myVAILLANT integration

Yes. App showing stats and allows me to modify target temp, etc.
I will try the integration again. Thank you.

i installed myVaillant today and looks well but i recognized after a while the following!
i have seen in the log that the State in Circuit 0 toggles every 1-4 minutes between HEATING and STANDBY
State in Circuit 0 wechselte zu HEATING
I’m a little worried that the heating will be turned on and off by Pyvaillant!

20:09:45 - Vor 1 Stunde
State in Circuit 0 wechselte zu STANDBY
20:08:44 - Vor 1 Stunde
State in Circuit 0 wechselte zu HEATING
20:06:43 - Vor 1 Stunde
State in Circuit 0 wechselte zu STANDBY
20:05:43 - Vor 1 Stunde
State in Circuit 0 wechselte zu HEATING
20:03:42 - Vor 1 Stunde
State in Circuit 0 wechselte zu STANDBY
20:02:42 - Vor 1 Stunde

You are right, I use senso
However, I have just checked with Vaillant and they do not know when my Vaillant app will be opened in DK.
Do you know if there are options with the app I have now?

There is an integration for senso app as well.

What are the potential values for State in Circuit, please?
I have only seen HEATING and STANDBY so far as I have DHW disabled currently.

May that, or another entity be used to detect whether a Vaillant AroTHERM is heating space or DHW?

HEATING, COOLING and STANDBY are possible values. There’s no state for DHW, but hypothetically you could derive it from a high flow temperature and heating state STANDBY.

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Thank you.

Has anyone else’s myVaillant app been playing up again? Can’t get changes to stick.

I’ve power cycled the gateway and updated the app…

Resolved now…

Your integration seems to be great but I d’ont understand some things.

Does your integration work locally (without cloud ?) I read a lot of post about vaillant api and server reliability.

I currently have a Saunier Duval Duo Condens F30 without gateway or thermostat.
I use the exacontrol device (RF) of Saunier Duval.

I read that I could buy a MiLink V3 gateway to allow connect my Heating system.
Do I need also a MiPro Thermostat since all My Heater Valves are connected and I already have Connected Thermostat. All managed by HA.

Sorry if my questions ar dumb but I’m a Newbie.
Thanks in advance for your answer.


Hi, is it possible to make variables such as outside temperature read/write so they can be set from HA or are they only available to the API as read-only?

The reason I ask is because the outside temperature sensors are quite prone to failing and when that happens the Weather Compensation goes completely awry as the controls default to something like -40c outside temperature so the boiler runs way hotter than it needs to and puts far too much heat into the house.

If the integration could write the outside temperature back to the boiler you could write a simple automation to set that temperature from another outside temperature measurement available to HA should that ever happen.

I am pretty certain that you won’t ever be able to do that with the Vaillant API. Even ebusd is relatively limited in terms of what it can “write” into the system.
If you want to spoof the outdoor temp sensor on a Vaillant system then look at the ngenic tune maybe. That does it automatically to optimise your heating system. Ngenic tune is not cheap though and it is mostly automatic so you might not be able to control the advanced features from Home Assistant.

It uses the myVAILLANT API, so cloud only.

As @CommanderROR already said, overwriting values is not possible with the API. Things that are meant to be controlled in the app can be updated, the rest is read only.

There are correction values for temperature sensors that can be set on the controller, unfortunately those are not exposed in the app or the API.

I’ve personally not seen my outside temp sensor go awry, it’s been tracking the forecasted temperature rather closely for over a year.

There’s an experimental release with support for multiple systems (i.e. heatpumps) contributed by ml1nk (Marcel Link) · GitHub

Make sure to read the release notes, before giving it a try! Feedback from users with multiple system would be highly appreciated. Please post a comment in the corresponding issue.

If I read the vaillant website, the VR 940f supports homekit.
Has anyone tried to control this thermostat through the homekit device integration?
This should work locally from my experience with other homekit devices. I even block all my IOT devices from the “internet” in my firewall.

Since the 940f appears to be available only outside Germany I have no clue…sorry.

It is possible to do. I didn’t find any benefit from doing so over using the myVaillant integration so I stop using it and removed it from Homekit which I no longer use.

So, if I am understanding it correctly, I can replace my “old” VR920 with the “new” 940f and connect it directly through homekit too home assistant which will work local?
Is the homekit code provided in the manual?
I am using an VR700, do I also need to replace this with the new Sensocomfort or is this not needed?
I do not use ambisense, so no problems here.

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How do you delete the devices that are no longer vallid after upgrading to the latest version, please?

I have deleted the entities and statistics, disabled the devices but do not see a way to delete them.

Have encountered this recently. Vaillaint’s cloud API appears to be somewhat unreliable. :disappointed:

That’s why I want a confirmation of someone that has the VR940f that has it working with homekit directly into home assistant. Is the homekit code provided in the manual? if so, we can use vaillant through homekit directly into home assistant locally, no reliant on the vaillant servers.
If vaillant only allows you to add the thermostat in the official app to homekit, this will not work (see Homekit documentation/Troubleshooting)
Others force you to use their app to configure HomeKit and don’t let you have the pairing pin - right now you won’t be able to use the integration with those devices.