Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Open an issue on GH Nick

Its a warning. The log says then tries to use the flilename to determine the origin.

I am now adding the albumartist tag to all my collection anyway.

Edit: watching at the logs a lot of them are errors instead of warnings and the song isnt added to MA.

I dont think is a good idea to seed your ā€˜liveā€™ collection. I did it long time ago, but later decided to have two copies. And this way you can change filenames, tags and everything.
Are you seeding your whole collection?

No, some of them are my own rips, some were on now dead sites (eg apollo). I try to give back though. I use rtorrent, so a very low overhead and I have far too many torrents running.

since the last update it is not possible to add the Plugin Homeassistant in this addon, he says always invailed access (no log about this)

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Hmm, This sounds like an issue with enqueueing tracks. What playback target are you using ? If I remember correctly you come from LMS and maybe are using a hardware squeezebox player ? While we do implement the slimproto protocol, we do not have the 25 years history of player specific quirks from LMS. Meaning that all software (squeezelite) based solutions work great and for actual hardware, especially the really old ones, your mileage may vary. Try playing with the flow mode option in the settings.

Can you be a bit more specific what you mean by this ?

  1. The Home Assistant integration to connect HA to MA is not working.
  2. Within Music Assistant, the plugin for Home Assistant (to connect MA to HA) is not working.

sorry, the second one

@nickrout Can you confirm none of these albums have local images? Do you have the same problem with the artists view?

Wondering if anyone knows how to have this open in a tab (a view) on a dashboard rather than on the sidebar.

Thank you

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Perfect, done. No port is exposed to the internet.

New question. I saw in the documentation MA playing on a Google Nest Hub, the one with the screen. Is that actually possible that it can act as a browser for MA?

You can cast views to them. That functionality has been there for ages.

How is that done from HA?

Iā€™ve been using Music Assistant for about a month now (beta 2.x to now) and have found the improvements great. I have had varying luck with the player providers, however.

I started with the Home Assistant player provider and couldnā€™t get any players to work reliably. I realize this depends on how the media_player itself is generated in Home Assistant, but I tried both Fully Kiosk and Browser Mod integration media players and neither would consistently progress from track to track. Frequently the first song plays, then continues to count time past the song end time with silence. Clicking the next track WILL play the next track, for the same to happen again (using both the local media provider and plex media provider. Changing settings on the players didnā€™t make any difference I could tell.

I also tested the Fully Kiosk player provider with the same experience. First song would play, then playback stopped while continuing to count time past the end of the song.

Then, just before I abandoned the project, I tried the Snapcast player provider with the same hardware (Fire tablets) and everything worked solid. All the issues disappeared. Iā€™ve also found the Chromecast provider to be quite reliable.

Unfortunately, I have one player Iā€™d like to use, and the Fully Kiosk provider is the only option I have.

Has anyone had a good experience using the Fully Kiosk player provider? Am I an outlier? Iā€™ve tried with the most recent version of Fully Kiosk installed and have the same results. Looking to hear others experience in the case may Fully Kiosk just isnā€™t widely used, and bugs arenā€™t being reported. Happy to open an issue on GitHub if it would help.

I canā€™t stream m4a files from my local library, only mp3 and flac. It says no file found?

When Iā€™m in ā€œBrowseā€, I have ā€œMusic Assistantā€ and ā€œSpotifyā€ folders that infinitely scrollā€¦is that intended?

This is really amazing.

Installed it an hour ago and got it running in about 15 minutes.
Testing with a big smile since then. :wink:

I have two kids player, based on Raspberry PIs with touchscreens that I coded myself using the Spotify and Sonos API some years ago.

This software might be a replacement for my older son, which starts to create his own playlists, and would like more control than I coded for playing audio books when he was younger.

But I would limit some things on his side:

  • Disable some players (all Sonos here) for him, so he can just play and group some of our players.
  • Limit his library to his Spotify account (part of our family subscription) and a few internet radios
  • Hide the settings button and a few tabs

Is the most simple way to install a second instance of Music Assistant for him?
So I can have my main instance (installed as add-on through Hacs and connected to HA), and install his instance maybe on my Docker-VM?

As far as Iā€™ve seen, Music Assistant doesnā€™t need a connection to Home Assistant and the second instance could run completely independent?
I would still be able to use anouncements etc. on his speaker through my HA-connected main instance.

Would it be a problem to have multiple instances running that are accessing the same sonos speakers and the same spotify account?

Are you saying they are pulled into the MA library ok during the scan but then wonā€™t play when you try from the MA UI?