Myq integration stuck on initialization

I could do this too.

Also does not work :frowning: any news on how to get it working?

Crazy. 9 days now.

Ditto here…not working in the midwest.

Still not working in California

Mine is not working either. I’m hoping to ditch the MyQ integration all together with this project that
provides local control:


Curious if the home kit option would work to offer local control instead? I haven’t set up home kit so unsure what it involves.

I’m not seeing any resolution to this issue. The workarounds seem to only work for integrations that were already initialized and even then they seem to be short lived.

I had exactly the same issue, but I found the solution that works for me:
You need to modify the file:

by changing line 34:
from self._useragent = None to self._useragent = str(“myq-ios-”)

To enter the HA docker use: docker exec -it homeassistant bash

Restart HA after changing the file.

I hope it will help you as well.

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This happened to me as well. Was hoping that they were just experiencing some LB issues but the MyQ app works just fine.

Any fix on this yet ?

Seems like there are many other modules having issues, for example hue, MyQ, unifi. All failed initialization.

Did you try the solution I described in a few posts above?
That solution fixed my issue:

Hi. I am running HA OS, and that docker command doesn’t work for me from the console, nor from the ssh access.

Is it possible to patch the plugin?

You need Advance SSH & Web Terminal.


Then disable protection mode for Advance SSH & Web Terminal and restart it (the add-on).

Now the docker command will work.

Thing to remember:

After every HA update (for example from 2023.9.2 to 2023.9.3), the change will be rolled back and MyQ integration will be stuck on initializing till you apply the useragent fix again. After applying the useragent fix, you have to restart HA otherwise the integration will be stuck in initializing mode.

As to your question about patching the plugin, the code maintainer has refused to implement a fix. As per him, useragent is not required in latest http specifications. He thinks the problem is from MyQ side. Some user contacted MyQ support and they have refused to look at the issue since HA is not a supported partner. I gleaned this information from reading about 300+ replies on the github discussion.

The above workaround has worked for several users including myself. The only downside is that you have to know a bit of Linux and vi editor. Some users have posted extensively detailed steps about which keys to press in vi to edit the file.

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What a train wreck. If the author of the plugin doesn’t want to fix something that is known not to work, he should either deprecate the plugin or hand it over to someone else who will maintain it.

Here is a link to the issue about this in github:

I found using these commands in the ssh shell to be the easiest tio implement:

I definitely dont want to do this every update. Are people having issues with the other things like hue, and unifi protect?

I hadn’t seen suggestion before I ended up doing the same thing. It was AMAZINGLY easy and at least while MYQ supports the homebridge (it has been discontinued, but they are saying they will keep supporting it), I think this is a better integration anyways - doesn’t rely on going to the web. To help the few who have the homebridge, you first unpair it from Apple HomeKit, then use the HomeKit integration to add a HomeKit device into Home Assistant. I then re-added the garages to Apple’s list of device the HomeKit Bridge integration (adding the garage doors as cover devices). In my case, kept the same names, all of my automations contined working. Now not working about MyQ integration getting fixed, and again, it is faster because it doesn’t use the cloud to send commands back to the door openers.

The useragent modification has stopped working. Looks like MyQ has put in some kind of check. Debug log has this entry:

2023-09-30 12:07:42.731 DEBUG (MainThread) [pymyq.request] Request failed with "403 Forbidden" (attempt #1/5)"; trying again in 2 seconds

I do not have iPhone/Apple products to implement homebridge.

For me, it is goodbye to MyQ till a fix is implemented.

I’ve tried this, and it does not work for me. I don’t have or use Apple’s HomeKit platform, I’m just running an instance of HomeBridge on one of the servers in my local network. I can add the MyQ device into HomeBridge, but nothing I do gets HA to recognize that the HB instance exists. I go to Integrations → Add Integration → HomeKit Device, and it just pops up that “No unpaired devices could be found”. My HomeBridge instance has never been paired with anything.

Edit: It’s because my HA is running in a container without hostNetwork.