D1 mini or similar (I’d probably go for an ESP32 these days)
L298N (for version 2 I went with a L298N mini rather than a full sized L298N, and powered the whole thing via 5v usb rather than a 12V wall wart). This makes it slower but simpler and more compact.
A bh1750. Consider getting one with a nice dome for athletics. Mines just poking through a hole in the top right there.
End Stop Limit Switch. Consider getting a slightly larger one and think about how/where you’ll mount this.
Momentary button to toggle state. Mine is mounted on the far side that you can’t see in this photo. See config. If open, then close, if closed then open, if moving then stop, if stopped move in opposite direction to last.
Has a git been made for this? If not, I think I’m going to start from scratch with detailed instructions. I’m used to programming ESPs in C, this yaml thing is going to be new for me.
edit arg sorry I only noticed after this was a 4 year old thread didn’t mean to be a necromancer!
I can add details on request (materials, config, 3d printed enclosure).
The logic is mostly taken from the DrZZZ project, and the enclosure design would likely be customised to your window.
They have been pretty solid and are still going. The main issues relate to how torque transfers through the design (force transfers between motor, through enclosure, to window frame).
Yeah I figured torque would be the issue. I’m going to go with a worm screw and a frame-wide bracket I think to take the torque and spread it on the entire base of the window frame.
I would certainly appreciate the details of yours, I’ll be documenting my build too and will share everything I have! I’ll certainly make a GIT though so that at least the software part can be shared, even if people have to make their own variants of the hardware. If you’re okay with it, I’d love to include your build steps as an example of alternative builds. I figure once we have a handful up there, someone will take the best of all of our ideas and make a solid design.
Mine are still going strong 3+ years later (admittedly with the occasional rectifiable mechanical failure which relates to the case popping open due to the internal load path / strain through the enclosure)
G’day @Mahko_Mahko , thanks for putting this together! My window frame looks similar so I’ve printed your enclosure, just wondering how you screwed the coupler screws in? There’s no clearance in the enclosure to reach the screws once the motor has been placed in.
Also, wondering what the other 2 holes are for? I assume for switch buttons, and the little slot thing? Cheers!
I’ve added some clarifications/additions to my main post. The holes are button and light sensor holes.
You may need to tweak my design a bit. Especially to keep the motor box holder bit really tight.
Yes screwing in the coupler screws is very tight access. For me I can just access the screws with the allen key if I have it rotated to a specific angle.
First do the window side of the coupler, then line up the motor and other side of the coupler so the screws points roughly to 2 o’clock and sneak your Allen key in there.
If you get stuck let me know and I’ll take a flick.
If you have any issues with the config let me know. I may have made minor updates to breaking changes etc.
Oh and I forgot there are also holes for the usb cable and wires to the endstop.
Edit 2: Actually looking at my design, I forgot there are more.