I switched from Duck DNS to Nabu Casa a couple months ago. I am going to have to switch back, because I always seem to be having connection issues over the last month. Any advice on how to troubleshoot this? right now, it is down completely.
Which area do you live in? I haven’t had any problems in Europe and it’s very reliable so far.
United State, Minnesota. I suppose it could be other issues, but the problems started when I switched do Nabu Casa. It is in and out. Thanks
Strange… in 4 years Nabu my outage is exactly 2 times several minutes. That fits the 99,9 % we all dream of…
Most likely it is something else, then!
Good Question. I set up my Mini PC a year ago, and it has been working flawlessly Since about 3 weeks ago. I will have to check my DNS settings when I am on my local wan.
Between cloud flare and google and 4 nines (Or research your own), one of them should work, and picking a different one may fix you up.
If you are messing with using pi-hole, adware, or another man-in-the-mddle DNS blocker, you are on your own…
Hi Bryan,
When you say that Nabu Casa is down, I’m guessing you mean remote access to your system? Do you find your web browser is giving you messages like “connection list. reconnecting…”?
I don’t have an answer for you but I find that happening to me for remote access. I don’t yet understand why. Other than to say I don’t think it’s the performance of my home network or HA box, because…
To help improve my remote access abilities to my systems at home I have recently started using Tailscale. It’s on my HA box, CCTV box & my phone & the mobile app performs perfectly when remote. If i don’t have Tailscale running on my phone then it’s connection reliability is terrible.
Unfortunately I can’t install Tailscale on my work PC so i’m stuck (for now) with constant disconnections/reconnections when using vanilla Nabu Casa remote access.
I saw someone else write about DNS. I’ll mess with my DNS settings at home tonight. For my HA box the only DNS server i have set is my pfsense router & it has reference to other DNS servers.
Create a ticket with nabu casa.
For another datapoint, I made the switch 2 years ago and have had 0 nabucasa outages so far. NY
My experience with remote access Nabu Casa from EU is near 100% too
Just chiming in to say in the Gulf Coast and the Midwest, zero issues with Nabu Casa over several years.
I have been using Nabu Casa now since 2018. Since about 5 months I am also experiencing frequent errors which cannot be pinpointed (or at least are not apparent in the logs). Have now changed dns servers to see if that solves the issue (was previously set at only Gut feeling says that it is most frequent when accessing Frigate streams inside Homeassistant
If it doesn’t work I will raise a ticket with Nabu Casa.
Thank you for the reply Nick! Yes, I probably did not articulate very well, but what I meant was I am having remote access issues. I should probably not blame Nabu Casa as there are many other factors. I just brought that up because I recently migrated from Duck DNS to Nabu Casa. We use the companion app exclusively but I do use a chrome browser remotely when I work at my office. it is remote access 90% through the companion app. Lost connection, cannot connect etc
Same issue here. Whenever I open a lovelace that has multiple frigate cards, I instantly get “connection lost, reconnecting…”.