My Garden Irrigation

Okay thanks.
I am having some issues with automations in the new packages, hoping you or someone can help. I can manually run the zones but none of the trigger automations are working. When the set time comes, nothing happens and nothing shows in the logs. Here are some observances I have all dealing with cycle 1 as it is the only cycle I use, maybe you can help:

  1. When I change the “Actual Time” start time, nothing appears in the logs.
  2. When I change either the Sunrise or Senset offset options, I do see an automation triggered in the logs but the cycle does not run when the time comes.
  3. When I change individual zone run times, I see automation run entries in the log.
  4. When I change day to run, nothing in the logs.

I have tried with and without the “Adjust for rain/temp” settings checked. I have ran a full host reboot. I have completely removed the package, rebooted, deleted all entities related to the package, re-installed the package, rebooted the host, and re-configured which gives me the same results.
Any help would be appreciated.

Are you on HA 2021.7?

It uses trigger IDs which were new in that version.

(Even if this isn’t your issue, I should have mentioned it. I’ll add it to the GitHub readme now)

Yes I am on that version. 2021.7.4 to be accurate. You have id’s set in the irrigation_triggered.yaml file already though. Do they need to be elsewhere too?

Part of the problem as well. If I scroll down through the Automations page in HA, I see nothing that got triggered or started at the time I have set for the cycle start time. I hope that makes sense.

Do you mean in ‘Configuration, Automations’ you do not see anything like this?

or in ‘Developer Tools, States’

I mean in Configuration>Automations. I see the automations are there but none of them get “triggered” at the time I have set for the cycle to start. There is also no errors in the HASS log stating that there was an attempt to run an automation and could not find one, had an error, or anything.

Sorry for the dumb question. I’m fairly new to lovelace, and don’t understand how I’m supposed to install this package. I’ve followed the instructions and copied the two directories from github into the \config folder, but nothing happens. I’d highly appreciate it if someone could explain how to get this to show up on the UI?

@ Sumi Have a look here for a more detail instruction about packages etc and how to install the integration to show up in the ui, i must admit it took me a while to get my head around it, but once it’s done you wont regret it as it works like a charm, also take note that these instruction is mentioning about the old package / files but it will be the same principle i believe to set up.

Smart irrigation with “My garden Irrigation” for Home Assistant

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Thank you very much!

Unfortunatelly I get the dreaded

"ButtonCardJSTemplateError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined in 'return states['input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family'].state'"

Error, that has never been answered what causes it:(( So I’m stuck.

I don’t want to sound rude/mean, but why isn’t there a proper installation instructions on github?:frowning: I see this with a lot of HASS stuff, and it drives me crazy… All they write is “Installation is easy” (just figure it out yourself out of nowhere)

What font are you using? What is configured here:

If anything other than default, do you have the font “installed” in your Lovelace resources like this?

This is how the Dashboard looks like:

I don’t have a Resources tab under Lovelace dashboards (don’t know why), but this is how the configuration.yaml looks like:

I assume it is correct, because other custom elements seem to be working on the main dashboard (for example the first, the fkf-garbage-collection-card)

Okay, found out how to turn on the Resources tab (needed to enable advanced setting under my profile):slight_smile:
This is what it looks like - I assume this is correct:

Also my file editor shows that there is a problem with “/config/lovelace/view_garden_irrigation.yaml”:

bad indentation of a mapping entry at line 39, column 24:
                    - cycle: 1

Interestingly enough, if I remove this line (and the other one with cycle 2 as well), it breaks HACS :smiley: (got to love Home Assistant and its quirks…)

Looks like you are missing the “storage” mode option under your configuration.yaml for Lovelace. Here is mine:


  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      title: Overview
      show_in_sidebar: true
      icon: mdi:home
      filename: home-lovelace.yaml
      mode: yaml
      title: Irrigation
      icon: mdi:flower
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: irrigation.yaml

You have to also make sure that somewhere in your configuration.yaml file you are specifying another location to look for package files. Something like this

packages: !include_dir_named packages/

Then the Garden Irrigation folder from Klogg will go inside that location like this:

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The issue I am having is tied directly to the “Ignore Schedules if Raining” option. I have verified that my raining now sensor is set correctly and is returning an “off” state right now yet the schedules will not run with it enabled. What yaml file is that state held or defined in? What automation uses it as a condition other than iriigation_triggered.yaml? I see this condition in that file:

      #=== Check it is not raining if that option is enabled. NOTE: don't check this for cycle 3
      - condition: template
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('input_boolean.irrigation_ignore_schedule_if_raining', 'off') or 
                trigger.entity_id == 'input_boolean.irrigation_cycle3_running' %}
          {% elif states('input_boolean.irrigation_ignore_schedule_if_raining') == 'on' and
                  states(states('input_text.irrigation_external_sensor_raining_now')) == 'off' %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

BUT, if it check that template in the Dev tools area it returns true which is correct if the option is enabled AND it is not currently raining, right?

Love you! It was the packages that was missing/misconfigured:) Thank you very very much for your help!

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Also does anybody know if it is possible to run multiple zones simultaneously? And/or control a main valve that’s upstream of all the zones?

I have never used that :slight_smile: I added it as a feature request a while back and as far as I know it should work ok. I’ll try to find time to look into it later.

Just to really quickly count out the easy things…

I assume you have it set in the ‘Weather Sensors’ pop up?


Also what do you get if you copy this into the Dev Tools template page?

{{ states(states('input_text.irrigation_external_sensor_raining_now')) }}

This user was able to start an upstream pump. Maybe they can help or maybe the code they posted will help get you started.

I do have it declared in the Weather Sensors box and the template returns “off”. This switch/option worked great before I installed your latest iteration of the package that had the complete re-write. When I get home from work, I will try to find some time to compare some files to see if I can spot any differences unless you have an idea of where I can look…
As always, we appreciate all your hard work and willingness to share and support this project.