Anyone else unable to connect via nabu casa this morning?
There really should be some way to check its status.
Working okay here - Goderich, Ontario
Working well also from Italy.
ya down for me WA, usa
That’s great for everyone who is up, not what I wanted to hear. I cannot connect and have had HA power cycled twice now.
Not working for me – Pacific Northwest, USA.
I’m in Idaho. I was connected at home this morning but cannot connect remotely now. I’ve had my wife power cycle my HA twice. I’m pretty sure it’s running because when she resets I get an Apple notification due to my icloud integration. Waiting for her to leave the house now so I can see if an automation works.
HA is definitely running. Just got two iOS notifications and the automation that runs when my wife leaves home just worked (checked the lights through the native app). Has to be Nabu. Is there any solution for this?
Yeh, remote access is not working for me here in So. Utah or for my son in So. Cal
It would be nice if there was some way to report an outage directly to Nabu.
It would be nice to know if there is a problem on the NabuCasa server, as I can’t connect in WA either. A status page on the server would be great instead of me pounding my head against the wall… I was about to reload a snapshot before I checked here…
Glad I posted then. I was a little hesitant but there’s really no other way to get info about Nabu. A server status on their site is a great idea.
I’m also down.
FYI - home-assistant.log contains the key indicator:
2021-08-10 09:01:33 ERROR (MainThread) [snitun.client.client_peer] Challenge/Response error with SniTun server
2021-08-10 09:01:33 ERROR (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.remote] Connection problem to snitun server
Down here as well in Portland, Oregon. Seems like this is tied to the Pacific Northwest region? My uptimerobot alert went off at 5:24AM.
Mine just connected finally
I re-booted my RaspberryPi and now it’s working
Yup, fixed now after a 3rd reboot. Whatever the issue was hopefully it’s fixed for the rest of you too.