Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

This should do what you need. It offsets the hue of the color elements in degrees:



type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    entity: climate.office_air_conditioner
    picture: /local/aircon.png
    content: '{{ state_attr(entity, ''friendly_name'') }}'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          {{ 'filter: hue-rotate(140deg);' if is_state('climate.office_air_conditioner', 'heat') }}

Glad you finally got this sorted. I have updated the original post to list the cards required.

This is what I am seeing.



type: custom:mushroom-person-card
entity: person.rhys
primary_info: none
secondary_info: none
use_entity_picture: true
  style: |
    mushroom-shape-avatar {    
      {{ 'filter: grayscale(100%);' if is_state('person.rhys', 'not_home') }}

no but i like yours!

Thanks for sharing Rhys! So I used your code with my person, this doesn’t work on Safari (on Mac and iOS) but it does work in Firefox.

So I’ve narrowed it down to the culprit being CSS in Safari.

Currently messing around with

-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
-webkit-perspective: 1000;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

Not sure if this syntax is correct, it doesn’t work yet:

 {{ '-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);-webkit-perspective: 1000;-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);' if is_state('person.step', 'not_home') }}  }

Sorry, not a mac man :grinning:. Using -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); should do the trick.


From the amount of troubleshooting that I’ve done, the normal filter: grayscale(100%) should work with Safari 15+. A snippet of code on JSFiddle works perfectly fine in the browser.

It’s like Home Assistant overwrites/overrides the image to undo the grayscale (but only on Safari?).

I’ll leave it as it is for now as I am no CSS expert, if anyone else on Safari (Mac/iOS) has a solution, please do let me know.

hey like you room card any chance if the code please?

Trying to change the font color and show no icon but so far it’s not working out…

Anyone have any suggestions?

- type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.12hourtime
          icon: ""
            style: |
              ha-card {
                width: 50%;
                color: "#999999";
                --chip-font-weight: bold;
                --chip-font-size: 25px;                

All the css is working except font color :slight_smile:
How do I show NO icon?

Thank you all!


ha-card {
            width: 50%;
            --text-color: #999999;
            --chip-font-weight: bold;
            --chip-font-size: 25px;                
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Thank you!!! That worked great!

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Thank you all! I figured out the no icon by simply putting “icon: none”

- type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.12hourtime
          icon: none
            style: |
              ha-card {
                width: 50%;
                --text-color: #000000;
                --chip-font-weight: bold;
                --chip-font-size: 25px;                

Couple questions on the media card - first, any plans to include input selector on the card (w/o going into more info) and second, and plans to modify the power button/service so it can send magic packets to turn on TVs and such that WoL? Thanks! Love the mushroom cards, makes for a very straightforward way to create a nice looking dashboard. :slight_smile:

Really appreciate (and I know everyone else does too) how willing you are to share and support.

Could you give me a nudge as to what style modifiers would bring my avatars more in-line with the example you provided? Ideally I’d like as little rectangular whitespace as possible and the dark background encircling the avatar. I believe the code is pretty much verbatim, so I’m guessing it’s a function of one of the other styles applied e.g. to the stack-in card I’m using or something. Still fiddling around.

I’ve taken a few scans through the thread but it’s getting tougher to find directed topics :slight_smile: [actuallly, maybe an FAQ or compendium would be cool… rainy day project] But anyhow, my apologies if I missed an obvious example.

      type: custom:mushroom-person-card
      entity: '[[entity]]'
      primary_info: none
      secondary_info: none
      use_entity_picture: true
        style: |
          mushroom-shape-avatar {    
            {{ 'filter: grayscale(100%);' if is_state('[['entity']]', 'not_home') }}

How did you get that roller pic on the card?

For the avatar, try this:

Cant Change secondary text color: I want to ahve green if the constact sensor is on, else, standar color. the code is:

          style: |
            ha-card {
              --secondary-text-color:  {{ 'green' if is_state('binary_sensor.contact_sensor_ac_estar_contact', 'on') else '' }};;

The complete code is the following:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  margin: false
  box_shadow: false
  background: false
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: |
        secondary: >
          {%if is_state('climate.ac_estar', 'off')%} off {% else %} 

          {%if states('counter.aux_ac_estar')|int == 0 and

          is_state('climate.ac_estar', 'heat')%} Idle {% else %} {%if

          states('counter.aux_ac_estar')|int == 1 %} bajo {% else %} {%if

          states('counter.aux_ac_estar')|int == 2 %} med {% else %} {%if

          states('counter.aux_ac_estar')|int == 3 %} alto {% endif %} {% endif
          %} {%

          endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
        icon: mdi:air-conditioner
        icon_color: |-
          {% if is_state('climate.ac_estar', 'heat') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        entity: climate.ac_estar
          action: toggle
          style: |
            ha-card {
              --secondary-text-color:  {{ 'green' if is_state('binary_sensor.contact_sensor_ac_estar_contact', 'on') else '' }};;

  - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
    entity: climate.ac_estar
    name: AC Estar
    icon: mdi:air-conditioner
      - heat
    show_temperature_control: true
    collapsible_controls: false
    fill_container: false
    icon_type: none
    primary_info: none
    secondary_info: none
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Hi @strangehadron,

nice work. Can you tell me how you did the menu pane on the left?

I want to build something similar where on the left I have a menu area and depending on the section, it loads a specific dashboard on the right.

If you can share what you used and how you arranged it this way that would be awesome! Thanks


same here I would be very interested how you did the sidebar on the left with the menu? What cards and layout options did you use to make it fit?

You were almost there. Should be like this:

--secondary-text-color:  {{ 'green' if is_state('binary_sensor.contact_sensor_ac_estar_contact', 'on') }};