My Garden Irrigation

It wasn’t a total fail safe. It the sonoff itself locks up, there’s nothing switching the valves off.

A true failsafe design does not rely on a single point of failure.
For “only” a garden irrigation it’s not so critical, but when using this system for watering indoors, I would add a second controller.

I think your system “as is” is very good, no need to change it. Just add a controller.

Here is my dark sky config which works, have a go with this below…

Hello everybody

can nobody really help me?

I just added a small update that adds a user definable delay if the controller is offline before it turns on or off a valve.

It doesn’t change anything in normal operation (that has been tested here) but I cannot test what happens when the controller goes off line as I only have one HA instance and one garden :wink:

If anyone wants to look at the code and comment on whether they think it is correct I am more than happy…

Hi I am using your 16 zones branch and it works perfect. Could be possible to add more than 1 “irrigation control wifi signal”
I tried to do this by myself without luck and I think it could be useful 'cos more zones implies more switches / sonoff

Hi @claustro. Sorry, I’m on vacation and I can’t look at it for the moment. I have limited internet access

You could make a template sensor or group to accomplish this?

don’t worry I am happy for you :slight_smile:
It is only an idea no need to rush in , if you think it could be a good idea you can do it when you have time
thank you

maybe yes but I am not very skilled configuring the interface in yaml , but I am slowly learning :slight_smile:

Hi, Looks awesome - If I may throw my 2c worth in there, perhaps let it fire an notification to user1 / user2 (if they have notifications enabled) that there was a failure in the runtime.

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Not sure if it is perhaps something on my side or a bug. I used the telegram notification posted earlier (My Garden Irrigation - #405 by http_edo13) in the thread, but the runtime does not resolve correctly.

I thought you’d like to know that the Morning Cycle cycle has just started.

The total watering time should be about 00:00 but I’ll let you know when it has finished.

The second weird thing i noticed was the temperature multiplier - The math seems to be a bit off or I might understand it incorrectly.

From the information pop-up, I understood the following. If I add the max temperatures for the past 4 days and divide them by 4 and then divide them by die base temp, the answer is very close to 1, where the multiplier is reading 1.29. Did I miss something with this?

You’ll have to ask @http_edo13 about that, they have changed it to suit their purposes. If you look at my version you should be able to work out how to get the message telling you what you want and combine it with theirs

I’ll check up on that but probably tomorrow.

Or maybe a quick look now…

I think there is a typo. The last divider should be 5 not 4. (line 307)

I’ve updated the file. Let me know if you think that is all it was.
I don’t actually use the adjustments unless I go on holiday and that hasn’t happened this year!

@klogg What everything should I change in order to skip the rainfall sensor yesterday and just pass the rain data from today to yesterday - same like in your version 1? I have my own Netatmo Raingauge.
I have tracked changed some codes in packages but unfortunately after HA restart the the whole page wont load - UI Error. Thanks

I’m not sure I understand the question. The method for calculating rainfall is very similar to used in Version 1. It cycles all the days and then does the calculation.

You can adjust the number of days history used in the Settings.

Thanks for reply. In the settings you have provided to enter rain sensor for today - there I place my Netatmo Raingauge and thats ok. But below its an option to enter the sensor for yesterday. In version1 the value for yesterday was calculated automatically so thats the difference. Thanks

After using the system for 2 weeks I have some question for you guys.
I am using athan71 version

  1. will be possible to increase runtimes to at least 90 minutes? I use a lot of drip irrigation in my garden and it requires very long times.

  2. I also noticed something weird with multiplier correction baseline temp 22 Current tempo 354.6 multiplier 0.79 . It seems an opposite correction of what needed, it seems to me reducing the watering time instead of increasing.

  3. I am still having problem stopping manual cycle

  4. The numbers on the slider of runtimes are only partially visibile

5 )Would be possible to merge all the version together ? it will be easier to track corrections and bugs.

Thank guys fro all your great work!

Ah, ok.
It is set up that way so that you can get yesterdays actual rainfall from weather provider.
You could create your own template sensor for yesterdays rainfall which you update every night at say 1 minute to midnight and simply takes the value of your rain guage.

I haven’t checked the code and don’t have time now but you might even be able to use a simple input_number.

honestly I tried to change the code in order to be the same like in V1 but there are so many connections. If you will be able, when you will have time, to at least make and option for those who have they own weather stations to have an option for passing the calculation from today to yesterday like in V1 it would be great. Thanks

I also find some bad indentation errors. Looks like they dont make any issues but just in case:

bad indentation of a sequence entry at line 221, column 19:
- entity: input_boolean.irrigation_cycle …

    #=== Every Day
    - !include
      - item_cycle_zone_every_day_check_box.yaml
      - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_cycle{{ cycle }}_zone{{ zone }}_every_day


  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: horizontal-stack
      - !include
        - ../garden_section_select_button.yaml
        - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_ui_show_cycle1
          name: "[[[ var entity_id = 'input_text.irrigation_cycle1_name'; return states[entity_id].state.toUpperCase(); ]]]"


      #=== CYCLE HEADER
      - !include
        - item_cycle_header.yaml
        - cycle: {{ cycle }}


      #=== CYCLE 3 HEADER
      - !include
        - item_cycle_header.yaml
        - cycle: 3


      - ../item_settings_check_box_with_entity_icon.yaml
      - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_notify_user1
        name: "${'Notify ' +  vars[0] + ' of events'}"


          #=== Irrigation Master Control switch
          - !include
            - ../item_settings_check_box_with_entity_icon.yaml
            - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_master_control_switch
              on_name: "System is ON"
              off_name: "System is OFF"


      #=== GENERAL
      - !include
        - ../garden_section_select_button.yaml
        - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_ui_show_general_settings
          name: GENERAL


    - !include
      - item_settings_smartweather_check_box.yaml
      - entity: input_boolean.smartweather_rainfall_use_location_1


      #=== Number of days history
      - !include
          - ../item_settings_line.yaml
          - entity: input_number.irrigation_days_of_rainfall_history_used
            name: Number of days history to use
            label: (0 to 4) If zero only rainfall today is used
            round: 0


  #=== Zone 1
  - type: custom:hui-element
    card_type: conditional
      - entity: timer.irrigation_zone1_timer
        state: "active"
      - item_status_current_activity_line.yaml
      - entity: timer.irrigation_zone1_timer
        zone: zone1


                    - templates/garden/cycles/section_cycle1_2_schedule.yaml
                    - cycle: 1
                    - templates/garden/cycles/section_cycle1_2_schedule.yaml
                    - cycle: 2
                  !include templates/garden/cycles/section_cycle3_schedule.yaml