Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Thanks. For completeness, then the weird icon that looks like an engine (it looks like the icon that lights up in my car when it is about to blow up)


Alright thanks, Iā€™ll take a look

How about genres? I canā€™t find sort by genre anywhere :frowning:

Not yet but this is one of the features that will come soon now that the main functionality is working.

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Sound great, thanks for a really awesome addon! Youā€™ve done a crazy great job! It was a long time since I looked forward to newer releases as now

Iā€™ll be the first one to request the play locally feature then! That would if you ask me be a game changer, to collect all your music-sources and play them on your local device through HA :slight_smile:

I came to this after the cluster fuck that is the new Sonos app. Installation was a breeze, up and running in no time with Plex and YTM. Would be nice if Bandcamp could be supported so I can ditch the Sonos app completely.

If you mean play locally on the host running HA then you can do that by adding the squeezelite addon I Want To Stream To - Music Assistant

Iā€™m not sure if that is what you mean, but you already can play music on a PC via the companion app. Still not possible on a phone though.

You mean the companion Web app installed through browser? How do you do that?

Best case Iā€™d like a Web player in hassio/MA to output the Sound through any device locally

Isnā€™t that only for logitech devices?

No, I mean this.

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Of course not. It emulates a Logitech squeezebox on any hw including esp32, Linux, macos, even windows.

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You can use the built in Snapserver to play to any browser on your local network.

Similarly, @arturpragacz you can use Snapdroid if you have an Android phone.

Nice, totally missed that, Iā€™ll give it a go

Thanks, Iā€™ll take a look into it!

Music assistent starts in the settings page every time, not in the home page

Yes bug introduced fixing another in 2.0.1. Will be fixed next update

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I tried 1.0 and uninstalled after a few hours. No support for esphome media player. Is 2.0 different? Iā€™m leveraging esp to smarten up my existing stereo

when trying the docker install I get this error:

music-assistant-1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/zeroconf/_utils/", line 288, in add_multicast_member
music-assistant-1  |     listen_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, _value)
music-assistant-1  | OSError: [Errno 105] No buffer space available

Can you point me to the bug so that I can watch it? This, unfortunately, is a show stopper for me. The main playlist I use are just shuffles of 1500+ songs.

Edit: Looks like they fixed it already!

I would like music assistant to have a ā€œwake up functionā€ to play music on a device.