Mushroom Inspiration!

May ask if you can share the code for your whole card? I like it and would like to implement on my setup.

You have the full card at the end of this file in my Github.

The tiles are here:

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not using this card my self a lot, but since it is jinja, you can make those templates a bit more elegant:

{% set state = states('climate.daikinap97021') %}
{% set states = {'heat_cool':'green',
                 'fan_only':'turqoise'} %}

same goes for the other repetitive jinja we see a lot here. Give it a try? Just trying to make it a bit less ‘verbose’.


Thought I’d share some of my Dash, making use of all HA Tools. The whole concept is from a guy who posted in a forum. He uses a variety of tools in a very smart way. Credits go to him and I tailered it a bit to my likings. Not fully Mushroom but maybe good enough for inspiration. Some tools used:

Fully kioskbrowser & Browsermod, getting rid of the default nav bar. Looking glas, opens a full screen pop-up searching for entities. Holding the looking glas icon, disables Kioskmode and provides a means to edit the gui. The top right card with " sensors" opens a pop-up with available options.

By means of browsermod is serves different layouts available for mobile and for desktop. On desktop the left room cards control the right (conditional part) showing the relevant room on the right. The actual pages are setup only once, by means of using “linked-lovelace-ui” cards, making it possible to edit just 1 (template)page for Mobile and Desktop set-up. still work in progress, but I love this set-up.


Great work. What do you use for that :slight_smile:


Sankey chart (check Hacs) → Anyone using the Sankey Chart Card?


Thanks i’ll check how to tune it. I tried with energy dashboard. Not too Bad but more work to do

Nice work @Mobiledude - would it be possible to share the code for your dashboard (on github)?

Your setup page wise is very similar to mine. Only I have a layout-card based layout for each page, with a version for mobile and version for tablet. Still wanting to get those merged. So I was now looking at the decluttering card to template some card/popups throughout my dashboard. But your approach seems to have a lot of benefits! Would love to see the elements and codes used from your “framework”

@Adec @mvanlijden full Dash raw yaml here: HA-Dashboard · GitHub
Most of it work in progress…

Would love to see this evolve and expanded by the community


layout-card based layout used as well. The linked-lovelace-ui card makes things a bit more complete :wink: for mobile and desktop.

Can you show your code for cards ?

just create a new dashboard in HA, and raw edit it. Just paste the dashboard code from above and some things will show up. Good place to start I guess

Input select dashboard view:

hello thanks for sharing this great dashboard & i just have a question if you like the


below or is it the same as the others ? thanks in advance!


I’m having difficulties with the navigation.

I get an error when clicking a tile saying script.dashboard_navigation doesn’t exist.

Can you provide the code for the script of give some guidance in how to get it working?

srry for not providing it. There might be more, but let see if you can go a bit further now. Here is the script. Just create one in the gui , raw edit and paste the code:

alias: Dashboard Navigation
  - if:
      - condition: or
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{'MacBook' in browser_id }}"
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{'Tablet' in browser_id }}"
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{'Werklaptop' in browser_id }}"
      - service: input_select.select_option
          option: "{{ view }}"
          entity_id: input_select.dashboard_view
      - service: browser_mod.navigate
          path: "{{ navigate }}"
          browser_id: "{{ browser_id }}"
mode: single

Thanks, this will certainly help :+1:

hi How do you resize the card, my card is over laping When in PC and in mobile phone is not accurate im using px, tried to use vw also but cant resize it i am using grid card also

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