May 22, 2024, 8:54pm
Could the AirPlay reciever code from AirCast and AirSonos addons or other AirPlay client be ported into a reciever for Music Assistent so that it could have a music provider which could present virtual AirPlay targets that would in turn forward the stream to selected player provider?
[hassio-addons] This add-on is provided by the Home Assistant Community Add-ons project.
[GitHub Release] [GitLab CI] [Project Stage] [Project Maintenance]
[Supports armhf Architecture] [Supports armv7 Architecture] [Supports aarch64 Architecture] [Supports amd64 Architecture] [Supports i386 Architecture]
AirPlay capabilities for your Chromecast players.
Apple devices use AirPlay to send audio to other devices, but this is not compatible with Google’s Chromecast. This add-on …
[hassio-addons] This add-on is provided by the Home Assistant Community Add-ons project.
[GitHub Release] [GitLab CI] [Project Stage] [Project Maintenance]
[Supports armhf Architecture] [Supports armv7 Architecture] [Supports aarch64 Architecture] [Supports amd64 Architecture] [Supports i386 Architecture]
AirPlay capabilities for your Sonos (and UPnP) players.
Apple devices use AirPlay to send audio to other devices, but this is not compatible with Sonos players. This add-on…