My Garden Irrigation

HI Andie, thanks for your reply! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me! I only receive when the watering is done message but no start message. :frowning:

how do i solve this?

thank you

  # Night or Day - used primarily in graphs
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Night or Day'
        icon_template: mdi:power-sleep
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

do i put this in configuration.yaml?
answer: obviously!
thanks, it works

i’ve tried searching in this thread but cannot find a final solution to these issues:

  1. History totals are at 0

  2. programs don’t start if “adjust to rainfall is selected”, i believe this is due to the rainfall today and yesterday as unknown in the rainfall data, perhaps for these sensors in weather data:

  • binary_sensor.raining_now (this I understand is a owned rain sensor, I don’t have one, any alternatives like openweathermap,etc?)
  • sensor.smartweather_average_rain_today and sensor.smartweather_average_rain_yesterday i read have to do with the tempest network of weather stations, closest one to me is about 50k away or farther… any alternatives? (should i invest in a personal weather station?)

thank you

Briefly, as I have very little time…

  1. I have a rain sensor which provides this info. I don’t think there is a reliable weather integration that provides this. At least there wasn’t when I wrote this package.
  2. Yes, this was a feature request a while ago. I don’t use it as I have no way to know if it is ‘raining now’ apart from by looking out the window :rofl:
  3. Yes it is the Tempest system. Luckily I have several in my area which is why I originally included it although as I said, I now have my own rain sensor so don’t use it any more.
    I made my own rain sensor following a genius idea on this forum to re-purpose a simple door sensor with a reed switch. Search this forum if you are interested I’m sure you’ll find it.
    Or you can get a whole weather station but for me that was overkill.

As an aside, it is only really this year that I started using any of the weather adjustments. For me it worked really well without them but our garden is fairly simple, just a lawn and flower beds. However now I use them I am very happy with them. The adjustments do seem to be very effective especially in more extreme heat (increasing watering) and when it has rained (reducing watering).

ok, thanks again for your reply!

I’ve set up to use GitHub - petergridge/openweathermaphistory: A home assistant sensor that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to get forecast, current obs and history data to collect rain info (including today and yesterday), and also collecting data via api from a local station on for todays rain… so the weather part is all sorted :+1:

any help with the history not updating and showing 0?

thank you, this solved the issue with “ignore schedules if it is raining” not working!

Hi @klogg , are you thinking of coming back to update it? bye!

Very small update on GitHub.

Using card-mod, type: custom:horizontal-layout wasn’t working for me on the mobile app (although it did on my desktop) so I have changed to use the new Sections feature in HA 2024.03

John, just saw your post now 5 years later, but thought I’d just mention a different viewpoint on the “ground it” argument.
WHEN one uses a metal enclosure for electrics, it should be grounded, mainly because it can act as a conductor of current. So we ground a metal casing that can be touched by people, so that a fault current - however that comes about - can be diverted to ground via the ground wire, and not via the user. In both cases an earth leakage breaker will trip (as current flows from hot/L but not back via N), but in the latter case the user could be electrocuted.
However, you will notice that doubly insulated tools (with the little box inside a box icon) have no ground wire. That is because, when an electrical tool is not in a metal container, there is no conductor that can carry current to a user touching the tool’s outside.
So, a plastic case is better than a metal one, as the user can touch the plastic case and it wil not carry current if something goes wrong with the electrics housed in it. A transformer housing or other metal parts inside the box should be grounded though, as the same “touch” argument applies there.

I have the same problem.
I checked and the following sensors were not created:

I solved:
in irrigation_globals.yaml
I modified the creation of the 2 sensors.
I removed template:
created the binary_ sensors and the sensor with:
-platform: template
friendly_name: irrigation next run
value_template: >

i have the same problem. Did you solve it? How? thanks


Hey, I had same issue … apparently this section don’t use defined switch name for each section and I had to change it manually in file that you mentioned.

So for each zone that you have change entity_id in file to switch that you use and should work

thank you, this solved History issue :+1:

Hi, actually the project is on left menu:


I’d like to change location into this view (actually empty):


How can I do?

Ciao a tutti
I think I followed all the instructions, even if they didn’t always correspond to the exact names of files or locations, currently my condition is this… can anyone kindly tell me where I’m wrong?
Grazie mille

this is the only thing that works…

did you install all custom components required?
check this guide Irrigazione smart con "My garden Irrigation" per Home Assistant - Domotica DIY

Hi Brook
Thanks for the reply

Yes, I tried using 2 guides, the first being the one indicated by you, while the second is this one


(at the end of the guide)

However, the result has always been the same every time.
It’s not very clear honestly what I need to add in the configuration.yaml

As prerequisites I followed these instructions


It would be useful as a start to understand what is needed to start the card, as a minimum configuration
I think something is wrong with the graphics but I don’t understand what it could be.