My working group ordering with new patch 0.28

I’ve been playing with the group ordering and I have found a fix that has been working for me through reloads. If you put your groups into the customize section, and put an order on it, it should honor that order. An example of mine is below

 ## group order ##
   order: "10"
   order: "1"
   order: "2"
   order: "11"
   order: "1"
   order: "2"
   order: "3"
   order: "4"
   order: "12"
   order: "13"
   order: "20"

This puts home as 1, weather as 2, downstairs as 3, guests as 4, and options last. Then within the tabbed groups, are the group cards set up much the same way. This is at least working for me. I imagine someone has a better explanation on the matter


This works for me as well, the only problem is, since the customize settings don’t auto-reload with the groups, you have to restart Home Assistant every time you want to change the order of your groups, which kind of defeats the purpose of having groups auto-reload, because the auto-reload only works for adding and renaming groups and items, but not ordering them.

Also it becomes very confusing when you have the same group on 2 different views, then you have to make sure you use a good spacing between your ordering numbers in order to be able to add other groups between that range to ensure you can have the same group in the order you want in different views.

I am grateful for this temporary work around, good catch on this undocumented feature, but the group order, or I should say ordering as a whole, really needs some work as it currently feels haphazard. Some ordering is based on how you put it in your configuration, aka, reading individual items from top to bottom, and others are based upon whether or not you have the order: option in the customize and yet others are simply random with no rhyme or reason… very confusing.


And until today I never heard of the order option; the ordering per configuration was doing fine for me; now that’s broken. I tried reloading groups after an edit and it was really screwy on my setup. The tab orders changed yet again from their already wrong order, the a DEFAULT_VIEW labeled tab appeared until I did a normal restart.

I agree though, clearly there’s some issues with groups in this release (and automatic obd support) but given the track record I’m more than willing to give a pass to the hard working devs. I’m sure a hot fix is forthcoming.

Has anyone reported this as an issue?

EDIT: @jbardi Giving more thought to your comment; could it be that these growing pains are towards that end? Namely, unifying the group ordering configuration and standardizing it.

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I hope so… I too appreciate all of the hard work that went into this. Even with all of the bugs, it is a tremendous undertaking to get this many disconnected devices, services, sensors, etc, etc, all working together smoothly… It is absolutely amazing what they have been able to achieve. Obviously there are hundreds of people using Home Assistant in many, many, many different ways that I’m sure were unforeseeable in the beginning, so its a matter of changing a lot of the core code a bit at a time without breaking everything as a whole… so it is a testament to their coding skills that there are not more bugs and that the whole thing hasn’t come crashing down around them, so I am truly amazed :smiley:


Don’t forget, part of that comes from people like yourself who are always there to educate and answer questions; I’ve always appreciated the help I’ve gotten from you in the past (as well as MANY others).

Well, I’m glad I was able to help in some way, I can not express the gratitude I have for others that have, and continue to do the same for me. Just when you think you know everything you need to get by, something comes up and I am stuck, but there has always been someone out there that had been through it and helped me to figure it out.

We are all seemingly newbies and experts in one area or another, so combined, I think this community does an amazing job at trying to get us all up to speed :thumbsup:

I have seen many, many posts by you as well @rpitera, helping people who are stumbling… just glad we are all here to help each other out :smiley:

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Major corporations should watch their brand as closely as you guys do, @fabaff.

Thanks for the update!