My Lovelace Plugins

Yes, thank you so much. I now see what was wrong. Great!

Nice ! What is your theme ?

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EDIT: Ignore me. Once again, clearing cache fixed the issue.

Why is this always the fix? Shit like this would drive me crazy if I were a web dev…

Very nice, Can you share your code?

Worked like a charm and now able to use card-modder. Thank you for your time!!

Thank you so much to everyone who have bought me coffee!

I’ll make sure the money is well spent:

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Cheers! Thanks again!:grinning:

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Inspired by @teachingbirds stream recently on @DrZzs youtube channel , I now use the scrape Lovelace card on my page as:

It all works fine but was wondering if its possible to get the time displayed since the tweet on the card as it does on, or at least the time the tweet was posted. Thank you.

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You probably want this: Custom Secondary Info for Entities Card
And you need to add support for it to the scraper.

But this is not the thread for that.


@thomasloven I have designed a view for my tablet based solely on your new popup feature change and avoiding tap_action: navigate. Totally user friendly and my wife loves it++. However, with 20+ popups being used, I have found a need for a medium sized (width) popups,(for visual aesthetics on certain instances, e.g. alarm card and displaying cards with just too much for info a small popup, but not enough to look right on a large pop up) and was wondering if this is something you may consider or if this is even possible. Thanks!

I added a style: option that you should be able to use.


  title: My popup
    width: 50%
    border-radius: 25px
    --ha-card-border-radius: 25px

I may also have accidentally fixed the problem where several popup-cards can be shown stacked… (@sfnetwork)

Be sure to also update card-tools!


About the Roku remote doubled when using popup, no, still an issue (but I’m aware I didn’t send you the debugs, etc… yet, just forgot…)

Worked perfect and was able to reduce code greatly by adding all style to popup and removing card-modder from the popup config. Full background images instead of ugly header now :raised_hands: thanks again!!!

Looking for some help, having some issues with trying to use the layout-card. Get this error in my console:

 layout-card.js?track=true:72 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of null
    at HTMLElement.make_cards (layout-card.js?track=true:72)
    at (layout-card.js?track=true:96)
    at HTMLElement.firstUpdated (layout-card.js?track=true:34)
    at HTMLElement.performUpdate (app-a285b20d.js:93)
    at HTMLElement._enqueueUpdate (app-a285b20d.js:93)

Edit: In an effort to try and solve this issue I pulled the raw of both card-tools and layout-card down, cleared cache and restarted home assistant. The error remains however, the property from the first line has changed to push.

The first error could happen if you don’t have cards: in your configuration.
The second one doesn’t make sense, because there’s no reference to push on line 72, and it’s impossible to guess the problem without your configuration.

layout-card.js?track=true:142 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined
at cards.forEach (layout-card.js?track=true:142)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at (layout-card.js?track=true:117)
at HTMLElement.firstUpdated (layout-card.js?track=true:34)
at HTMLElement.performUpdate (app-a285b20d.js:93)
at HTMLElement._enqueueUpdate (app-a285b20d.js:93)

I am sorry its push at line 142

Here is my implementation of layout-card:

  - id: 4 #Automatically Created ID
    title: Grahams Bedroom
    icon: mdi:hotel
    background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/images/darkpanel.jpg") fixed
    name: Grahams Bedroom
    panel: true
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:compact-custom-header
                background_image: true
                menu: show
                options: clock
                voice: hide
                clock_format: 12
                clock_date: true

          - type: custom:layout-card
            column_width: [12%, 22%, 22%, 22%, 22%]
              - type: vertical-stack
                  - type: custom:card-modder
                      type: markdown
                      content: '## Scenes'

                      --paper-card-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
                      box-shadow: none

Thank you.
There’s a breaking change in the latest release. column_width is now just a number that determines when to split the screen. In order to get varying widths you should use max_width in the same way, and also set column_num and max_columns` appropriately.

An anoying change, but it allows for much more flexibility and responsive design.


I’m closing this thread

All things must come to an end at some point.
With 1000 posts, this topic passed that point quite a while ago.

I’m starting to loose track of the questions I get, and it’s getting tough to keep the top post up to date - I’ve been made an admin of the forums solely for the purpose of being able to update that post (you normally can’t edit posts that are more than three months old).

In short, my poking about in lovelace has grown to a scale where I need to restructure the whole process a bit.

So here’s what will happen now:

  • I will list my cards including short descriptions in my github wiki here.
    My plugins are also listed on
    I will also try to keep the top post of this topic updated and may or may not pin it.
  • New plugins will probably be listed separately in that same wiki article for a time. I’ll see what I’ll do. Big things might warrant a forum topic.
  • Bug reports are to be handled via issues in the respective github repo.
  • Feature requests are to be made via issues in the respective github repo.
  • General usage and support questions are to be posted to the Home Assistant forums in separate or related threads - follow the rules and guidelines. (If any of the fantastic actual admins have a problem with this, I will come up with something else). I’m also often available on the Home Assistant discord server, and there are lots of other people who can answer questions about custom plugins in general.

Thank you for all your support and feedback!
I’ve had so much fun, and it’s only just getting started!