My and Lovelace setup Updated

All cards giving me same error:

Custom element doesn’t exist: slider-entity-row

what did I wrong?

Thankyou for sharing this config as an excellent resource. I’m trying out the theme and notice that my existing gauge card with different colours set at different value ranges no longer works - does this theme override it? Thanks!

How did you set different colors on the condition icons

Very very nice, just one question. Does the light layer on the floorplan stays aligned with different resolutions?
I see you have used relative positioning with percentage,

i’m using the theme file however the icons are grey, they don’t show with variable colors like in the screenshot, how do I get this working?

That’s awesome , thanks for sharing. Far way to go before get something like this. Excellent , well done

Loving the look of this, am a complete Noob.
Installed and have set up Lovelace using the conversion app.

Am wondering do I need to Configure the UI and lose the existing config or can I change that without losing everything I have and start a new ui-lovelace.yaml ?

Thanks in advance for any help

Hi. Awesome config! Can you please share full config? With Floorplan and other stuff?

For example, can you tell how to colorize temperature icons?

Hi, thanks for this post!
tried some of you Lovelace configuration and encountering some problems. maybe someone can help.
this is the config for one of my cards:

 - type: custom:card-modder
     type: entities
     title: KITCHEN
     show_header_toggle: false
       - entity: switch.qubino_zmnhbdx_flush_2_relays_switch_2
         secondary_info: last-changed
         group: true
       - entity: switch.qubino_zmnhbdx_flush_2_relays_switch
         group: true
       - type: divider
           height: 20px
           margin: 4px 0
           background: center / contain url("/local/divider.png") no-repeat  
       - entity: media_player.yamaha_receiver_zone_2
         type: "custom:mini-media-player"
         group: true
     background-image: url("/local/cardbackK.png")
     background-repeat: no-repeat
     background-color: rgba(50,50,50,0.3)
     background-size: 100% 68px
     border-radius: 20px
     border: solid 1px rgba(100,100,100,0.3)
     color: "#999999"
     box-shadow: 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)

this is the card im getting:

for some reason the grey color does not affect the title and the entities after the divider.
i tried several indentations for the style but with no success.
am i missing something here? isn’t the style config should affect all card?
thanks in advance!

Did you apply author’s theme My and Lovelace setup Updated ?

WOW Thanks! missed these part…

Great work! Thanks a lot!
How did you change the color of the thermometer icon?
I see blue and green, i assume that he change with the value of the sensor?

hello @vjmindlab how did you save the parts in transparent png files? I am trying to do it but I still get the white background in my floorplan.

Also from your code it seems like you have display the lightened floorplan image and then put the ones without light on top? is that correct?


I use Photoshop and save as transparent PNG

And yes it is correct base image is lights on and i overlay the light off image

Working on a new look


Please share,
This is in my opinion the perfect theme between day and night!

1 Like

thanks i’m almost done will soon make a post to share


Shared Sharing my new theme setup

Just started with HA and being a bit underwhelmed with the initial look I had a look for themes and came across this and love it!

Excuse my basic understanding but is it not as simple as copying the ui-lovelace.yaml file to the config directory along with the resources and then just put the below in the configuration.yaml file? I get loads of dictionary errors if I only follow those two steps so guessing I’m missing something key :frowning:

  themes: !include ui-lovelace.yaml

The link is dead. Could you re-upload the background image please?