My Custom Cards for Minimalist UI

when the icon is off it should have a brightness like that of the sensors

Does the icons from GitHub - elax46/custom-brand-icons: Custom brand icons for Home Assistant
are working too?

yes i use those.

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unfortunately there no easy way to do that, as the tile is already part of a grid that contains the action icon to the right of the room, and i’m not that great with grids.

But if you or someone here can do it, create a pull request and i’ll merge it.

I’ve installed them now too!

but what you can do is add a unicode symbol to the end of the title name text like this.

  # Front Garden
  - type: custom:button-card
      grid-area: room1
      - custom_card_andyblac_room
    name: Front Garden 📹
    icon: mdi:flower

I would think it would be nice to have an icon that activated a pop-up window with an image of the cameras

I will create the request

Hey there,

first of all - impressive work, love your room card already!

One question regarding the sensors: Is it possible to hide them and only let them appear on a condition? E. g. for Window- or Motionsensors, only show them, when they are “on”.

Keep up the great work and thanks in advance!

hi, thanks, and glad you like the room card, I had not thought of that, please add a feature request in the GitHub issues, and I’ll take a look.

Alright, done :+1:

ok added to latest dev branch, to use like:

        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_show_on_state_only: true
        entity_id: binary_sensor.office_door_contact

Please test and report back

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Awesome, thank you!

Window closed:

Window open:


Update: So I figured out I was click on the wrong location. If I click on lock icon the popup works. If I click on the text in takes me to the view.

Just let me first say I really like these cards and have been working on a redesign of my dashboard for a few days based on your work. Thank you for the work you have done.

Onto my problem. I have not gotten to any of the room cards yet, but I have managed to get the sidebar nearly complete. The issue I am running into at this point is that when I click on the security card, instead of producing a popup it is navigating to the security view. I have made sure that all integrations and hacs components are up to date. My sidebar.yaml contains the exact same configuration as yours for the security and heating cards except for changing the sensors. My main/security.yaml is the same except the sensors and the removal of the garage alarm configuration. Finally my popups/security.yaml is again the same except for changing sensors and removing the garage pieces.

So I am at a loss right now with trying to understand why the popup is not working. I am using browser mod 2.0 so that should not be a problem unless I missed a configuration step. However when I test it in the UI it seems to work. I know in the original browser mod you had to put an entry into the configuration.yaml, but I removed that per the instructions for 2.0. Based on what I can tell, that is not needed anymore and I don’t see it anywhere in any of your yaml files.

Hopefully you can help point me in the right direction for what I seem to be missing.

Thank you in advance.

Schermata 2023-11-18 alle 10.15.12

after hours of work and attempts I managed to obtain this. what do you think?

how does deal with long names ?, is it configurable ?, can it be used for other thing apart from show cams ?, but it looks good, nice work. but can I ask, Why not just use one of the entity buttons to the right ?

Yeah, thats the correct behaviour, sorry if it was not clear, do you think i need to change the docs, to make this more clear?

can you post the code for the cards your having trouble with, I’ll be happy to take a look.

because I think it’s like climate, if you have it it has to be in a fixed position. alongside the name it seemed like a good position because it was quite free. it certainly behaves badly with long names. yes it is configurable. you can use it for whatever you want. I’m already sharing the code on GitHub as your fork.

yeah, that the issue i thought it would have (long names), i’ll try to have a think, see what I can come up with.

what i was thinking was for you to use position entity_1 for the cam, and then entity_3, entity_4 for the 2 lights.

often the room name is short! the design looks so cool
Schermata 2023-11-18 alle 15.39.00