My house is going apeshit since installing .38.2. Is this a unrelated z wave issue or something the update could have caused?

So this is the weirdest thing ever.

Right around the time I updated to .38.2 and added the Apple TV Component, all of the lights in the house turned off then turned back on. It was strange but I thought nothing of it at first. I unplugged my pi because I wanted to create a backup of the SD card right after that happened.

While the SD card was in my computer (and my pi was unplugged), the lights continued to all turn off…then turn back on a few minutes later seemingly at random. This continued for hours into the night as I desperately tried to figure out what was going on.

I did a factory reset of my Aeotec Z stick, which did nothing to stop the issue. Then, in a rage I now regret, destroyed the z stick with a hammer. The problem continued.

Around midnight, I finally found the cause. I have a few motion sensors through the house (cheap mono prize z wave ones) that had an automation that would turn 2 lights on for 5 minutes, when HASS was still working.

Walking by any of them turned all of the lights in the house on, then they would all turn off about 3-4 minutes later. This happens despite HASS being down and no z stick. I dont understand how this is even possible or how to fix it.

Is there anyway any of this behavior could have initially been caused by HASS and possibly the update? Im thorougly confused right now…

I’m no expert, but ZWave as a protocol is intended to work peer to peer as well as though a controller like the Z-Stick. It would seem that your motion sensors have for some reason attached themselves to some sort of global scene that includes all of your lights.

All Z Wave devices can be reset too. Seeing as you’ve destroyed your Z Wave stick, you’ll have to re-pair the devices with a new one if/when you buy it.
In the meantime, it might be a good idea to factory reset the other devices so they aren’t connected to anything. My sensors don’t auto connect to other devices but I would imagine you can stop that from happening.

When you are back up and running with the devices connected to HASS, you can then use the Z Wave Control panel to change and configure the modes. It’s a bit of a pain with battery devices because they don’t check in very often, but it is possible.

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Check the z wave groups (preferably through domoticz)
a z wave device can turn on another z wave device, without hass.
I have seen this happen, where I had a few z wave devices, which suddenly had 255 in the groups