Nabu Casa not available error from Google Home

I’m experiencing this issue more and more lately. I opened a ticket with the support and they told me the same, they’ll come up with a better cloud soon this or next month. For now, I setup the ipV6 thing and I’ll test it over the next few days.

Wanted to bring up this topic again since I believe it can be considered a closed issue. Since they upgraded the cloud resources I’m having no more issues, everything is working flawlessy. :slight_smile:
Wanted to thank the HA guys, I’m happy to pay for the service again :wink:

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Struggling to connect Google Assistant with Home Assistant Cloud. I have this error every time, even after the latest HA update: “Could not reach Home Assistant Cloud by Nabu Casa. Please try again”. I’m the only one with this issue? :smiley:

nope i having the same isseus with remote ui and also google assistant but its all connected.
my subscrition on my ui says till 5 feb and on nabu casa 5 mrt ?? and in the ui remote ui says not connected

Hello, I’ve been playing around with this issue for last couple of hours. Tried to disable ipv6 without luck. Also tried to restart HA few times and noticed that once entities not yet loaded in HA and I’m trying connect to google home at the same time app says that no devices available so it means connection between HA and Google home is working. So I went to /config/cloud/google-assistant and started to remove exposed entities for google home. Finally I left exposed only switches and lights and it connected and all my entities appeared in google home app. The problem was Gree Air Conditioner entities which become unavailable few weeks ago and once I removed exposure of the last entity of AC it connected straight away. Hope it will help. :slight_smile: Check entities which are not used and not available and remove exposure to google home and I believe it will work as a charm. Also this situation explains why google home cannot connect to HA after restart - some entities are not available and some how google rejects connection. HA developers should look into this deeper.

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Out of nowhere all the HA entities was removed from GH…

I got these messages when trying to reconnect HA from the GH app:
“could not reach home assistant cloud by Nabu Casa. please try again.”

Or from within Settings in HA:
Syncing failed Syncing your entities failed, try again or check the logs.

After readning this thread I tried changing my DNS settings on my DHCP server(Pi/Hole)

Very clearly an DNS issue is this end!

I use used Cloudflare DNS before, as soon as I pointed to Googles DNS (why not…)
I ensured HA had updated the DNS(I rebooted the PI)
I resynced everything in Settings/Home Assistant Cloud/Google Assistant/Manage entities.


It’s weird because it’s (almost) always when my wife uses a Google Home Routine.

I have the exact same routine set up on my Google Home user.

I have added “active fade bedroom lights” to the “Goodnight” GH routine which toggled a switch in HA and runs a node-red flow.

I’ve now disabled IPV6 on the HA device and I’ve changed the DNS servers to Google’s (they were running through AdGuard on my unraid server).