Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Yea, I get it. I prefer old approach with playlists and folders, not a library.

this feature doesn’t look interesting to me

I already have mpd server setup + integration with HA. It also creates database but you can browse music folders as well.

Other thoughts about MA2.0:

  • no indicator/ progress bar when creating library
  • no way to clean database (I had to manually remove db files in data folder)

Sounds like MA is not the right fit for you then. The DB does get cleaned up (I assume you mean after removing a provider) it just takes some time depending on library size, CPU, RAM etc… You will see messages in the log when it starts and finishes

Yeah look Plex probably works well for lots of people but the dev that developed it no longer uses Plex so if problems are encountered then it can take a while to fix. We would prefer people to have a good experience using MA and waiting weeks/months for a bug fix is not good. The MA project view is that Plex is a middle man for music so why not just let MA access the music directly. However, we get that many people have put considerable effort into playlists etc so support is there and there are no plans to drop it. The more successful users we have with Plex of course points to individual user problems rather than fundamental MA problems as well so your experience is valuable.

My media library isn’t in the same location as my Home Assistant server… you may still be on to something with direct access though, maybe I can do it still without going via Plex. I’ll look at the other providers and see if they could do remote network access via SFTP/FTP…

At this time, for direct access, MA needs to access the share either locally or via SMB

Plex it is then :smiley:

I have several google home devices and use Google Assistant on my sonos speakers, nice to be able to tie them all together, but can I speak to assistant to play on music assistant and/or group/ungroup speakers?

This looks good! (Not installed yet)

2 questions:

  1. Does this use the spotify integration of HA? Or does it connect to spotify from within MA? And if so can it support Spotify family - profiles? (I ask this because I currently have the Spotify integration disbaled as it sometimes hangs HA completely, Joost Lek is looking into that).

  2. I have Sonos (with Alexa built in). I use the HACS sonos card (GitHub - punxaphil/custom-sonos-card: Home Assistant custom lovelace sonos card) to select the speaker setup from within HA. Doing so from Spotify is very unhandy and only shows the latest selection of speakers and some others. (Hope this explanation is clear). By using this card and the sonos integration I can select the speakers I want perfectly when spotify is playing. (Started from phone and not HA (See point 1). The question is: can MA do also that speakers grouping/selection?

EDIT: and add to that… is it by any means possible to set the alexa volume “higher” than the music volume? There is a long known and outstanding feature request (I callcit a bug) to separate the volume of the audio and alexa in sonos. Which is today not possible… making Alexa far less effective.

HEOS support would indeed be awesome!
I setup music assistant a while ago and it looks nice, but didn’t play well with my HEOS based music installations, so I decided to wait. Have been looking every couple of months whether there has been progress on HEOS support, but definitely get it that the awesome volunteers behind the project have many priority things they want to get done :blush:

Quick question. I love the player by the way.

I’m running the addon through the sidebar of HA. How do I run it as a view on my Dashboard? I’d like to have a music wall tablet in my living room.

Are playlists limited to 49 songs?

You need to setup the optional ChatGPT powered voice functionality to get a play command. Then you need to set up some custom sentences to make join and unjoin work. See the docs for descriptions and examples for both

Current bug

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  1. MA connects to Spotify directly. You can add multiple accounts however all library items will be added to the one MA database. Any playlists you play will be played by the originating Spotify account.
  2. Linking and unlinking of speaker is supported. Whether it does it the same way as what you currently have you will have to try… You can have set groups of speakers and nest those. You can also link and unlink on the fly. Queue behaviour between those two options varies so read the docs on that.

Alex is not supported at the moment. However, for supported smart speakers announcement volume is highly configurable

Is there a way to play the music providers locally instead of streaming them? On a computer or you phone for example?

I’d like to listen to my library while at work

Also I have issues streaming to volumio, it connects but there is no sound, only clicking sounds

In the MA settings>>CORE>>WEBSERVER you can expose port 8095 to do what you want. This is not enabled by default for security. Do NOT expose this port to the Internet

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On your first question not at the moment.

I don’t know anything about Volumio but have a search on Discord. Here is one interesting post Discord.

Such a shame, I have Echo Studio’s and 5th Gen Dots and the sound quality is excellent. The suggested project doesn’t come close to the features of MA2.

I may be being stupid, but where is this? MA ui? Addon settings? Or custom integration settings?

In the Addon webpage. Cog icon top right.