My New Motion integration EV Charging from Shell newmotion

Set-point: 9A ->16 A → 9A

From up to down I’m using more softer settings to avoid overshoot and go lower than 8A which stops the charging.

Is that not fast enough for your application ? Can you show your curves ?

To stay under in case of cloudy day, I just use an offset on the setpoint. (E.g set point -300W)

Thanks, I still need to integrate this into HA, for now it’s just a standalone ESP32 polling charger and P1 meter, so I don’t have any graphs yet.

Is it possible to start a charger with minimal current (8A)? I was not able to do it so far, it always kicks in at full power and then I need to take it down.

I’m not sure it’s possible to start at 8A with this regulation method. At least I didn’t succeed a while ago when I did the setup. If I regulated immediately, sometimes the charger stopped the charge at the start, what I didn’t like. So there is a delay of a couple seconds prior to do the regulation. Maybe it is different with the solution from Thomase

The regulation seems to work in a very bizzare way - so there is a specific current value in CT1 which will cause the regulation to stop and stabilize at current power value. If you decrease the current, the power will be increasing, and if the current increases the power will start to decrease.

Hi Zdr,

That sounds like expected behavior.

Take the following scenario. Your house has single phase 40A main. The Shell solution is designed to make sure the 40 A is never exceeded. In reality, 38 A is chosen as the Max Amperage.

If the actual load on the main is 20A, so CT1 = 20A. The charger will instruct the car to increase charging speed with 18A.
If the actual load on the main is 38A, so CT1 = 38A. The charger will instruct the car to keep charging at current speed.
If the actual load on the main is 42A, so CT1 = 42A. The charger will instruct the car to decrease charging speed with 4A.

This corresponds to what you’re experiencing.

Thanks. I would expect, if the load in the house is 13A, main fuse at 40A and with max current set to 38A, to be able to set the charger current to 25A directly, without having to chase this value by dialing it up and down. I guess it is what it is.

Hi thomase1234.
First of all thanks for your esphome-fake-xemex-csmb solution.
I set it up with an ESP32 M5Mini with an Tail485 Module.
Connect erverthing to my wallbox Shell Advanced 3.0 / 3 Phase 32 A.
Currently I run the ESP32 stand allone to test the setup.
But I have the folloing warnings in the protokoll and wiht that, the did not react on any changes.
[06:40:59][D][uart_debug:114]: >>> 01:03:0C:41:00:00:00:41:00:00:00:41:00:00:00:BE:4C
[06:41:01][I][ON_READ:252]: CT1. address=0x500c, value=0x4100
[06:41:01][I][ON_READ:261]: CT1. address=0x500d, value=0x0000
[06:41:01][I][ON_READ:270]: CT2. address=0x500e, value=0x4100
[06:41:01][I][ON_READ:279]: CT2. address=0x500f, value=0x0000
[06:41:01][I][ON_READ:288]: CT3. address=0x5010, value=0x4100
[06:41:01][I][ON_READ:297]: CT3. address=0x5011, value=0x0000
[06:41:01][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< 01:03:50:0C:00:06:14:CB
[06:41:01][W][component:237]: Component modbus_server took a long time for an operation (74 ms).
[06:41:01][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.

Is the hardware to slow? Or do you have any other ideas?
Many thanks in advnace.
BR Reinhold

OK. forget the request. I kill the modbus interface of my wallbox :-(. … No signals on A and B anymore …

It’s even crazier. Shell has switched off my DPM module again because I didn’t buy a DPM module from Shell. Now I have to take a photo of my DPM and send it to them so that the module can be activated. Considering that this is my wallbox, which I had to buy for 1850 euros so that I can charge my company car at home, that’s really a strong piece.

Has anyone been able to figure out why the charger stops when current drops below 8A? It’s such a waste, especially now that days are getting shorter…

I couldn’t find de web page. And also can’t run a UTP to the point I want to place the charger.
So I figured, this will also work for monitoring the power usage of the charger. It’s a zigbee power meter working on the tuya platform.

I am happy how my solution works so far when there is plenty of continuous sun. I am currently working on squeezing out the last kWh out of the solar panels into the car, by getting the charger to run as close to minimum during cloudy days without hitting 8A limit. Laggy counters on user.html page do not help at all.

@thomase1234 is charger more responsive when commands are sent out directly over RS485 compared to CT method? Is it possible to set desired charging speed directly through registers, or do you still need to dial in to the desired value by regulating it up/down?

When the dpm is powered off, the charger is setting the current to fixed lower value (??A). I’m not using this but I think when it is reconnected, regulation can be restarted as before.

Interesting! Powered off or disconnected from modbus?

Powered off. With the old version 2.1 it’s still with a power supply (on 230v socket)

I tried both disconnected from modbus and from power - it defaults to current limit at 13A, so no joy.

Here’s my finalized device, nice and compact:)

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I thought it was 6A but it’s 8A per used phase

It’s still less than what you can achieve with your regulation

Not sure what you mean, I can keep mine as low as 8.1A. That’s why I was asking if it’s possible to go below 8A…