
    mush-slider-threshold: 10
    # Badge
    mush-badge-size: 16px
    mush-badge-icon-size: 0.75em
    mush-badge-border-radius: 50%
    # Icon
    mush-icon-border-radius: 50%
    mush-icon-size: 42px
    mush-icon-symbol-size: 0.5em
    # Colors
    mush-rgb-red: 244, 67, 54
    mush-rgb-pink: 233, 30, 99
    mush-rgb-purple: 156, 39, 176
    mush-rgb-deep-purple: 103, 58, 183
    mush-rgb-indigo: 63, 81, 181
    mush-rgb-blue: 33, 150, 243
    mush-rgb-light-blue: 3, 169, 244
    mush-rgb-cyan: 0, 188, 212
    mush-rgb-teal: 0, 150, 136
    mush-rgb-green: 76, 175, 80
    mush-rgb-light-green: 139, 195, 74
    mush-rgb-lime: 205, 220, 57
    mush-rgb-yellow: 255, 235, 59
    mush-rgb-amber: 255, 193, 7
    mush-rgb-orange: 255, 152, 0
    mush-rgb-deep-orange: 255, 87, 34
    mush-rgb-brown: 121, 85, 72
    mush-rgb-grey: 158, 158, 158
    mush-rgb-blue-grey: 96, 125, 139
    mush-rgb-black: 0, 0, 0
    mush-rgb-white: 255, 255, 255

    mush-rgb-info: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-success: var(--mush-rgb-green)
    mush-rgb-warning: var(--mush-rgb-orange)
    mush-rgb-danger: var(--mush-rgb-red)

    mush-rgb-state-fan: var(--mush-rgb-green)
    mush-rgb-state-light: var(--mush-rgb-orange)
    mush-rgb-state-entity: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-state-switch: var(--mush-rgb-blue)

    mush-rgb-state-alarm-disarmed: var(--mush-rgb-info)
    mush-rgb-state-alarm-armed: var(--mush-rgb-success)
    mush-rgb-state-alarm-triggered: var(--mush-rgb-danger)

    mush-rgb-state-person-home: var(--mush-rgb-success)
    mush-rgb-state-person-not-home: var(--mush-rgb-danger)
    mush-rgb-state-person-zone: var(--mush-rgb-info)
    mush-rgb-state-person-unknown: var(--mush-rgb-grey)

    mush-rgb-state-cover-open: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-state-cover-closed: var(--mush-rgb-disabled)

    mush-rgb-state-climate-auto: var(--mush-rgb-green);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-cool: var(--mush-rgb-blue);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-dry: var(--mush-rgb-orange);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-fan-only: var(--mush-rgb-blue-grey);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-heat: var(--mush-rgb-deep-orange);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-heat-cool: var(--mush-rgb-green);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-idle: var(--mush-rgb-grey);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-off: var(--mush-rgb-disabled);

    # You must keep this to support light/dark theme
            mush-rgb-disabled: 189, 189, 189
            mush-rgb-disabled: 111, 111, 111

Just a suggestion, if you are seeing a significant lag.

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Many thanks! And therefore Iā€™m confused as I try to useā€¦
mush-rgb-state-cover-open: var(ā€“mush-rgb-blue)
mush-rgb-state-cover-closed: var(ā€“mush-rgb-disabled)
ā€¦and this is not working :frowning:

Anybody else an idea?

Are you still using your own theme? if so you need to declare the colors for these as well.

I thought we added pink and orange in a past post. It would be the same for the additional colors you listed in this post.

mush-rgb-pink: 233, 30, 99
mush-rgb-orange: 255, 152, 0

add these

mush-rgb-blue: 0, 0, 255
mush-rgb-disabled: 111, 111, 111

Your customized theme will need the following to be included for the Mushroom standard cards colors to work correctly.

# Colors
    mush-rgb-red: 244, 67, 54
    mush-rgb-pink: 233, 30, 99
    mush-rgb-purple: 156, 39, 176
    mush-rgb-deep-purple: 103, 58, 183
    mush-rgb-indigo: 63, 81, 181
    mush-rgb-blue: 33, 150, 243
    mush-rgb-light-blue: 3, 169, 244
    mush-rgb-cyan: 0, 188, 212
    mush-rgb-teal: 0, 150, 136
    mush-rgb-green: 76, 175, 80
    mush-rgb-light-green: 139, 195, 74
    mush-rgb-lime: 205, 220, 57
    mush-rgb-yellow: 255, 235, 59
    mush-rgb-amber: 255, 193, 7
    mush-rgb-orange: 255, 152, 0
    mush-rgb-deep-orange: 255, 87, 34
    mush-rgb-brown: 121, 85, 72
    mush-rgb-grey: 158, 158, 158
    mush-rgb-blue-grey: 96, 125, 139
    mush-rgb-black: 0, 0, 0
    mush-rgb-white: 255, 255, 255

    mush-rgb-info: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-success: var(--mush-rgb-green)
    mush-rgb-warning: var(--mush-rgb-orange)
    mush-rgb-danger: var(--mush-rgb-red)

    mush-rgb-state-fan: var(--mush-rgb-green)
    mush-rgb-state-light: var(--mush-rgb-orange)
    mush-rgb-state-entity: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-state-switch: var(--mush-rgb-blue)

    mush-rgb-state-alarm-disarmed: var(--mush-rgb-info)
    mush-rgb-state-alarm-armed: var(--mush-rgb-success)
    mush-rgb-state-alarm-triggered: var(--mush-rgb-danger)

    mush-rgb-state-person-home: var(--mush-rgb-success)
    mush-rgb-state-person-not-home: var(--mush-rgb-danger)
    mush-rgb-state-person-zone: var(--mush-rgb-info)
    mush-rgb-state-person-unknown: var(--mush-rgb-grey)

    mush-rgb-state-cover-open: var(--mush-rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-state-cover-closed: var(--mush-rgb-disabled)

    mush-rgb-state-climate-auto: var(--mush-rgb-green);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-cool: var(--mush-rgb-blue);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-dry: var(--mush-rgb-orange);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-fan-only: var(--mush-rgb-blue-grey);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-heat: var(--mush-rgb-deep-orange);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-heat-cool: var(--mush-rgb-green);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-idle: var(--mush-rgb-grey);
    mush-rgb-state-climate-off: var(--mush-rgb-disabled);

    # You must keep this to support light/dark theme
            mush-rgb-disabled: 189, 189, 189
            mush-rgb-disabled: 111, 111, 111

I hope that makes sense

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Hi, I would like to convert the ā€œshutter groupā€ card from custom:cover-position-preset-row, to a Mushroom card but I donā€™t know which one can indicate the various positions of the state of the roller shutters, as in the attached photo. What do you recommend?
Screenshot 2024-01-26 234947

- type: entities
    title: Tapparelle
    show_header_toggle: false
    state_color: true
      - type: custom:cover-position-preset-row
        name: Tapparelle
        entity: group.cover
        reverseButtons: true

        customTheme: false
        isOpenedColor: '#ffff00'
        isMidOpenedColor: '#ffbf00'
        isMidClosedColor: '#cc0000'
        isClosedColor: '#4169e1'
        buttonInactiveColor: '#ffffff'

        customSetpoints: true
        openPosition: 100
        midOpenPosition: 85
        midClosePosition: 40
        closePosition: 15
#       customText: false
        width: '40px'
        height: '40px'

Ahhhā€¦ this was missing, it is working now :upside_down_face: Many many thanks!!!

One additional questionā€¦ I try to remove the shape-color via theme. Do you have an idea how I can reach this. I tried different code like the following without successā€¦

  style: |
    mushroom-shape-icon {
      shape-color: var(--mush-rgb-red) !important;

At the end the same like usingā€¦

            mushroom-shape-icon$: |
              .shape {
                background: none !important;

ā€¦ but at one central place and without the need to add at every card + I have the problem when reloading the dashboard the shape is there for around one second and only after goes away.

Many thanks!

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you write me thanks to inspiration. you are welcome! but i dont understand how i could give you inspiration, can you show me the result of evolution of my person card?

thank you

O right haha. I misunderstood what you meant.

I did post the full card in that link . Very happy with it.

You cannot do it via the theme that I know of. I direct messaged you an alternative.

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OMG you are the man, thanks a lot!

Good day everyone. I found what was going on with my address. It was simple, but unusual. For some reason Name of my address was just a house #. I changed and now itā€™s working like a charm. Thank you guys for your help and everything what you do for our HA community

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Hope someone can help me out with this:

I have a template card for a light switch. It has secondary information lines for temperature and humidity. Furthermore it has a badge for the motion sensor in that room. If that motion sensor is triggered it enables the light and starts a countdown timer (helper) of 15 minutes. When that timer reaches 0 it turns off the light.

For now I am using a custom vertical stack in card which contains the template card together with a timer-bar-card in a condition card to visually display the amount of time left when the timer helper is active. But that timer-bar-card popping up is messing up the lay-out of the dashboard:


I was inspired by Rhys post here and tried to replicate it using the timer helper, which would be a much more elegant solution. But I cannot get it to work. It seems that however I reference the timer helper it does not display. The timer helper (timer.verlichting_magazijn) is not used in the template card itself, which I guess might be part of the issue I am having.

What I am looking for is a round progress bar around the lightbulb icon, in the same color as the icon, that ā€œcountsā€ back (counter clockwise) that represents the amount of time left in the timer helper and is updated/refreshed every (few) second(s) and is only visible when the timer is active.

Something like this:


This is the template card code I am using:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Magazijn
secondary: >
icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
layout: vertical
entity: light.magazijn_lampen
icon_color: |-
  {% set state=states('light.magazijn_lampen') %}
        {% if state=='on' %}
        {% endif %}
fill_container: false
multiline_secondary: false
  action: more-info
badge_color: |-
  {% if is_state('binary_sensor.magazijn_smart_motion_human', 'on') %}
  {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.magazijn_smart_motion_human', 'off') %}
  {% endif %}
badge_icon: |-
  {% if is_state('binary_sensor.magazijn_smart_motion_human', 'on') %}
  {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.magazijn_smart_motion_human', 'off') %}
  {% endif %}
  action: none
    --ha-card-header-color: red;
    --ha-card-header-font-size: 20px;

works butā€¦

    --ha-card-header-padding: 12px 8px 8px;

ā€¦not. Any idea what I do wrong?

Full codeā€¦

type: custom:mod-card
style: |
  ha-card {
    --ha-card-header-color: red;
    --ha-card-header-font-size: 20px;
    --ha-card-header-padding: 12px 8px 8px;
  type: vertical-stack
  title: Zeit & Wetter
    - type: entity
      entity: sensor.date_time
      name: Zeit
    - show_current: true
      show_forecast: true
      type: weather-forecast
      entity: weather.forecast_home
      forecast_type: daily
      name: ' '
  • *I think you are looking for margins. Padding would be on the individual cards.

example settings
margin: 25px 50px 75px;

  • top margin is 25px
  • right and left margins are 50px
  • bottom margin is 75px
type: custom:mod-card
style: |
  ha-card {
    --ha-card-header-color: red;
    --ha-card-header-font-size: 20px;
    --vertical-stack-card-margin: 0px 20px 10px 20px;
  type: vertical-stack
  title: Zeit & Wetter
    - type: entity
      entity: sensor.date_time
      name: Zeit
    - show_current: true
      show_forecast: true
      type: weather-forecast
      entity: weather.forecast_home
      forecast_type: daily
      name: ' '

Found a better way

type: custom:mod-card
  type: vertical-stack
  title: Zeit & Wetter
    - type: entity
      entity: sensor.date_time
      name: Zeit
    - show_current: true
      show_forecast: true
      type: weather-forecast
      entity: weather.forecast_home
      forecast_type: daily
      name: ' '
  style: |
    ha-card {
      color: red !important;
      font-size: 10px;
      --ha-card-header-font-size: 20px;
      --ha-card-header-color: blue  !important;

Nearlyā€¦ I would like to reduce the spaceing before and after the heading/title. With padding it adds a space only, or Iā€™m wrong?

just use a negative number, -10px for example.

It does not work for me unfortunately. I think to use ā€œcustom:mushroom-title-cardā€. Would it be possible there to reduce the spacing here somehow?

My code

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Zeit & Wetter
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /dashboard-test/sicherheit
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.date_time
    name: Zeit
  - show_current: true
    show_forecast: true
    type: weather-forecast
    entity: weather.forecast_home
    forecast_type: daily
    name: ' '

This should work. Iā€™ll direct message you as well.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Zeit & Wetter
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /dashboard-test/sicherheit
      style: |
        ha-card {
        --title-padding: 10px 10px 1px;
        --title-font-size: 15px;
        --primary-text-color: red;
        --title-font-weight: 400;
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.date_time
    name: Zeit
  - show_current: true
    show_forecast: true
    type: weather-forecast
    entity: weather.forecast_home
    forecast_type: daily
    name: ' '