My Custom Cards for Minimalist UI

Can you post a screenshot from the developer tools states of the sensor

for example like this:

i have same problem

just pushed a fix to the dev git, please try.

with dev the problem is fix

great thanks for reporting back.

Don’t you think it’s better to use the device’s group attribute instead of creating an area called groups?

i use area groups then i can dump anything in there I want to ignore ( i have several groups of lights), it can be called anything you want, just edit the ignore area in the sensor.

BTW: climate should be in the dev test file you got,

  - type: custom:button-card
      grid-area: room5
      - custom_card_andyblac_room
    name: Lounge
    icon: mdi:sofa
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: lounge
      action: "more-info"
      ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_color: yellow
      sensor_label_1: sensor.wiser_lts_temperature_lounge
      sensor_label_2: sensor.wiser_lts_humidity_lounge
        entity_id: climate.wiser_lounge
        entity_id: binary_sensor.lounge_door_contact
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The fix did it :slight_smile:

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Pretty cool!!!

Thank you!

yes, sorry, I’m already trying it… and it works. I just have a little overlap with an icon in a card. I can’t wait for my mobile popup issue to be resolved.Schermata 2023-11-06 alle 21.21.35

it’s a fas: …from

can you do a short video of the issue ?, popups seems ok here. as for the overlap, hmm what do you think we should do ? maybe reduce the room icon slightly ?

It seems to me more like a problem with the centering of the fas: icon …it seems more moved to the left and down
Schermata 2023-11-06 alle 22.01.00

probably reduce the room icon when using fas - that’s the right way

How can I send a video here?

ether a GIFF or upload to a free hosting site and post link

hmm strange, i understand it was working OK before 2023.11 update ?, maybe report the issue on bowser_mod integration GitHub - thomasloven/hass-browser_mod: 🔹 A Home Assistant integration to turn your browser into a controllable entity and media player

before the update it definitely worked. in those days however I was also working on the dashboard!