My New Motion integration EV Charging from Shell newmotion

Today, I set up the dgthomson / 35e node-red flow to automate starting/stopping of shell recharge (advanced charger) sessions. It works, testing phase started :slight_smile:.

Note to other people trying this and who use Double Quotes ", Single Quotes ', Parentheses (), and Square Brackets [ ] in their passwords: I had to change my shell account password. Although there was no issue to login at through browser and app, there seems to be something sketchy with the way that dgthomson/nodered escapes these characters, resulting in parsing errors “Unexpected string in JSON at position” etc. (using sr-2-50.json).

Anyway, it works after using a password without the above mentioned special characters.

Thanks a lot for sharing this project, dgthomson/@35e !

Hopefully, some day, shell will allow all end users to use their api directly… But until then, this is the best solution when you can’t wire a UTP cable to your charger. :+1:

@Virility We are struggling to get past the username and password, is there a work around?

Very interesting topic. I have a Newmotion Home Advanced 2.1 charger connected with an UTP ethernet cable. I can monitor the charging in home assistant using the setup by @joopmartens which works perfectly (thanks Joop!).

Next step for me would be to automate start/stop in Home Assistant. @drizzle you mention that there is an easier solution than the sophisticated node-red workflow by @35e and others when you have a LAN connection with an UTP cable like I do? I couldn’t find it in this topic. Any suggestions for that would be appreciated.

I’m happy to report that I can now charge my étron with as low as 6.15A!