Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Perhaps you missed the automations section of home assistant.

Have a look here I Want To Stream To - Music Assistant

also, how do you add it to the dashboard? when I try to add a webpage i get this error:
Unable to load iframes pointing at websites using http: if Home Assistant is served over https:.

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Does MA allow casting Spotify to Chromecast Audio, something I have to use the add-on Spotcast for at present.

Yes, certainly does.


Look carefully at the error. That isn’t related to MA. Just Google the error

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I have a lot of music on a server dished up by samba. Is there a reason why I don’t seem to have images, or have some images and not others? It seems to be somewhat random, and dependent on the device I am using for the frontend. LMS has all of these blank images filled in. I installed 2 days ago, and thought they may have been in the database by now.

I assume your objection to bluetooth is that its low bandwidth doesn’t allow for highest quality audio … a reasonable consideration. I have also noticed that MA seems intended for small collections (a warning is generated when the “All tracks” playlist gets to 2500 tracks) of albums (not having an albumartist ID3 tag is another warning), and the user interface gets unwieldy as the number of artists/albums/tracks grows.

So … what I am hearing is that Music Assistant is exclusively for audiophiles who have only a dozen or two albums, and like to cue up each track individually … and all other use cases are dismissed.

Unfortunately that seems to be the target user for every other music player out there.

The docs say that the media player icon can be subbed for any other mdi icon. Would it be possible to extend that to other icons available to HA? Custom brand icons would be great GitHub - elax46/custom-brand-icons: Custom brand icons for Home Assistant They have icons that correspond exactly to real life hardware devices.

No you are way off the mark. You can 100% use Bluetooth. Just use a RPi, for example, running PiCorePlayer and connect your BT speaker to that. There will be other solutions as well.

Marcel built a dummy database of MILLIONS of tracks and the DB handles that fine. The “potential” issue results when trying to pull all those million tracks (or more than 2500) into the queue at once. Server performance will be dependent on server CPU and RAM.

The album artist warning is because MA needs that to properly categorise albums. There is setting that changes how no album artist is handled.

Always happy to hear constructive ideas about how the interface can be improved but it works fine for me with my modest few hundred albums and roughly 5000 tracks.

You can open a feature request on GH for that :+1:

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Mine (from LMS) is

Total genres: 165
Total artists: 3370
Total releases: 1198
Total songs: 15293
Total duration: 46 days 17:04:28

I keep getting the very annoying missing ID3 tag [albumartist] warning. :smile:

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Try Mp3tag - Download to complete all tags “automatically”

And change my data, leading to me not being to continue seeding the albums? Not really a good solution. LMS works without this tag.

I am having a weird experience. I have been playing with MA for a couple of days mainly playing one off tracks and internet radio.

So my first attempt to play an album. All tracks go into the queue, but each track keeps playing, and repeating, and repeating. I have to manually click to go onto the next track.

Rather spoils it. And no, none of the repeat options are clicked.

You can only chamge what you want. Better said “add what you want”.

Btw, the album artist, I remember from the MP3 ages is alway a pita… I used to set them to “VA” (Various Artists).

And making it even more confusing, the wrong metadata is showing. Right now my Kitchen media player is playing “Madame George” by Van Morrison. But the MA UI claims it is playing “Ballerina” - same artist, same album.

It also claims Madame George has already been played.

Browser refreshing makes no difference.

Also just noticed, the track length (on the right) accurately represents the time the claimed track (Ballerina) is supposed to take, but the countdown of playing time (on the left) is accurate for what is actually playing, (Madame George, 9:45 long).

Especially after finding the setting (in MA >> Settings >> Music providers - FileSystem (remote share) >> Generic Settings >> Action when a track is missing the Albumartist ID3 tag. Even after setting it to “Use Track artist” I continued getting the warning for the next update or two.

Since about version 2.0.0 I have not seen this message, so I assume this is fixed.

Yes, I loved MP3tag … but now I use Ubuntu linux, and MusicBrainz Picard seems to be considered the best MP3 tagger