My Garden Irrigation

That is brilliant. Thanks. I may well look into doing that myself.
That is a great use of the magnetic door sensor too. There seems to be no end to the way they can be adapted!

I think you should post that on its own. I’m sure it will be useful to a wider audience than just this thread.

Thanks again for the inspiration and of course please let me know how well it works.

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@itajackass Thanks I added the contents from includes to /lovelace directory, now having /locelace/includes and /lovelace/includes_garden.

Also, I created a packages folder and put the content there, now having /packages/irrigation.

When I check config now, I get a expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['packages']['notify']

Guess that’s related to the fact that you need to add notifyers?
But how? I can not find any meaningful documentation on helpers.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Look here.

And specifically in this case here.

Thanks, added

name: notifications_user1_name
name: notifications_user2_name

But still getting the previous error.

Any idea what’s that related to?

I have just uploaded the latest copy of Version 2 to GitHub.

Amongst other very small changes, it includes a complete restructuring of the Lovelace code which should make it easier to adapt to your own use.


Hi at all, I put the little project of rain sensor using a magnetic door sensor here: Commercial 2 wires rain sensor converted to smart sensor with Shelly d/w

Of course italian version is better explained… :slight_smile:

Hi Klogg, sorry probably something I have done, but I cannot get it to work…

Fresh install downloaded this morning…

If have the following error…

When I click on the first cycle box…

Unable to find referenced entities input_boolean.irrigation_show_cycle1

I have looked at the code, lovelace/view_garden_version2.yaml line 54 calls for includes_garden/schedules/page_schedules.yaml

Same issue but different lines for the general, temperature and rainfall settings boxes

I don’t seem to have that… (and I can’t find it on Github).

No. It is something I have done. Or rather didn’t do.

I restructured the entire Lovelace code to make it simpler (hopefully) but I forgot to upload the new view file. Only a small oversight :roll_eyes: :blush:

I’ve put the correct version up now.
Sorry about that!

Also, see the Prerequisites, I have also just uploaded a ‘complete’ example SmartWeather config to help if you use that.

Hi Klogg,

Excellent, works now! Just needed to add hui-element…

Haven’t added the smartweather yet, but that looks amazing!! I will add that later on.

I have a weatherstation in my garden, I use weewx to take the data and publish it to online weather systems and also to publish it to mqtt, so I will, over a bit of time, look at how I can use my own data in my system. If I get anything, I will try and post it!

Excellent and many thanks.

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Good catch.
I’ve added it to the docs.


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Hi Klogg,

Me again, sorry to be a pain. I have updated to the newer version with the time picker card. I have changed the names of the cycles to test1 and test 2. Test 1 works fine and I can change the start time no problem. When I go to change the start time on Test2 (cycle2) it gives me in the popup the start time for cycle1 and the header says Test 1 start time.


Clicking on start time 10:30 on the above screen shot give me…


Replying to myself!!! @klogg


line 29 - 33

          #=== Start Time
          - !include
            - item_cycle_start_time.yaml
            - entity: sensor.irrigation_cycle{{ cycle }}_start_time_in_seconds
              cycle: 1

Should read

          #=== Start Time
          - !include
            - item_cycle_start_time.yaml
            - entity: sensor.irrigation_cycle{{ cycle }}_start_time_in_seconds
              cycle: {{ cycle }}

Doing this now works…

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Yes, you’re right.
I overlooked that when I simplified the Lovelace.

Also I saw from your screenshot that the shadows were all wrong with the default theme. This is new since I restructured the Lovelace to use hui-element.

I have changed all the files now so that it should look correct.

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Great will have a look!

I am trying to understand the temperature settings. Where do input_number.irrigation_high_temp_1 (High temp yesterday) get updated from?


Have a look in garden_weather_temperature.yaml

Every night at one minute past midnight it cycles the previous four days high temp.
Is that what you mean?

Yes, found it… Using my own rain and temperature now.

Hi all after a few weeks i have managed to get this up with the displays showing correctly etc, took me a while but i decided to run this on a fresh install of home assistant, all plug - ins, resources are loaded as stated, using the Sonoff 4ch pro and ESPHome naming my switch’s the same as Klogg’ switch’s.

The issue i have is in the cycles which show unknown, i can select the 1st switch but it wont let me change the zone name, and in the 2, 3 and 4 pop up box it wont let me input anything ? not sure whats going on there.

when i run the cycle in test mode or not, my zone / box 1 activates fine triggering my valve but because i cannot enter anything into the other box’s it does nothing, or should i say its activating a empty switch, anyone got any ideas to get this finally up and running.

All up and running finally.


zone 1 i can select/ input switch name but not zone name.


zone2 and 3 and 4 are the same i can’t input any switch’s.


@klogg: great work!
I’ll use your 2nd version asap, meanwhile I have a trouble with 1st version. When a cycle ends and I have selected"Alternate" or “Daily” as Cycle_watering_days, it never update the “Next scheduled run time”. The script “update_next_runtime” is never called.
Could you help me?


I am a newbie here - I have installed HA and Klopp’s great irrigation controller. I’m having issues with the UI & Smartweather.

I’m wondering if someone could point me where to set the location code etc for smart weather. I’m have been through the ( but it doesn’t say where and what file need to be modified.

Below is a screenshot of the error:

by the way, the two stations what are close to my area are:

Any assistance with be much appreciated.
