My Custom Cards for Minimalist UI

try setting the Display precision to 1 decimal place on your sensors.

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hi, my problem with pop-ups unfortunately continues with this HA update. It’s not on all my mobile devices. I don’t know how to describe it to report it on broswer_mod. Do you know how I can gather information about the error?

I would start by going into the the browser_mod forum thread, and ask if anyone else is having issue with it.

Do you have something for us to try? :upside_down_face:

OK, update in latest dev git, docs updated to in dev git.


I’ll try this afternoon and let you know!

fas:icons have disappeared

It only happens with the app not on the browser
I don’t understand how it works. what value should I put in the variable?

will turn the room icon bright violet if light.andys_bredroom_spots is on (if you have a colour called violet)

 - type: custom:button-card
      - custom_card_andyblac_room
    name: Andys Bedroom
    icon: mdi:bed
    entity: light.andys_bredroom_spots
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: andys-bedroom
      ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_color: violet

will turn the room icon bright yellow if light.andys_bredroom_spots is on

 - type: custom:button-card
      - custom_card_andyblac_room
    name: Andys Bedroom
    icon: mdi:bed
    entity: light.andys_bredroom_spots
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: andys-bedroom
      ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_color: violet
      ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_color_on: yellow

hm strange does here, can you show me what you get ?

sorry, I didn’t reboot :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

no need to reboot, just restart UI LOVELACE MINIMALIST in developer tools yaml, and then refresh the dashboard, using the 3 dots

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fas:icon now don’t work in room icon

sorry fas:icon ??, what you mean ?

you use only mdi:?

the new code should not changed anything for that.

I don’t know what to say, but since I put the new code only in the app I can’t see the icons anymore

I solved it by reinstalling fontawesome.

np, so it is working ok now ?

yes it working

what do you think about inserting camera icon after the room name?
Schermata 2023-11-12 alle 23.11.10
It looks nice and clean to me