Anyone has tried / succeed to use the HACS integration called OCPP with the New Motion charger ?
I’ve just looked into this option, from which I can conclude that this (certainly for me) will not work, I’m afraid. If I do the GET request on http://charger.local:12800/user/status
, I get the current configured ocppEndpoint
which is the one from New Motion. I assume that if you change this end point to, in this case Home Assistant, I will not be able anymore to use any of their services, which I need… I haven’t found anything about the possibility to add a second ocppEndpoint
(which is probably not possible I guess). I hope someone can disprove my findings, but from what I’ve found so far this seems a dead end, unfortunately.
I can confirm that the installers (from Circet, hired by Shell Recharge) will not connect a UTP cable for local access if there is sufficient cellular coverage. I insisted (inspired by this thread to get local access) but they refused to do so. Not blaming the technical installers for this (they have their procedure that they mandatory have to follow not to get into trouble).
A short talk with them revealed that for dynamic power management:, the installers suggest:
- Either to control the charging power through the car (I suppose most cars support this)
- To call the Shell Recharge service desk to adjust the Dynamic Power Management charging cap to a lower value.
Not sure yet if I will bother to connect a UTP cable myself. My worry is that the charging point firmware will disable the cellular connection and that they will start a discussion from their end for IP change/not getting the data that needs to be billed to my employer. Experience with Shell Recharge has been “suboptimal” along the entire way thusfar.
Thanks for the try. I would have loved a simple software integration to Charge on “sun power only”, when the winter will be over. Like proposed on the pulsar charging stations.
Eco smart Solar EV Charging.
Also a better way to handle the capacitive fees in Belgium.
very interesting topic. I am considering a Shell Recharge station, but only if it is intelligent and dynamic. I already have a MID power meter installed which sends my consumption to HA MQTT. So, if the station has an Ethernet connection, it could get the current consumption by just subscribing to an MQTT value ! No need for extra power clamps or extra power meters. Alternatively, it could use the extra pulse output on my meter. Would this be supported ? OR do i really need extra power clamps or -another- power meter in serie ?? I also want to set the maximum charge current myself and not always via the Shell Helpdesk. My god, it is 2023. Helpdesk ? you got to be kidding. So far for Shell recharge then !! maybe i should go for the Wallbox Quasar anyway… i feel we need a “best HA integrated charging solution” topic…
In regards to the capacitive fees, i believe you should be able to limit that with the dynamic power module. This measure your grid load. If you put the maximum load power to for example 7KW, it will charge only at 7KW when your home demand is 0 KW. When home demand is 3KW, it will charge at 4KW. Is this correct ? This way you can limit your capacitive peakload to 7KW and let it charge day or night (doesn’t really matter).
Dynamically adjusting this “limit” (7 → 11 for example) is however not possible, if i understand correctly.
Pure “solar” charging should (in theory) also be possible with this system. When grid load is negative (for example -4KW) then it can charge at 4KW (basically the loading point should now try to keep the needle at 0 netto home load). However, i don’t believe this is possible in the current firmware.
It depends which connection to the grid you have. If you have a “single phase 230v” or a “three phases + Neutral” (three phases 4 wires), then fully agreed.
The issue is that I have a three phase 230v without neutral (three phases 3 wires), and there it’s not possible to limit like you said. ( This grid connection is frequent in Belgium, but only in Belgium - 15% I read somewhere)
In my case the charging station is connected on single phase (not an issue) but the Dynamo Power management Module is only monitoring the current on one single wire of the three. → this is the issue. It Seems that the current solution/software is not compatible with 3 wires current measurement when the charging station is connected in single phase.
Which grid connection do you have ?
You can’t set this value yourself unfortunately, as far as I know… You have to call the Helpdesk to change it for you.
I managed to connect. I have the advanced 3.0
open windows CMD and type:
curl http://local IP:12800/user/status
{“cpid”:"XXXXX,“serial”:“XXXXX”,“model”:“NA22-XXXXXX0N”,“imsi”:“XXXXXX”,“meterSerial”:“22XXXX24”,“meterType”:“Inepro_Pro380-Mod”,“ocppType”:“JOCPP16”,“ocppEndpoint”:“wss://”,“ocppProtocolType”:“ocpp/json”,“ocppStatus”:“Accepted”,“modemStatus”:“Modem not active with csq UNKNOWN not connected ip: local IP”,“connectors”:[{“id”:1,“type”:“Type2 Cable”,“status”:“ON”,“max”:{“phases”:“PHASE3”,“current”:16.0,“currentArray”:[16.0,16.0,16.0]},“chargingRate”:“Charging rate: 0kw 3 phase [0A pf ] “,“chargingNeed”:””,“errors”:[],“warnings”:[]}],“maxLimit”:{“phases”:“PHASE3”,“current”:32.0,“currentArray”:[32.0,32.0,32.0]},“status”:“ON”,“version”:“”,“errors”:[],“warnings”:[]}
So the earlier post I used the GET command and I assume you will need to do a put command if you want to change. from what I know, you need to use the PUT command with all settings in one go
Hi, I have a Lolo Advanced v3 too. Got it connected just now and rebooted the Lolo.
I gets an IP fromm the router but when I try to access it through a browser, it only shows two curly brackets {}. If I try to connect on localIP:12800 connection gets refused, same on localIP:9083
So, guess it’s not working on my Lolo
edit: used a portscanner too. Only port 80 available (with {} brackets showing)
mm if this is true, that is a serius limitation of the system then. When i view the specs of the current module, it only talks of 3 CT (current transformers), so even in a 3phase system with neutral, there is no transformer around the neutral wire, so that shouldn’t matter. However, for a single phase chargepoint it says: “In a three phase installation the CTs should be attached to L1, L2
and L3. In case of a one phase installation or grid connection without neutral, only attach
one CT to the current conductor which is attached to L1 in the chargepoint.”. That i don’t really understand. Why can’t i connect the measurement module on all three phases (and measure the true net grid load) even when the charging station is single phased ? ha, i do understand: in a three phase system, if the system says: “net load is 0 KW”, the systems doesn’t know on which phases this is (one phase can be +5KW, the other -5KW), and therefore the charger can’t know how much is free on “his” own phase. It can that this phase is already at 5KW, if the charger pull additional 7KW, it overloads the phase. Of course, it would mean the measurement module only communicates the sum to the charger, not the load per phase. It is however serial communication, so the module could report loads per phase, if it was a smart module.
I have the UTP cable connected, and the cellular connection also still works
I am curious if it would be possible to simply start and stop charging using the UTP connection. I do have an Advanced version and a Nissan Leaf. The leaf however can’t be instructed to stop charging. and I want to controll when it is (cost) efficient to charge the car (i.e. when there’s a lot of solar power available or when the tarif is lower). I have seen some nodered stuff coming by, but prefer a more native HA solution…
I’ve put the “stuff” into configuration.yaml, and can see the entities into the settings menu.
How can i ad it into the menu like yours?
And can i get this into Grafana+ flux?
I hope you can help an not so handy person
meanwhile my charger connected via UTP, however with the same (no) result, portscanning gives one open port:80.
My charger is also an older model, I guess as well from 2015…
Hi ! @Calimero444 @JustDoingSomething @joopmartens @alexoman_2030 @35e
The software way to control the power of the charging station seems to be blocked or at least not open for now. So let’s think the way around.
If you have the Dynamic Power Management module, the solution may come from the hardware side of this module.
The idea is to fake the load by modifying the information coming from the current transformer.
With an arduino and few current transformers, it would be possible to collect information coming from solar pannels and house loads to send back the modified information to the DPM module.
What do you think about this idea ?
wallbox:12800/user/transactions will return a list of transactions …
Hello Maxime,
I also have the same setup with a DPM module and a new motion charging station. I basically had the same idea to “modify/fake” the current which is coming out of the current transformers connected to the DPM module. I’m not sure how to do it yet, but I was planning to connect a scope to the output of the transformer and see how the output current is behaving (related to the current of the main power).
From there on it is possible to select the right hardware for it. Maybe it is possible to use a ESP board which can be configured with EPS home.
Hi all, just wondering if anyone experiences token errors using the Node Red Flow (GitHub - dgthomson/nodered-shellrecharge: A subflow for Nodered to control Shell Recharge car charging equipment.). I’m receiving a “Failed to get API token message” since last night after doing some HA updates (HA Core, NR and Mosquito add-on). Restored a full backup and completely restarted HA already without succes. Also imported the NR Flow again. Before it was working fine.
28-3-2023 14:40:45node: Debug
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28-3-2023 14:40:48node: Debug
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28-3-2023 14:40:49node: Debug
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payload: "[8/10] Token error. Retrying..."
topic: "status"