MyQ garage opener hub integration not working


This works for me, thanks!

Just goes to show the validity of searching for an answer before just posting!



Thanks, might help if i read the entire things

This also worked for me as well. Thanks!

specifically this.

For the MyQ case I solved this by purchasing a Security+ 2.0 MyQ push button. Then I soldered wires to the button leads – not the wires leading to the MyQ opener. That way the relay closing is simulating pushing the Security+ 2.0 button which then triggers the MyQ opener.
You wire up the push button the same and associate with MyQ opener (yellow button on the opener if I remember). You can even just put the button right near the opener if you don’t need another button in your garage. Then use whatever (e.g. Sonoff) to trigger the relay.
If you search for “liftmaster myq door push button” you’ll find one for about $11 USD.

Is there a reason you didnt do this with the wall mounted push button opener that came with the garage door motor? Why did you buy a second push button? Just wondering if its necessity or you just didnt want to possibly brick your original opener.

No, it’s not necessary to have a separate one. And yes, I didn’t want to brick the original opener either :slight_smile:
I found it easy to work with that simple (and relatively inexpensive) push button.

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Is this broke again on latest HA version 2021.1?

Try updating to 2021.1.1 It will allow you to control it but it still intermittently disconnects for some of us but not long enough to notice it without looking at the logbook.

2021.1.1 fixed it. Must have just been released.

Thanks again!

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My MyQ has been working great until today, and it’s suddenly unavailable. Anyone else having issues?

Mine also broke today. The auth URL is giving a 400 bad request

Looks like 3.0.4 is out. Follow my directions above (in post 14 or 15), to update to 3.0.4 . Exit container, restart homeassistant. Confirmed it works

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Mine came back up without updating a bit ago.

Same here, working after the daily restart.

Mine went unavailable today after working up through the weekend…

This was an internal server error on MyQ’s end. Should be resolved now.

Can Confirm mine was unavailable earlier but has been back up for at least 20 minutes

Sure enough it is back, thanks!

Did this stop working? When I try to add the integration and enter my credentials it just says failed to connect. Thanks in advance.

Mine appears to be working just fine.
The standard check-list applies:

  1. make sure the myQ and HA are on the same network
  2. check to see if the myQ app (using the same credentials) will make it work
  3. check to make sure the myQ integration shows up in HA
  4. double-check the credentials in HA for typos
  5. check the logs to see what HA said when trying to connect to the myQ integration