Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

From reading that it seems to imply streaming Home Assiant → Music Assiant where as I’d like Music Assiant → Home Assiant. Maybe this is covered in-depth on the page so I’ll have a read.

Edit One
Yeah that seems to be a HA->MA setup unless I’m misunderstanding something.
Edit Two
What I want is to have MA appear as an option on these media selection screens, partly for automation and partly for a slight eae of use for house residents, although I know MA is a superior system.

@OzGav I have a user interface question regarding speaker selection.

If I click the speaker select icon from the home screen, a panel slides out. When I click on that speaker or speaker group, and then return to the home screen, the speaker I clicked on is now active.

On the same slide out panel, there is a power button under each speaker name. If I click on the “POWER” button, it changes brightness signifying it is on, and if I then return to the home screen, the speaker I clicked the “POWER” button is now active.

So 2 questions.

  1. What’s the difference between the two actions that appear to do the same thing?

2.Second, when I simply click the speaker or group without pressing the “POWER” button, while it selects it, there is no indication. Nothing lights up. It’s confusing not knowing whether you have selected the speaker.

Could you help me understand the functionality?

@OzGav there seems to be a bug in Sonos speaker selection. Speakers that are being recognized in the Sonos app are disappearing from MA. And a Sonos re-synchronize didn’t bring them back.Three pictures attached, the first is the available speakers in MA, the second and third are from the Sonos app, just didn’t have room to fit them all on the one screen.

[EDIT] - OK, I did a re-load a couple of times, the list changed to show one of the speakers (Master Ensuite) had the 3 missing speakers grouped to it. But as you can see, it didn’t show that originally.

Thank you

Explained in the “Important Note” section here:

This will mean that for folks with missing local metadata, this will not be auto pulled in anymore. It will also mean that the initial scan will slow down even more. Sorry, it is what it is.

That’s not how it works. MA is a standalone server. The integration exposes players in both directions. You aren’t going to see MA on those views because HA knows nothing about MA except for the players. If you select a player then you can browse (in a limited fashion) the MA library but that is only because the Integration is allowing that to happen.

Oh. Not too sure if I understand how HA see’s the players, but I think I understand how MA see’s the players.
I think I’ve configured the HA “Plugin Provider” but i’s still showing as “connect HA” so I’m not sure. Is this right?

Good questions. The “power” button to my mind is really a “take control’ button in that when it is ON, MA now controls that player (or at least the stream to the player) , when it is OFF MA releases control of the player. There is no actual powering up and down of the player although some devices such as Amplifiers will actually turn in when they detect the input has been activated.

The difference to selecting the player is that action doesn’t change the state of MA controlling the player or not, however if you select a player and then start playing to it then the first thing MA will do is take control of it. Simply selecting a player I think makes more sense when you consider the situation when MA is streaming different queues to multiple players. You want to be able to switch between the players without interrupting the stream. The Home Screen provides a convenient row at the top to see what each active player is streaming and you can play/pause from there.

In terms of feedback that you have selected the player the player box expands to show the volume and linking (when available) controls and then when you close that, on wider screens, the name of the player is shown in the player bar. I can accept you may say that isn’t enough but I have found after using MA for a while that you get comfortable knowing what player you are interacting with. Further recent improvements to the pop up menus show you which player you are interacting with and allows you to change it if desired.

Could be that you have a mix of gen 1 and 2 speakers or you are running the HA integration at the same time.

I work with the official addon, how can i make it work via player on dashboard or sth similar instead everytime to go to addons and then to this?

I have Sonos One’s, Sonos:1s and some SL’s. But I removed my Sonos integration in HA as you suggested earlier.

You do actually need to connect to your HA instance so go through the config flow to do that. Then you can add the HA player provider if you need access to a player that isn’t supported natively by MA. Only do this if you have to. You may encounter issues as MA relies on the HA integrations to do the final step in the connection and there may be problems there.

The Sonos provider is being rewritten at the moment to (probably) separate the series 1 and 2 into different providers and use a new API. So expect improvements in time.

I use the mini media player card but note that the browse function from the HA side is limited compared to through the MA UI

Yeah I saw that but I didn’t really follow it TBH.
I get the extra calls to external services was being throttled and why, but I don’t get why this affects local folders with existing album art.

I have one folder per album of fully tagged tracks and every folder has a folder.jpg with the album art. Shouldn’t that be displayed as no calls to any service are needed?

And nor can I seem to get artist pictures (less important by far) although when I added my library it automatically added a few random ones.

EDIT: just did a refresh for one artist and eventually got the artist picture.
Unfortunately no album art appeared though.

(It woudl be good if Refresh just refreshed that on item rather than the whole DB.)

Thank you so much

Am I understanding correclty that the screenshots I provided in my previous message is this “config flow” or is the conflig flow somehting different (likley the flow you linked to me previously)?
I it is the former then I seem to be having issues setting this up and I’m not sure why and I don’t think I’m getting any logs to explain it but I will give it a while and then try to generate some new logs.

I’m here to ask this question as well!

I am a Sonos user who is very unhappy about their forced upgrade and disastrous new version of their app

Furthermore, I have been looking for a way to hear podcasts from AudioBookshelf via Sonos since I’ve gotten the damn things.

Does this app allow this?!

Hi there, I was just tagged on Discord by a buddy who knows I’ve been struggling to get podcasts from AudioBookshelf to play over my Sonos network. I have a friend who has given me access to his server and has a bunch of stuff I want to listen to on it.

But I have always been forced to turn on Bluetooth, and manually jump between individual Sonos units in my house

Having them all IN SYNC for multi room audio would really be the tops, and I will happily donate if someone can help me get this working.

Thank you kindly for your work!

It is still so, so, so unclear about how to connect HA and MusicAssistant when going with docker installation (docs are either incomplete either confusing). Where is the integration for Music Assistant in HA / how to install it ?

You will have to also add artwork tags to the file. Having the file folder.jpg is not enough, at least for me