NAD T778 on HA

i am tring to configurate my nad t778 with this integration

but I can never see the device.
Can someone help me?

My yaml is this

  platform: nad
  name: NAD T778
  type: Telnet
  host: ""
  max_volume: 0

I always find the entities as “not avaiable”

Please format your config code correctly for the forum:


Should look like:

  - platform: nad

and so on. We cannot tell if you have any formatting errors in your YAML with it posted as you have.

Also, there’s no need to blank out local IP addresses. My (Yamaha) receiver is on, for example.

Other posts suggest you need:

    port: 23

in the config, as the integration default seems to be 53. Don’t expect it to be perfect though:

I used port 23 but nothing has changed.
So i prefer to delete it su use the default 53.

The player is always not avaiabile.

Try it as a YAML list entry (leading hyphen, which I can now see isn’t there with your formatting correction):

  - platform: nad
    name: NAD T778
    type: Telnet
    host: ""
    port: 23
    max_volume: 0
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Love you mate, is working :slight_smile:

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Another little thing.

I noticed that if the Nad disconnect from network the entity became not avaiable and it doesn’t come back online unless I restart the yaml.
Is there a way to restart the service with a trigger or sometingh else? Is there a service for this for ex?


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And if i would like to trigger when it disconnect? Is it possibile? Otherwise other trigger could start in inappropriate moment…

Automation with a state trigger on your entity going to unavailable.