Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Done. Thanks.

On your last point you should be able to but they have to be the same provider type (eg. Airplay, DLNA)

yep - doesn’t work, would be nice if it did. Adding a player either resets the playlist, or plays what you played on it last. (tested with both MPD and Sonos)

OK. MPD isn’t a player provider so not sure what you used there but Sonos should work. I tested with Airplay and it seemed to work ok. You can open an issue on GH about this as we haven’t done much testing with linking nor seen many reports or feedback.

I installed it with docker, using the provided command and editing only the data path.

  1. It seems firefox is not supported as well as chrome, this is kind of a deal breaker as firefox is the most open, standard and free browser.
    I was not able to select the player from the web interface and was going crazy abouth that, but with chrome this works fine.

  2. All my plex players are detected but some seems to be unvailable (grayed out). If I try to play some music with these players, log starts to spin a lot of messages, music player on my HA dashboard gets updated, but MA still is unable to properly use them.

I will do more tests (get the logs and try local http url instead of public https url for my HA setup) and report more.

Anyway I can already cast any music to any player from home assistant, am I right? :thinking:

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MPD players
** no volume control

Turns out the alsa config in MPD didn’t correctly have a mixer device set. Once I set that, MPD volume from HA works great.

audio_output {
        type            "alsa"
        name            "HDMI"
        mixer_control   "HDMI"          # optional
        mixer_index     "0"             # optional

^^ raspberry pi / dietpi / mpd

  1. Not sure what you mean. I just installed Firefox and it works fine. Can you be more specific about the problem?
  2. What are the Plex players? Are they HA entities you have added via the Integration or do they have a protocol that MA supports

Are you linking to local music? If so you will need to ensure they have ID3 tags with all the required info.

Some of mine need updating but the majority are good so my interface looks much the same as the screenshots without having to do anything really.

Great addon! What I miss is an integration for Maybe it helps if there’s documentation how to add an media provider, I’m willing to develop it myself but some guidelines would make it a lot easier to step in.

Connecting to YouTube was a breeze.

But I cannot select any player, the player select screen is completely empty.

The players are there and working through the media dashboard.

I am guessing but you need to add player providers to MA. Then MA will discover the players itself for those protocols supported. For unsupported players you can then add the “HA Player Provider” and link HA entities across

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Dev docs are not extensive at this time server/ at b71a3fe67e3b3edca26bb5a94206bebc10bfda8b · music-assistant/server · GitHub

Look to copy an existing provider

Then come to discord and post in the devs-musicproviders channel and you will get help

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Great stuff!

Will there be a built-in support for a LastFM scrobbler, or would this play nicely with the community plugin?


Its a standing feature request so vote it up! Support for service ( and music scrobbling in general) · music-assistant · Discussion #632 · GitHub


How does this work if you run HA on a virtual machine? I have HA on a virtual machine and the physical hardware is connected to 4 dacs that is connected to speakers around the house.

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Why is it not part of the default add-on list?

If you mean the default addon store that is coming apparently

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Are you saying you can use an ESP32 as a WiFi/Bluetooth bridge for audio?
i.e. Music Assistant → ESP32 → Bluetooth speaker
If possible this would be awesome - I’ve got 3 old bluetooth speakers and some spare ESP32s and it’d be great to be able to stream music through my home.
I had a Google but can’t work out how to achieve this, can you point me in the right direction?

PS awesome project. I installed it and got it working while I was in bed and should’ve been sleeping last night :wink:

I assume this is more from the perspective of audio quality than from the perspective of usability, am I right?

As much as I love HA, and as happy I am about this huge leap by MA (which I will give another try now), I don’t yet see how it will compete with the usability we have at home right now:

  • old amp with analog input
  • bluetooth receiver that supports 2 connected devices
  • connects to both my wifes and my phone automatically via bluetooth when powered up, whoever starts to play music first “wins”

No configuration needed, no switching needed.

Bluetooth has its shortcomings, absolutely, but when it comes to ease of use, it’s often still at the top of the list.

Great job !!
I have one problem with selecting my echo as a music player,
I get the following speech from echo dot “To send tts please set announce=true. music can’t be played this way”.
How can i get pass this ?
Thank you

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Thank you so much for getting me to try it with Chrome. I thought I had some kind of additional problem (was already a pain to set up with docker in my case).

@OzGav If you access the dashboard with Firefox, add player providers (in my case Slimproto players) you can open the list for players but can’t select any. You’re only able to click on one and a drop downs with the volume and an on/off button opens. In Chrome the clicked player is selected as a target.

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