Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

I am using Home Assistant Core.

Can I run the Docker container on my media server, and install some integration on HA to connect to Music Assistant Docker container?

The installation instructions do not seem to mention this.

Update: is this the way? Home Assistant Integration - Music Assistant

Yeah I’ve done that but it does not support linking by the looks of it.

No only native players allow that. Although as mentioned above you can try Universal Group but YMMV

Yes you can run MA in a separate docker container. The docs explain how to do that. Once that is done you can install the integration and point it to the MA server (running separately).

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Is there a way to add Bluetooth as a music source? Or Airplay/Cast?

I use Spotify for my music but sometimes a guest wants to take control of the speakers and stream something from their phone. Most of the time I end up handing them my phone. But it would be great if they could just connect to some Bluetooth device and stream away

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Not at the moment. Spotify Connect and making MA an Airplay target is on the roadmap


I just installed it as docker container and can’t play a single local file. Player is detected (I can change volume) as well as local folder.

  • Can it play files without any metadata? I wish I could just simply add folders into playlist.

  • Can it play files without Metadata Providers? I see I can’t removed Metadata Providers.

  • I think Settings UI lacks back button, pressing Close is confusing and does nothing. And I can’t use back button in the browser.

  • and now I’m getting volume_normalization errors in UI when trying to play a song.

I don’t think it would be useful for me without local files support that can be played without added them to the library.

I accidentally created a universal group with no members. I can go back and configure it but the SAVE button remains disabled.

It seems that no changes made to a universal group can be saved. Not just members.

I ended up deleting it and recreating the group correctly.

But… universal groups of HA players do not work. I can select the group but it still says “no player selected” on the main page and will not let me play any tracks. Even though there is a “2” on the players.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 14-33-19 Home Assistant

This may not be for you then. You can use the BROWSE view to look through your files but that is not the idea. The idea is to have a fully featured music library manager and for that to work well it needs properly tagged music. From that point, for those that want it, it links to the streaming providers to show other albums and tracks that are available and finds the best quality version of a track for playback.

You might find the standard HA media browser will meet your needs

Could be a bug. Leave the UGP setup and restart the addon and see if that makes a difference

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Yep. That did the trick. Thanks.




Fantastic start - please tell me where to direct donations towards THIS PROJECT… It’s exactly what we’ve needed.

Few bits of initial feedback
MPD players
** no volume control
** audio output stops after 1m50s. player thinks it’s still going. “Seeking” starts audio output again.

Airplay Players
** sees players - zero audio output

SONOS Players
** works perfectly, no issues

Multiple players
** each output is a different playlist - you can’t “add outputs” to an already playing audio source

Literally via the link in the first line of the first post…plus one extra click.

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Dave has answered your first question!

For your second and third points see here first Troubleshooting - Music Assistant and then ask on GH or Discord for specific assistance.

On your last point you should be able to but they have to be the same provider type (eg. Airplay, DLNA)

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A few comments so far.

I love my LMS system. However this may be able to replace it.

You have a great looking set of developers.

Very polished ui, at least on your screenshots. I can’t make it look that good, yet.

As I said, my weekend is screwed.


There will be some elements of LMS that aren’t brought across. However, Marcel wants this to be a better product built using modern technologies and not just a LMS replacement. Note this from the docs when you start to play with it

you cannot run a separate LMS server on your network if the MA slimproto provider is enabled

Done. Thanks.

On your last point you should be able to but they have to be the same provider type (eg. Airplay, DLNA)

yep - doesn’t work, would be nice if it did. Adding a player either resets the playlist, or plays what you played on it last. (tested with both MPD and Sonos)

OK. MPD isn’t a player provider so not sure what you used there but Sonos should work. I tested with Airplay and it seemed to work ok. You can open an issue on GH about this as we haven’t done much testing with linking nor seen many reports or feedback.

I installed it with docker, using the provided command and editing only the data path.

  1. It seems firefox is not supported as well as chrome, this is kind of a deal breaker as firefox is the most open, standard and free browser.
    I was not able to select the player from the web interface and was going crazy abouth that, but with chrome this works fine.

  2. All my plex players are detected but some seems to be unvailable (grayed out). If I try to play some music with these players, log starts to spin a lot of messages, music player on my HA dashboard gets updated, but MA still is unable to properly use them.

I will do more tests (get the logs and try local http url instead of public https url for my HA setup) and report more.

Anyway I can already cast any music to any player from home assistant, am I right? :thinking:

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