Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

folder.jpg seems to work fine for me. It is also documented.

  • Use the following naming convention for local artwork (png should also work). Artist thumb: artist.jpg; Album thumb: folder.jpg or cover.jpg; Fan Art (used as background in banners): fanart.jpg. Artist thumb and Fanart should be in the folder with the artist name. Album thumbs should be in the folder with the album name or in the disc folders below that. More about artwork file types can be found here
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Oh, thanks for the link, I was starting to retag with artwork, but i have the file folder.jpg in a lot of albums. Some have front.jpg instead.I will rename them!
And then clear the cache.

Not gonna add artwork tags because of this:

Local Artwork is Optimal

Using embedded images on every track of the same album is suboptimal for both disk space and performance. Use a single folder.jpg in the album’s folder instead.

I used the HACS installation method (so using the HA integration which autoinstalls the addon, etc, etc). Somehow I ended up with the BETA version even though I don’t think I clicked anything beta related. Any idea how I can switch to the stable release? Or do I need to completely remove the integration / addon / hacs installation and redo the whole thing? Thanks.

The HACS integration still has BETA on the name regardless of the version you are running; which add-on did it install?

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It should be enough. You need to look at your folder structure I expect. Review the requirements in the docs carefully particularly the bit about the folder name exactly matching the album name.

Ask on GitHub or Discord

Podcasts are on the roadmap. When they are supported yes they will play in sync on supported devices (see the docs for what they are)


This could be my problem. All my folder names are preceded by the album year.

That’s gonna be a lot of work if I want to fix it!!
(nearly 700 folders :scream: )

There is a tool for Windows called power renamer, it’s part of the Microsoft power tools pack. That may work for you or perhaps there’s a similar tool for a different OS.

Mine is in a similar state of disarray. I love Music Assistant, and its exactly what I wanted in Home Assistant, so I am ignoring the bugs and quirks.

My Plex/Plexamp (after many hours of work) is absolutely perfect and the way I want it to, I wish Plex was supported better.

I am currently using “local files / SMB” in MusicCast, FWIW

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Yeah, this is super annoying, again, because this works as/is in Plex. I could script out renaming the folders… but ugggh…

Thanks for taking the time to reply

I am a routine donator to open source projects and have already donated to Home Assistant projects a bunch of times already - this plugin will be no exception - but I can’t do it until I get the functionality I’ve been waiting so, so long for

I’ll keep checking in, can’t wait

Thank you

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The Plex music provider seems to handle the metadata just fine.

If your files are tagged properly (mine are) then why should it make a difference how the files are named? The metadata is in the tags, why does it have to be in the file structure?

If my tags are correct, it shouldn’t matter what my filename or path are. The metadata is in the tags.

Any system where you need to put the metadata in the folder names is just bonkers.

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Ah got it thanks.

I really like the concept of MA, and I really was motivated to migrate towards it (coming from Plex which is closed source, and coming from Owntone/Homepod Connect which works great but was unable to start on HA OS for a long time, fixed in the meantime).

But unfortunately I kept running into so many bugs in MA, that I gave up (yes, I did some bug reporting). Like players suddenly being unavailable, MA repeating the same song over and over again (DLNA) instead of going to the next song, MA confused when I add music to the queue whilst it is already playing (Airplay), GUI artwork not loading/non-stop spinners when scrolling, metadata not appearing on some player’s screens (receiver showing song title as ‘Music Assistant’), and so on. Unfortunately at some point I gave up.

Now I’m back to Owntone, which works great, but is not as slick as MA GUI-wise, and it doesn’t have the possibility to stream different songs to different players at the same time.

I’m looking into moving to music assistant and have set it up in docker a couple of weeks ago.
I only use Deezer as provider & Sonos as players. So far it seems to be working great.

However, one thing I don’t understand is how the queue management with Sonos players works. According to the docs the native queue management is used by default in Sonos.
However, this does not seem entirly correct or most likely I’m misinterpreting the docs.

When adding for example a Deezer playlist to the current queue Music assistant starts playing however the tracks are not showing up in the queue of the Sonos player. And thus the Sonos app cannot view a queue. It shows as empty. Skipping a track works but that is about it.

Usecase is as follows:

  • you start playing music with MA
  • you move away from your computer and want to continue controlling players on your mobile device
  • In my case I go to Sonos app to add a new playlist or skipping a few songs via the queue or even look at the queue to check 2 tracks back, currently the only option I have is to completly replace the queue and this skip out on Music Assistant.

The inverse is also true, when starting to play Deezer music via Sonos Music assistant doens’t detect this as a valid queue and just displays outdated information for the current playing track or playlist. However, some things work like the current position in the track and volume control.

Is there a reason for not using the native queue possibilities in Sonos?

What a nice service!! so surprised about that. I was looking for something like that and is really what I wanted. As user of HA, this will be a step on with this system. Thank you!

I didn’t say the file name matters (although it does if you haven’t tagged) I said the ALBUM folder name has to match the tagged album name if you want the local album art to be picked up.