Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

Many thanks!!

Never used that myself, and it’s nice! but, shouldn’t you be using background-blend-mode: darken when in dark mode …
see: CSS background-blend-mode property

For the love of god I cannot seem to get this “Goedemiddag, Roger” text to turn bold:

      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: |-
          {% set time = now().hour %}
          {% if (time >= 18) %} 
           Goedenavond, {{user}}!
          {% elif (time >= 12) %}
           Goedemiddag, {{user}}!
          {% elif (time >= 5) %}
           Goedemorgen, {{user}}!
          {% else %}
           Hello, {{user}}
          {% endif %}
        subtitle: ''
          style: |
            ha-card { 
              margin-right: 0px;
            .title {
              font-size: 24px !important;
              font-weight: bold !important;

Hi All,
I need help changing the icon color of individual entities for chip cards based on state. I have 4 chips nested in a vertical-stack card. I can get them all to change color when one of the four states is “on”, but I want the individual chip to change color when on and not all four. Can someone help me out with the code?


Attempt at individual chip change and does not work.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Sprinklers
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.flowerbeds
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
        name: Flower Beds
        content_info: name
          style: |
            ha-card {
              {% if states('switch.flowerbeds') == 'on' %}
                --card-mod-icon-color: green;
              {% endif %}
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.frontyard
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
        name: Front yard
        content_info: name
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.backyard
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
        name: Backyard
        content_info: name
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.sideyard
        name: Side yard
        content_info: name
        icon: mdi:sprinkler

This way turns all green even if a single chip (entity) is on.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Sprinklers
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.flowerbeds
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
        name: Flower Beds
        content_info: name
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.frontyard
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
        name: Front yard
        content_info: name
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.backyard
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
        name: Backyard
        content_info: name
      - type: entity
        entity: switch.sideyard
        name: Side yard
        content_info: name
        icon: mdi:sprinkler
      style: |
        ha-card {
          {% if states('switch.flowerbeds') == 'on' %}
            --card-mod-icon-color: green;
          {% elif states('switch.frontyard') == 'on' %}
            --card-mod-icon-color: green;
          {% elif states('switch.backyard') == 'on' %}
            --card-mod-icon-color: green;
          {% elif states('switch.sideyard') == 'on' %}
            --card-mod-icon-color: green;
          {% endif %}

thank you for your answer, i used the darken mode baut i need to change that automaticaly.

The better one to use is background-blend-mode: saturation. This will work with both dark and light modes.

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The Mushroom Title card does not have any ha-card. You will need to use mod-card:

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The Mushroom colors are defined as HEX values in HA like this --[color]-color:


These can be used with most cards using var() like this var(--pink-color).

The --rgb-[color] values can only be used with a Mushroom card.


btw, can you post the rest of the card config itself? I dont use these cards yet, and could use a head start :wink:

I am trying to your album art with node-red but I am getting this error, I use echo dot as my speaker, have universal media player running, do you know why that field is empty?

Add a debug node and see what the function node is outputting.

It works, thanks a lot!

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Is it possible with the Mushroom Media player card to overwrite the entity image and also when using media infos, in certain cases with a template to overwrite the display text for priamary information?

Hello everyone,

I have this code

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Ventilateur
secondary: ''
icon: mdi:fan
entity: switch.relais_ventilateur_buanderie
icon_color: green
  style: |
    @keyframes rotation {
      0% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);
      100% {
        transform: rotate(360deg);
    mushroom-shape-icon {
      box-shadow: 0px 0px;
      animation: rotation linear infinite;
      animation-duration: 3s;
      {% if is_state(config.entity, 'on') %}
       animation-duration: 3s;
      {%- endif %}

and I can’t make work fan rotation…

do you have an idea how can I change that to make work

thanks in advance

Take a look at this code from @rhysb:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Spin
icon: mdi:fan
icon_color: teal
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      ha-icon {
        --icon-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;

Found here: Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄

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type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: Front Door
    secondary: >-
      {% if is_state('lock.door_lock_2','unlocked') and
        Open and Unlocked
      {% elif
        Door Open
      {% elif is_state('lock.door_lock_2','unlocked') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif%}
    icon: >-
      {% if is_state('lock.door_lock_2','unlocked') and
      {% elif
      {% elif is_state('lock.door_lock_2','unlocked') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif%}
    icon_color: >-
      {% if is_state('lock.door_lock_2','locked') and
      {% else %}
      {% endif%}
    badge_icon: |-
      {% set bl = states('sensor.front_door_sensor_battery_level') | int %}
      {% if bl < 10 %} mdi:battery-outline
      {% elif bl < 20 %} mdi:battery-10
      {% elif bl < 30 %} mdi:battery-20
      {% elif bl < 40 %} mdi:battery-30
      {% elif bl < 50 %} mdi:battery-40
      {% elif bl < 60 %} mdi:battery-50
      {% elif bl < 70 %} mdi:battery-60
      {% elif bl < 80 %} mdi:battery-70
      {% elif bl < 90 %} mdi:battery-80
      {% elif bl < 100 %} mdi:battery-90
      {% elif bl == 100 %} mdi:battery
      {% else %} mdi:battery-unknown
      {% endif %}
    badge_color: |-
      {% set bl = states('sensor.front_door_sensor_battery_level') | int %}
      {% if bl < 10 %} red
      {% elif bl < 20 %} red
      {% elif bl < 30 %} red
      {% elif bl < 40 %} orange
      {% elif bl < 50 %} orange
      {% elif bl < 60 %} green
      {% elif bl < 70 %} green
      {% elif bl < 80 %} green
      {% elif bl < 90 %} green
      {% elif bl < 100 %} green
      {% elif bl == 100 %} green
      {% else %} disabled
      {% endif %}
      action: none
      style: |
        mushroom-badge-icon {
          left: -3px;
  - type: grid
    square: false
    columns: 2
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: ''
        secondary: ''
        icon: mdi:lock-smart
        badge_icon: |-
          {% set bl = states('sensor.door_lock_battery_level_2') | int %}
          {% if bl < 10 %} mdi:battery-outline
          {% elif bl < 20 %} mdi:battery-10
          {% elif bl < 30 %} mdi:battery-20
          {% elif bl < 40 %} mdi:battery-30
          {% elif bl < 50 %} mdi:battery-40
          {% elif bl < 60 %} mdi:battery-50
          {% elif bl < 70 %} mdi:battery-60
          {% elif bl < 80 %} mdi:battery-70
          {% elif bl < 90 %} mdi:battery-80
          {% elif bl < 100 %} mdi:battery-90
          {% elif bl == 100 %} mdi:battery
          {% else %} mdi:battery-unknown
          {% endif %}
        badge_color: |-
          {% set bl = states('sensor.door_lock_battery_level_2') | int %}
          {% if bl < 10 %} red
          {% elif bl < 20 %} red
          {% elif bl < 30 %} red
          {% elif bl < 40 %} orange
          {% elif bl < 50 %} orange
          {% elif bl < 60 %} green
          {% elif bl < 70 %} green
          {% elif bl < 80 %} green
          {% elif bl < 90 %} green
          {% elif bl < 100 %} green
          {% elif bl == 100 %} green
          {% else %} disabled
          {% endif %}
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: keypad-front_door
          style: |
            mushroom-badge-icon {
              left: -3px;
            ha-card {
              margin-top: -12px;
              --icon-border-radius: 12px;
            mushroom-shape-icon {
              --icon-color: #e1e1e1 !important;
      - type: custom:mushroom-lock-card
        entity: lock.door_lock_2
        name: Front Door
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
        icon_type: none
          style: |
            ha-card {
              margin-top: -12px;
              margin-left: -52px;
  style: |
    ha-card {
      {% if is_state('lock.door_lock_2','locked') and
      is_state('binary_sensor.front_door_sensor_access_control_window_door_is_open','off') %}
          background: rgba(101,170,91,0.2);
      {% else %}
          background: rgba(226,84,66,0.2);
      {% endif %}

Thank you so much for you quick reply,

I have change like that and work perfectly :

          type: custom:mushroom-template-card
          primary: Ventilateur
          secondary: ''
          icon: mdi:fan
          entity: switch.relais_ventilateur_buanderie
          icon_color: green
              mushroom-shape-icon$: |
                ha-icon {
                {% if is_state(config.entity, 'on') %}
                 --icon-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
                {%- endif %}

I think you can try to simplifie the code like this :

{% set bl = states('sensor.door_lock_battery_level_2') | int %}
{% set level = (bl // 10) * 10 %}
{% set icon = 'mdi:battery' if level == 100 else 'mdi:battery-' ~ level %}
{% if bl > 100 or bl < 0 %} mdi:battery-unknown
{% else %} {{ icon }}
{% endif %}

This version uses the integer division operator // to determine the battery level in increments of 10

If it works well, let me know

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I have the following code which causes the fan icon to pulse when on. How can I make it also rotate?

    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(3)$: |
      ha-icon {
        {{ 'animation: beat 1.3s ease-out infinite both;' if is_state('switch.ensuite_extractor_fan_power_outlet', 'on') }}
        transform-origin: 50% 60%;
      @keyframes beat {
        0% { transform: scale(1); }
        10% { transform: scale(1.1); }
        17% { transform: scale(1.05); }
        33% { transform: scale(1.75); }
        60% { transform: scale(1); }

Try like this:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:mushroom
    icon_color: red
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:mushroom
    icon_color: red
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:mushroom
    icon_color: red
      style: |
        .content {
          animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
        @keyframes spin {
          100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(3)$: | 
      ha-icon {
        animation: beat 1.3s ease-out infinite both;
        transform-origin: 50% 60%;
      @keyframes beat {
        0% { transform: scale(1); }
        10% { transform: scale(1.1); }
        17% { transform: scale(1.05); }
        33% { transform: scale(1.75); }
        60% { transform: scale(1); }