MyAir AC Zoning System, climate and Room Association for Components

This is helpful, thanks. Good to see this thread has survived for a while. I have an eZone which is Advantage Air’s entry level platform… I was wondering if it would offer any of the same API capability as their higher end MyAir tools. Not sure yet but i’m keen to have a play around. I’ve set a MAC address reservation for my A/C on my router and I see the output when I navigate to the device on port 2025. Hopefully it’ll take on/off and zone fan speed commands as i’m not trying to do anything fancy!

Edit: Just had a look through the API document on the Advantage Air forum and I managed to switch my AC off and on via the URL using the commands there. This is my first step into a larger world! :open_mouth:

I’m running the eZone app too, you should be able to do everything I’ve been able to.

Just got myAir5 installed today, time to integrate it with HA :slight_smile:

Kudos to @speedst3r and @Chris_P_Bacon I’ve used some of your configuration and automation setups to get myAir5 integrated with Home Assistant.

Works a treat and i can control all elements of the airconditioning.

Time to start building some automations to automatically trigger it based on time of day, temperature in the house, and presence detection. Whoop

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Thanks, but I can’t take any credit - I only shared here how I used what others had done.

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Hi All,

I’m keen to work on some integrations for MyAir for a range of systems, and understand there is a proboards forum which might also include info on the API. I’ve tried signing up to that and my account has been waiting on staff approval for about 5 days. I’m not sure if that forum is still active? I was wondering if anyone with access can advise if its still used. I’d like to be part of that community, but at a minimum was hoping for some more info on the API than whats posted in this thread. If the forum is still a going concern does anyone know who I could ping to get my account approved?

@Chris_P_Bacon I have been trying to find someone to help me make a Homebridge plugin for the E-zone app, but people are either unfamiliar with it, do not have the skills to do it (myself) or don’t have access to the hardware. Being a noob myself I have not been able to present the API or complete list of http commands to people to help me. I have a heap of them from a person who was able to figure out the ‘set’ commands but not the ‘get’. Considering you have this completely working on HA (which I am not the least bit familiar with), would you be able to provide me with what I’d need to provide to someone who is proficient in making Homebridge plugins? I’d be over the moon if you could :slight_smile: thanks in advance!

Hi Mitch, sorry for the delayed response. The full API documentation is available at, just register and you should be able to access everything you need.

Thanks, Iv just registered now and waiting to be accepted. In the last few days I have attempted the ‘get’ data with http://IPADDRESS:2025/getSystemData and it gives me this big data dump.

I can see my measured temps and other useful data, I just don’t know how grab what I need to use for a Homebridge plug-in (or someone else to use to build a plug-in). I know this is a HA group, but is anyone proficient in making Homebridge plugins?

Registered at few days ago but still waiting approval from a staff member.

Can anyone shed some light on how long it takes for approval?

Hi @Chris_P_Bacon
I’m fairly new to home assistant and just wondering does this work still. and do i just need to copy what you have above and just tweak for my setup?

any info\help will be much appreciated


It’s still working for me, that’s all there is to it - I still haven’t got around to finishing vent control etc but it does the basics.

Perfect I was playing around last night and i can get alot of info from the aircon unit but i just cant get turning it on or any other options to go from home assistant to the aircon itself.

am i missing something? i am getting an error pop up when trying to use the power on or off switch.
Failed to call service switch/turn_on.failed to find script shell_command.myair_setcmd

I cant see anything on how to create this script or have i missed something? thanks again for responding this seems like the only place to get help on this.

You need to add the following to configuration.yaml:

#    Shell command for air conditioner control
  myair_setcmd: 'curl -X GET http://your_unit's_ip_address:2025/setAircon?json={{json}}'


Thank you so much for your help it seems to be working now. I really appreciate your help.

Hi @KablammoNick I have the same air-conditioning setup, Toshiba with the same intesis incompatible controller as yours. Did you ever make any progress with this? If yes which route work for you.
Thanks for any insight you can provide

Hi @Drkarl alas no. Every now and then I have another quick look but last time (maybe 6 months ago) it was still only swapping out for the Intensis.

As I’ve also got a separate controller for the zone baffles, I’d want to get something that can manage both, which from memory the Intensis can’t do.

Might be time again to try and find an AC installed that’s clued up enough on the MyAir system to see if it’ll work.

@KablammoNick I have been looking at this controller RBC-ASC11E that is apparently compatible with the Intesis Wifi Module. I might pull the trigger and just give them a try. Then work out some way of DIYing the Zone Baffle Control, maybe with an D1 Mini and relay board to switch the baffles on and off.
Will definitely have to lean on the community to help setup that automation and lovelace interface though

I know this forum is for HA, but I had tried to find help here ages ago. I have integrated it into HomeKit through Homebridge piggy backing off the plug-in ‘cmd4’ and uses shell script. Don’t know if that might help anyone or not.

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im running on docker on synology. bit of a noob to hass but when i paste the code in to the yaml files and edit the ipaddress, the only thing that works is changing fan speed and mode and turning on zones, once the zones are turned on they wont turn off. everything else doesnt work and sensors show unavailable and i cant turn on or off the aircon. as of now ive given up and hopefully have a guide on here or github on how to properly set it up.