My New Motion integration EV Charging from Shell newmotion

Awesome work, can confirm that it works flawlessly! Huge thanks!

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I’ve also got a problem with my charger (which was installed in the late summer of 2022) after the cold of the past few weeks. More specifically, their app refuses to work. When I start charging by tapping my card onto the charger it works OK. Only when I want to start from the app, the app becomes orange and says “Charging point preparing”, it will never comes out of this orange screen. Only rebooting the charger while the car is connected seems to resolve the issue for me. But always rebooting for using the app seems really a hassle to me.

I solved the issue for reading the electricity information in a different way and installed the Qubino 3-phase Z-wave meter. It enables me to monitor the electricity usage in HA of the charging station via z-wave. Maybe for the people who don’t want or can open up the New Motion charging station


It must be somehow possible because if you request it, New Motion can do it remotely. So there should be a possibility to change that but it has not been released (yet) in a form of an API. Maybe with the local acces it is possible to do it locally.

Does anyone know how to limit the used amps (A) on the charging station?
I would like to dynamically limit the amps so that it matches my current solar production. I know that it can be done remotely but I would like to do it myself.
Is there a way to see all the urls/commands that are available on the local interface?


Does anyone know how to limit the used amps (A) on the charging station?

I would love a solution for this as well! Does anyone have this working?

Hi @joopmartens / @JustDoingSomething, all,

I’ve been following this topic for quite a while and decided now to take the leap of faith and open up my Lolo 2 charger (installed in 2015). I was able to connect the ethernet port and get an IP address, however the specified port is not working. Anybody has experience with this as well? Do I need to setup some additional configuration or should I contact Shell Recharge to open the port?



PS. in the meantime, I’m still using the node-red script, have even enriched it with the creation of a custom device and various entities in HA. Thanks for all the work @35e!

Bit late here @dick01, still putting it for future references.

The load balancing connection uses RJ-11 connector (4 wires) and is the same connector as the P1 connector (you could actually directly connect the charger to your P1 port).

The Ethernet connection uses RJ-45 connector (8 wires)

I Have a NewMotion charing unit:
Model: Home Fast Cable
Voltage 400 Current 32A
Product of New motion

It doesn’t listen to port 12800 but it does listen to port 9083

Nmap results:
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2023-01-06 19:15 West-Europa (standaardtijd)
Nmap scan report for

Host is up (0.0049s latency).
9083/tcp open emc-pp-mgmtsvc
MAC Address: 8C:14:7D:BF:E2:CC (Ieee Registration Authority)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12.04 seconds

But when i:

it response with:
Not found:/user/status

Any Idea what commands I should enter to get the charging status or does anyone have a Home Fast Cable charging unit?


In Belgium from the first of january we will be billed for our peak power consumption.
And I had the same question and i urged my leasing company to request Shell Recharge for a flexible charging speed feature (from the app).
I was given the opportunity to talk directly with Shell Recharge and was involved in some discussions…
The short answer from Shell Recharge is no!, “flexible charging speed” is on their road map for the app but not at the start off 2023. (didn’t answer actual timing)

Their offered solution to customers from my leasing company (like me) is to lower it permanently via Shell Recharge helpdesk.

For this general discussion Shell Recharge doesn’t allow local TCP modbus steering for security reasons/concerns. (stopping, starting, setting the charging capacity)
So developing a Home assistant integration that does local calls is not possible if Shell doesn’t change the mindset. I made them btw aware of this topic…

During that same interaction with Shell and my company i’ve learned the following:
Businesses ,that develop smart steering for solar panels, dynamic electricity contracts, and home batteries, and that want to integrate car charging, can have access via a business cloud API. Via this business API they can set the charging speed in a flexible way. And that is how i am going to solve my issue in the end. (flexio -

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Depending on which car you have, you are able to limit the charging speed in the car settings. In our car (BMW iX3) there is a ‘limit’ setting which is set to the lowest rate possible (4kW - 6A).

I heard that they can remotely upgrade the charging station firmware, so I hope they are not going to limit the local access we have now… Unfortunately, I also heard the same story from the installers when I asked to install the charging station and connect a UTP cable.

I wonder why they always want to make things overly complex by transferring the data to the cloud first and additionally asking money for it…

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Hi JeroenB,

My charger was initially installed without an Ethernet connection.
My ethernet port was working out of the box without any configuration or requirement to have it enabled.
I just had to plugin the cable and it was requesting an IP by DHCP.

I have a Mercedes EQC and I can only limit the charging speed for the regular powerplug via the car settings. (and I have tried, it doesn’t affect the type 2 charging)
For type 2 this feature is missing in my car.

And off course Shell Recharge told me the same that i should do it from the car settings and that i had to contact Mercedes. And Mercedes told me that i have to contact Shell Recharge… all pointing at each other…

Thanks! Didn’t work out for me… did a port scan and only limited ports where open, none of them mentioned here… have checked with Shell customer service if they can or need to do something, but based on the responses here I don’t have high expectations :frowning:

Try this
or this

Has anyone managed to log in to the charging station yet?

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Normally logging in isn’t required to get the data extracted like some users have done here before, this is proprietary for the installer. At least, that’s what they have told me.

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My EV Charger doesn’t respond to port 12800.
I tried to

Not found:/user/status.html

There is response on port 9083 but can find any command that it’s accepting.

Any Idea?


Which charging station do you have?

I have an Advanced 3.0.
Local connection through Ethernet works. Nothing special to do. Just to plug the cable.

Any one further investigated the red node stuff? It seems that it’s this way some integrators can modify parameters. (Via the standard protocol ocpp)

If by sunny days, no proper integration, I’ll call Shell dynamically so that they can modify the max current at every cloud passing by in the sky :joy:.

I have a NewMotion Model: Home Fast Cable, Voltage 400 Current 32A

The unit is wired via LAN and it’s working fine. All reports are send to the “shell recharge” cloud.