Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Have you tried with queue flow mode on?

I don’t understand what you mean?

Yes, no difference. I did notice the FK player also doesn’t update the media player track progress on a dashboard card. It shows as completely played while playing.

I created a universal group with the FK player and a Snapcast player, and when playing that group the FK player transitions between tracks fine. When played as a group member the FK media player does correctly show track progress on the test dashboard for the individual
media player. Not sure what that implies.

Interested in what other Fully Kiosk users might be experiencing.

I’m running the most recent mass as a docker container at the moment, but had the same experience when running as an add-on. I switched to docker to see if that would help, but it didn’t.

Yes I confirm this. Can you open an issue on GitHub?

Will do. Thanks.

Correct, they are imported but cannot be played. I have also tried with and without queue flow enabled airflow players

You will need to go thought the troubleshooting page in the docs and if that doesn’t help then ask a question on GitHub or Discord

I’ll do that then, thanks anyway

It seems to be supported at least

any one know when it will have support for Echo devices?


It is a difficult proposition but it will be looked at in the next few weeks. No promises on what the outcome of that will be.

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I tried this and it worked perfectly for about half a day. Now all sonos devices show as ‘offline’ and are greyed out. Any idea what I did wrong and how to fix this? Apologies if this has been asked before, so many replies here I could immediately find it.

Are you running the HA Sonos Integration at the same time?

Yes, used that one for years. Should it be turned off for this one to work?

It can interfere

hmm… as I have a lot of automations depended on that integration and dashboards build its not something to quickly turn off. I did try turning it off however and no direct change. Using Airplay I do get my Sonos devices (except one that doesn’t support it).

Think I found a workaround for the problem. If I try to get info from the track from the library it says “missing id3 tag albumartist” when I inserted that data and resynced the share the track played fine. Now I stumbled upon more tracks from my library that didn’t play because of reasons. I guess the player is quite picky about the tagging and should be given some slack

Not sure if it has been asked yet, but what are options of accessing the integration outside of the sidebar on the companion app and Fully Kiosk Browser? Some of my devices are locked down and it would be nice to have this interface displayed as a dashboard card/view. Thoughts?

Go to MA → Settings → Core → Web Server.
Enable the port settings there.

You should now be able to access MA using your HA address and the port 8095.

Do you have any battery powered Sonos devices like the Move?
That could also be the reason:

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Thanks for a great work. MA is amazing