Ok, a little bit clearer.
You have 6 shellies with tasmota for your valves.
How do you control your pump?
e.g. i have a hager esn224 to activate my pump. basically it’s a relay dpdt with a 24vac coil, when it feels current on the coil, activate the 220vac for the pump.
i have attached a 24vac transformer to one relay, when one valves start, i activate the pump(transformer) relay that activates the pump.
Hello, i have 2 sonoff 4ch pro r3 with tasmota to control the valves, and want to use a shelly 1pm to control the pump, and to now the consumer of the pump.
ok, you have to work a little bit in ha config, you have to group every valve switch with the pump relay.
Have a look at groups or even better template switch
I am about to merge a pull request from @davewatson91 which brings together all the changes made/suggested several months ago by @Athan (and possibly others?) to allow up to 16 zones.
It is literally just to allow additional zones, it doesn’t add or change any logic so it should have no effect on the way the package currently works.
Please report back here or open a GitHub issue if you experience any problems and likewise feel free to confirm you are using it with no issues.
Thanks again to @davewatson91 and @Athan and apologies if I forgot anyone else who had an input.
Hi @klogg is there a way to use Weatherbit.io and this custom-component for weather sensors and forecast?
Unfortunately there I don’t own a Tempest station and the nearest station is 400km away from my house…
Hello. I just found why in my case it was skipping schedules, it was the “Ignore schedules if it is raining” that was on, just turn it to off and the schedules work. I haven’t configure the rain sensor and even with the “Adjust for rainfall” set to off it didn’t start. To prevent this maybe the “Ignore schedules if it is raining” should only work with real value (raining true or false) and if it is not configured the status should be unknown and skip this.
Can you provide me with the automation part and lovelace config*?
I have moved on from this code to something simpler I wrote myself.
I’ll check it but I don’t think I can help you out unfortunately
This look great and is exactly what I want to do. Can you share you Esphome code? I am also look at adding a nextron lcd screen so I can control it at the box.
EDIT: Sorry, this request wasn’t aimed at me but I’ll leave it here in case it is useful!
By all means…
#=== Substitutions
device_name: esphome_irrigation_controller
friendly_name: ESPHome Irrigation Controller
# Board
name: ${device_name}
platform: ESP32
board: mhetesp32devkit
# WiFi
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
fast_connect: True
ssid: IrrigationHotspot
password: some.random.password!
# Fallback portal
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Enable Over-The-Air updates
# # Enable Web server.
# web_server:
# port: 80
#=== Sensors
#=== Uptime
- platform: uptime
name: ${friendly_name} Uptime
#=== WiFi Signal
- platform: wifi_signal
name: ${friendly_name} WiFi Signal
update_interval: 60s
#=== Failsafe time
- platform: homeassistant
id: failsafe_time
name: ${friendly_name} Failsafe Time
entity_id: input_number.irrigation_failsafe_time_in_seconds
#=== Switches
#=== Zone Relay 1
- platform: gpio
number: 21
inverted: True
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone1
id: relay1
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: &interlock_group [relay1, relay2, relay3, relay4, relay5, relay6, relay7, relay8]
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 2
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone2
id: relay2
number: 22
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 3
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone3
id: relay3
number: 23
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 4
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone4
id: relay4
number: 14
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 5
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone5
id: relay5
number: 25
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 6
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone6
id: relay6
number: 26
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 7
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone7
id: relay7
number: 27
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Zone Relay 8
- platform: gpio
name: Garden Irrigation Relay Zone8
id: relay8
number: 18
inverted: True
restore_mode : ALWAYS_OFF
interlock: *interlock_group
- script.execute: failsafe
- script.stop: failsafe
#=== Reboot
- platform: restart
name: ${friendly_name} Reboot
id: reboot
#=== Scripts
#=== Set failsafe time converted to milliseconds
- id: failsafe
- delay: !lambda |-
return id(failsafe_time).state * 1000;
- switch.turn_off: relay1
- switch.turn_off: relay2
- switch.turn_off: relay3
- switch.turn_off: relay4
- switch.turn_off: relay5
- switch.turn_off: relay6
- switch.turn_off: relay7
- switch.turn_off: relay8
Thanks! I am planning on using your github irrigation project once I get the hardware working.
This will save me a lot of time. What IO expander are you using? I have the 8574 io expander but it is not being detected. I have tried addresses 0x21 and 0x20 with no luck.
Hi there…
i have 8 Zones and 1 Main Relay. How can i add this Main relay to open before zone 1 starts and close after the last zone?
Thanks in advance
Edit: Solved:
#=== Run all the zones in turn
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.yourswitch
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.yourswitch
Is it possible to add a language page where all the Labels can be defined? To change them to german
I did start on this a while ago but the method I used failed due to a bug feature in HA.
( Reload of input_text should also reset to initial - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io))
I couldn’t think of an alternative and simple way to implement this natively in HA.
But if anyone has any ideas…