My Garden Irrigation

Hi. i used the latest files but there is no graph for temp and rain.

Where do i need to look?

Can someone point me in the right direction? I’d love to use this project, but am unable to have the dashboard show up. When I change te irrigation.yaml destination it tells me it’s unable to locate it, so this tells me it is properly being directed and since there is no message I assume the right file is being loaded. However selecting the sidebar it comes up empty. Thanks for any help anybody can offer.

Hi all.
Someone know how can i move the Irrigation lovelace from sidebar to the normal interface (horizontal top).


It’s just a guess as I don’t have much information to go on but have you set up the weather sensors?


Also just a guess for the same reason :wink: but have you checked you have the correct file structure for Lovelace?

view_garden_version2.yaml is just a standard Lovelace view so you can move it wherever you need to in order to fit your preference.

e.g. Put it where your other view files are and edit ui-lovelace.yaml appropriately.

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Hi Klogg,

Thanks for answering me and your efforts. How can I check if I have the correct file structure?

Ok, thanks a lot.
I’ll try it.

Kind regards

You also need to make sure that those sensors are configured in your recorder so the graph has access to past values. Here is my recorder setting within my configuration.yaml:

  purge_keep_days: 7
  auto_purge: true
  commit_interval: 1
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_zone1_switch
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_zone2_switch
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_zone3_switch
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_zone4_switch
      - switch.backyard
      - switch.flowerbeds
      - switch.sideyard
      - switch.frontyard
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_forecast_high_temp
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_current_temp
      - sensor.weather_api_forecast_total_rain_today
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_rainfall_today
      - binary_sensor.above_horizon
      - sensor.smartweather_rain_rate
      - sensor.smartweather_rain_today
      - sensor.smartweather_rain_yesterday
      - sensor.forecasted_high_temp
      - sensor.forecasted_rain_today

I believe this has to be done for any graph card to display properly. Of course, my sensors will more than likely be different than your sensors.

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  purge_keep_days: 7
  auto_purge: true
  commit_interval: 1
      - sensor.bodenfeuchtesensor_soil_moisture
      - sensor.netatmo_regenmesser_rain_today
      - irrigation_sensor_zone1_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone2_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone3_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone4_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone5_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone6_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone7_switch
      - irrigation_sensor_zone8_switch
      - switch.rasen1
      - switch.rasen2
      - switch.rasen3
      - switch.rasen4
      - switch.vorgarten
      - switch.terrasse
      - switch.gartenlinks
      - switch.gartenrechts
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_forecast_high_temp
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_current_temp
      - sensor.weather_api_forecast_total_rain_today
      - sensor.irrigation_sensor_rainfall_today
      - binary_sensor.above_horizon

All Sensors show data…

Automatic garden irrigation… I have a small garden but that would be a dream !

Unfortunately I don’t think I will ever be able to make this dream come true.
My water pressure is about ok : 2bars, but my water flow looks really too low : about 500 Liters/hour. This has been measured at the outdoor faucet ouput.

Any idea of garden irrigation hadware that would work witch such a low water flow ? :confused:


Ahhh got it. Installed Sun2 but no binary sensor availabe. Changed to sun.sun and it works now!

Hi Klogg

group.set is definitely gone now.

I get a lot of this in my log file:

Vesion of HA:

I have no need for the comparisson between actual and forecast temp so i changed the card a little… Temp recordings since yesterday :wink:

Now change the english iterations to german :smiley:


You (or I) have something strange going on because I have it. (Note that my Services page is in yaml mode)

I can’t imagine they’d remove a whole service without some kind of announcement, even if it just appeared in ‘breaking changes’.

I still haven’t heard anything about it being removed so I hope you’re wrong!



What happens when you actually call that service?

I get this:

I feel like I can FINALLY give back to this group.
If you are having time calculation errors, where the end of the cycle time is incorrect, then it’s likely that you also cannot call the group:set service in the Developers tab.

You will also likely have errors in your log relating to group.set

So, the solution!
It looks like HA doesnt load the group service until it’s actually needed, so what you need to do is create a group in your config .yaml.
It doesnt have to be anything special, just make anything.

I did this:
Then restarted HA
Then added it to Lovelace for good measure:
Then restarted HA
And now I no longer have group.set errors in my log, and, Lo and Behold! I have the “Next run” and end of run times displaying, and displaying correctly respectively.

If you have any of these symptoms, it may be worthwhile creating the group in your config.yaml

Items circles in red are what either didnt show at all, or had wrong end time calculated (same as start time)

What about the “adjust for …” Settings? Both reduce the duration to 1 Minute/zone… Nothing changes that…

Any ideas?

Good spot.

You might not even need to do that. It is possible that simply adding


will be enough?
(Hard for me to test as I have quite a few groups.)

Possibly, but I’m not going to bother testing, haha! I’m just glad it’s working.